White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2767: reverse

She chuckled, sweet.

Chu Li felt harsh.

He sank, sighed, and died shortly.

The Liuli Miaolian Sutra couldn't break the bondage. This strange and unusual power should be the force of the sea. Unlike the strength he'd seen before, he couldn't perform the exercises and could only run the Liuli Miaolian Sutra.

"Slow!" Chu Li shouted.

The words fell at a glance, the surrounding rubble shot, and even the scarlet pillar flew away.

Song Jing stepped closer to him, and Su Jieyu patted him lightly.

Chu Li busy said: "Girl Song, what about our strategy?"

Song Jingyu's palm rested on his chest, already sticking to his heart, staring at him with a smile: "As long as you die, push their death to you, there is no proof of death, or you join forces with Li Feiyu!"

Chu Li sighed, "The most poisonous woman's heart!"

Song Jingyu's palm was close to his chest, and his palm seemed to be vomiting. Seeing Chu Li's panic was indescribable, he smiled and said, "You're useless even if you're doing a trick!"

Chu Lidao said, "What martial arts do you use?"

"It's not martial arts, it's a treasure." Song Jing smiled like a flower, and her eyes were as beautiful as autumn.

They were so close together that they could smell the faint aroma of her body and exhale like blue, but they wanted to take his life.

He didn't feel hesitant, knowing that once she killed herself, she would learn the lessons of her resurrection, and he would have cut his head off, thus severing his chance of resurrection. No matter how terrified the Kuang Rongjing was, he couldn't have a head.

Even she would be even harder, burning him directly with a fire, leaving only ashes.

"What treasure?" Chu Li busy said.

"You're not dead yet?" Song Jing smiled slightly, proudly: "The soul of the ocean."

Chu Li frowned, "I haven't heard of it!"

Song Jing Yanran smiled suddenly, her face suddenly sinking and Yulan said coldly, "Okay, here you are!"

She said she was going to attack Chu Lixin's heart.

"Bang!" Song Jing flickered blue and flew out.

"Bang bang bang ..." The God of Thunder sword kept firing.

Song Jing's blue light flickered and became more and more prosperous.

Chu Li's face changed slightly, and he sighed helplessly.

Unexpectedly, the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword did not work, Song Jing was pregnant with treasures, which was really tricky.

Song Jing flew back again and fell to him with a faint fragrance, staring coldly at him.

Chu Li sighed, "This is also the soul of the ocean?"

"Yes!" Song Jing hummed. "I look down on you!"

She never imagined that at this time, Chu Li was **** and unable to carry out exercises, and she could still perform such a powerful killing move. Without the soul of the ocean, I'm afraid it will be impossible to escape.

When she was trembling, her murderousness was stronger, and Yu Zhang slowly stuck to his heart.

Chu Li smiled bitterly: "Miss Song, why should we die?"

"Hey." Song Jing sneered.

"Well ..." Chu Li sighed: "We work together and have a good understanding, this feeling is wonderful!"

"Goodbye!" Song Jing didn't want to let him delay, and spit it out vigorously.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Chu Li flew out.

"Dammit!" Song Jing suddenly thought that Chu Li was pregnant with treasures. He should have taken his treasures before killing him.

Chu Li spit out blood in the air, then the light flashed inside his sleeve.

"Hello!" Song Jing felt uncomfortable as soon as the squeak sounded, but the response was not enough.

"Boom!" Like a thunder, she flew upside down, her body shining blue.

Where the blue light touched, the rubble flew up, rolling them up like a tornado, throwing them into the air, and then falling like a rain.

The people around had left and no one was injured, but they all stared wide open when they saw the situation from afar.

"Bang, bang, bang ..." Song Jing kept backing in the air, but the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword started again.

The blue light protects her body. Song Jing is not too injured, but she is pale and insane. Although she is protected by treasures, the destroying arrow weakens most of her strength, and she still hurts with a touch of strength.

Song Jing stood a few hundred meters away and looked down at him in the void: "Okay! It really is worth it!"

Chu Li smiled: "Girl Song, let's make peace!"

Song Jing stepped out, her legs fell to the ground, and she bent down to pick up the God of Destruction Arrow, and said lightly: "The power of the God of Destruction Arrow is really good, but unfortunately you don't have it now, and the God of Confinement cannot be triggered."

She knew why Chu Li was able to evoke the arrow of extermination, all from her own palm.

But now he does not attack himself, as long as he removes his treasure, he cannot use his power to urge the God-bound disk, and there is no threat.

Chu Lidao said, "How can you conclude that the bound God disk cannot be urged?"

Song Jing's face changed slightly, her whole body tightened.

She has now become a bow-struck bird, and her heart is broken tightly in the face of Chu Li's endless tricks.

Chu Li smiled and said: "It is possible that the Binding God will launch next moment."

"Do you want to lead me to attack you?" Song Jing sneered.

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

Song Jing stepped closer to him, and God of Destruction Arrow reached his chest with a smile: "It's enough to break your body, I don't have to use any internal force to kill you!

Chu Li Road said: "You can't kill me!"

"Then try it!" Song Jing said vigorously ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bang! "Her flash of light disappeared in place.

A light flashed, and Chu Li was smashed into a large pit.

Song Jing flashed again, the light hit the air again.

She had seen the light clearly, but it was a circle.

When Chu Li wore the Qiankun bracelet on her wrist, she kept shrinking in her sleeves, and she did not notice.

Qiankun bracelet turned into a silent sound, no breaking sound, the best sneak attack.

She has a strong spirit and a keen sense, so she avoids surprises in advance.

She was just smug, and suddenly froze, her face changing.

"Haha ..." Chu Li laughed, stretched out his hand, and Qiankun bracelet got into his sleeve.

Song Jing stood still, her face somber and gritted her teeth and said, "Bound God!"

Chu Li smiled and said: "Girl Song, it's a pity, it's a pity, you're still a little behind, you still can't kill me!"

Song Jing said coldly: "Let's count your life!"

Chu Li said: "Now, girl Song, how do you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

"What do you mean by peace?" Song Jing sneered: "No peace at this time?"

Chu Li shook his head: "This time and every other time."

He slowly reached out and took out the destroying arrow in Song Jing's hand, put it in his sleeve, and looked up and down: "Where is the soul of the ocean?"

Song Jing changed slightly: "Certainly, you are a monk!"

Chu Lihe said with a smile: "The little monk has offended."

Song Jing gritted her teeth and said, "It's not tangible, you can't see it!"

Chu Li nodded: "That's it, let me send you Song as soon as possible. I will be more careful this time, and after you die, I will ask the brothers in the temple to help me overdo you."

Song Jing's face became increasingly ugly, knowing that he would not give himself a chance to resurrect this time.

PS: The update is complete.

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