White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2763: See you again

Song Jing suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were calm and deep, like the ocean.

"Sister Song!" Jingxian could not help but call.

Song Jing smiled slightly: "Sister!"

"You ...?" I looked at her quietly up and down, feeling her sea-like breath of Penghu, and said with emotion: "Sure enough, alive, Buddha, Amitabha!"

Song Jing lamented: "I want to thank Dingru!"

Quietly: "Huh-?"

Song Jing looked away with emotion and said: "After experiencing this death, I have a deeper understanding of Jing Haishu, and I am taking it a step further. Sister, you should say that I should take good care of you?

At the end she said, her voice became low, with a deep sense of murder.

Quietly quietly: "You can be careful, don't kill too much and mess up the square, so that he can take advantage of it, he is too cunning!"

"Yes." Song Jing nodded slightly.

The next step crossed to quiet leisure and looked at her.

The two forces rushed into the spring from the soles of her feet in an instant, and then quickly washed away all her internal organs like warm spring water. All her pores were open.

"Thank you, sister." Jingxian smiled sweetly.

This time her injuries were gone.

It is no wonder that the sister and sister can be resurrected from death. This power is full of vitality, and the richer it is, the more imaginative it is. In such a breath, it is not difficult to understand the resurrection from death. This is the real secret.

"Sister, you should go back." Song Jing said: "Relax, I have enough to clean up him now!"

Quietly: "He doesn't know that you are still alive now, so he can take advantage of this opportunity to calculate him!"

She is still not assured of Song Jing. Even if Xiu is better than Chu Li, she still feels worried. It is best to take advantage of Chu Li's unprepared calculations and a fatal blow is the best way.

Song Jing thought about it and nodded gently: "Listen to her sister."

Jingxian then smiled: "There is that Li Feiyu, who almost swallowed me just now. I had to use mystery to get away. This guy is a wolf. Be careful!"

"After all, we still have to be our opponents." Song Jing nodded gently. "It's okay to use one now. Yu Jianzong won't obey his way out of the site. There must be a battle."

"It's good if you understand." Quietly with a light jaw, He Shi said, "Then I'll go back first. You can also see the Lord when you have time."

"Um." Song Jing nodded.

Quietly fluttering away, Song Jing flashed back to Tianle House.


The moment Song Jing woke up, Chu Li also opened his eyes leisurely.

He sighed and finally came alive, this time it was really dangerous.

The sunshine outside the window was bright, the breeze swept across the wall, and the sound of passing bamboo leaves relaxed into your ears.

His heart was quiet.

What is the power exerted by Song Jing and how powerful it is, but fortunately, the Kuang Rong Jing can be eliminated through death. Unlike the endless fire like karma, power has its own emphasis.

He has always felt that the power of karma is indestructible and can burn everything. Unfortunately, there is no such beautiful thing in the world. The power of karma also has the nemesis. It is not without disadvantages that Song Jing restrains.

He sighed. In this way, his killer was missing, but fortunately, he now has a battle arrow, a god-struck arrow, and a god-bound bracelet.

He squinted his eyes slightly, moving his mind to take off the stars, and frowned.

"Quality brother, please come in." Chu Liyang cried.

He saw qualitative monks standing outside the door, and looked angrily at this side.

The qualitative monk pushed in the door and saw Chu Li greeted the hospital with a smile: "How is the injury?"

"No big deal," Chu left.

Qualitative monk said: "Master, then Song Jing is really dead? We are preparing their revenge."

Chu Li shook his head: "Live here again!"

Qualitatively froze and shook his head with a grin: "I really don't know if she is happy or unhappy. Once she dies, she will be madly retaliated, but not dead, Master Huiguang and you are dangerous.

Chu Li said: "I will kill again!"

He said it was a tithe.

The qualitative monk was busy: "Be careful."

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

The next moment he appeared in Rukawa City and came to a restaurant.

This restaurant is soaring and magnificent. It is one of the best restaurants in Liuchuan City. It has a high banner, and the words "Zhaoyun Tower" are floating in the wind, glittering with gold.

When Chu Li came to the building, it was not time for meals. The restaurant was not crowded. He came to a table by the window, asked for a few dishes and a pot of fine wine, and sat quietly by the window.

After a moment, Bai Ying flashed, a faint fragrance floated, and Song Jing appeared to sit opposite.

Chu Li smiled slightly, took the silver cup and raised it gently: "Girl Song, congratulations, congratulations!"

"Congratulations?" Song Jing said lightly.

She had cold eyes and stared at Chu Li, as if to see through his heart.

Chu Lidao said: "Isn't it a great blessing to come back to life? From then on, I have learned a lot about life and a deeper understanding of martial arts. Isn't it a great joy?"

"So, I want to thank you for that?" Song Jing sneered at him.

Chu Li smiled: "You don't need to be polite, you have no intention of doing it. If you change to Song Girl, you will also die?"

"Yes." Song Jing's jaw faintly said, "Then you changed to me, and now you're making great progress, will you retaliate?"

Chu Li nodded gently: "It's ~ www.readwn.com ~ Song Jing said:" This time you won't have any conspiracy or tactics, and there is no place to borrow. Be obedient to death, and this time I won't revive you. Chance, will cut off your head. "

Chu Li smiled: "It is indeed a profound lesson!"

He put down the silver cup, refilled it, and said lightly, "What about Li Feiyu? Even if I didn't kill you, he wouldn't miss the chance, would he?"

"He--?" Song Jing said: "You don't have to worry about it, and he will see him sooner or later."

Chu Li held up the silver cup and gave a sip: "Girl Song, don't you think the suffocation is too heavy?"

He reached out to greet the waiter, and added a silver cup to Song Jing, filling her: "Come on, drink a cup before killing."

"It's okay." Song Jing held up the silver cup and said lightly, "In fact, I admire you very much. Nowadays, except Wandao, you are the most difficult opponent I have encountered."

Chu Li smiled: "Thank you Miss Song for praise."

Suddenly his face changed slightly, looking at the three old men who suddenly appeared behind him.

The three old men are wearing black robes, their faces are red, and their eyes are open and cold, and they are frightening.

Chu Li felt ashamed and couldn't help but want to pull away, but the spirit of the three had locked himself, locked in the void, and a slight change was their stormy attack.

Chu Lihe said with a smile, "I don't know the three seniors ...?"

"Are you sure?" His pudgy old man hissed.

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but it rang clearly in Chu Li's ears, shaking him with blood and shocking. What kind of old ancestor should he be? Is it Yu Jianzong?

"It's the little monk." Chu Lihe said.

"That's good!" The chubby old man nodded and looked at Song Jing: "Who are you?"

PS: The update is complete.

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