White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2769: Desire

A qualitative monk said: "People on Qianyang Island dare to use this, hey, we really don't take our Daci'en Temple into our eyes!"

Chu Lidao said, "They have such a powerful treasure, will they return?"

"If they return, our Daci'en Temple will have a thick report." The qualitative monk sneered: "The relationship between Qianyang Island and us is really going to be returned, and it is really difficult for us."

Chu Li said: "The brother doesn't have to be angry. The people who brought this relic have been killed by me, and some of their brothers have also died under a relic."

"Have you used it?" The qualitative monk frowned.

Chu Li nodded and said, "I didn't know what it was at the time. It's a pity, but when my life is at stake, I can't care so much."

"How did you fight them?"

Chu Li then talked about the grievances and said a few things.

He shook his head qualitatively: "You actually killed Song Jing, and she came back to life. The hatred between you is getting stronger and stronger, and it can't be resolved."

Chu Li Road said: "You live and die, how can it be resolved."

Although Song Jing is beautiful, she wants to take her own life, and she doesn't hesitate to show mercy. He is also blessed and can only kill her.

A qualitative monk said: "I have heard the abbot say that Song Jing, a daughter of Fuze, has a long, deep morale and is not good at killing, so there have been no killers in the temple."

Chu Li raised an eyebrow: "If you don't kill him, it will be Master and Brother them!"

The qualitative monk shook his head and said, "Each has its own cause and effect. You still have to think about how to deal with the people of Qianyang Island. Maybe join forces with Girl Song."

His perception of Song Jing is not so bad.

First of all, Song Jing had a beautiful appearance. Secondly, when she dealt with disciples at Da Ci'en Temple, she only discarded martial arts and did not hurt anyone, nor did she kill anyone. She only dealt with Hui Guang's pulse.

He felt that it was not impossible to resolve the grievances. After all, Song Jing's brother was too violent and killed himself. Even if it was not Daci'en Temple, there were others who killed him.

Song Jing is reasonable and should be able to think clearly.

Chu Li sighed, "Brother, you ... it's too naive!"

Although qualitative monks are clever and responsible for intelligence information, they are well-informed and have a deep understanding of the darkness of human nature. However, they have not experienced simple things.

He had personally met Song Jing's fierceness, and it was not kindness to not kill Da Ci'en Temple disciples, but to worry about angering Da Ci'en Temple and dispatching the top monks.

The qualitative monk said badly: "There is nothing wrong with turning Gan Ge into jade."

Chu Lidao said: "If someone else is still possible, Song Jing, impossible!"

"Cooperating a few more times will naturally eliminate grievances." Qualitative monk said: "This time is a good opportunity. Get along a lot and naturally dispel grudges."

Chu Li shook his head and did not report this hope at all. Such blood feuds could not be resolved at all, and there were not so many beautiful things in the world that turned gangsters into jade.

"Hmm ..." The qualitative monk was rather disappointed: "It seems impossible to cooperate to defend the enemy."

Chu Lidao said: "It is a last resort to join forces and we will have to fight for our lives next time."

"It's a pity." The qualitative monk shook his head.

Chu Li laughed and found it interesting.

There is still a romance in the qualitative monk's bones, and he even imagines such beautiful things, which is really a daydream.


Song Jing appeared in a quaint and elegant Nizhan.

Nizhan is located in a valley surrounded by flowers, warm as spring, a gust of wind blowing, and a bunch of flowers shaking with the wind, emitting bursts of floral fragrance.

The courtyard where Song Jing appeared was sitting quietly.

She was dressed in a clean suit, with a crystal-clear and gentle melon seed with anxiety on her face, watching the green bamboos in the corner quietly, the green bamboos rustling, and the courtyard seemed extraordinarily quiet.

As soon as Song Jing appeared, she turned her head fiercely, and saw her, and suddenly rejoiced, "Shimei!"

Song Jing smiled: "Sister, is it all right?"

"How are you?" Silently looked her up and down and sighed, "I'm afraid you'll be killed again!"

"How can it be so easy!" Song Jing hummed, sneer: "I almost took his life!"

Quietly showed excitement: "Really? Come on!"

She deeply felt the hardship of Chu Li, and had no confidence in Song Jing.

Although Song Jing has stronger martial arts, and as a deputy island owner, he is also a man with a wrist, but in front of that monk, he is childish like a child and too easy to lose.

She was surprised and curious when she heard Song Jing almost killed Chu Li.

Song Jing went through the matter carefully and asked Jingxian to help analyze it without any concealment.

Although Xianxian has a cold temperament and rarely has been born, she has a thorough understanding of the world and has unique insights.

After listening to Song Jing's words, she quietly pursed her lips and smiled, "So you haven't lost, you almost killed him."

"Unfortunately there is only one step left." Song Jing shook her head.

Quietly said: "You two are equal in strength, really better together. Shimei, have you never thought about resolving this hatred?"

"Impossible!" Song Jing Shen said, "Brother's hatred must be reported!"

"Hmm ..." Jingxian gently shook his head: "You also know the situation of your elder brother, it is certain that you will die. Even we may take a shot, but we only care about you, so I have been patient."

"Brother's revenge can not fail." Song Jing said softly.

Although she had a soft voice, her voice was unwavering.

Seeing this situation ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s useless to know how to persuade: "But your brother's hatred is not related to him in the final analysis, it is only related to his master. At that time, he had not worshiped the monk of Huiguang. . "

"Who made him an apprentice of the monk Huiguang!" Song Jing hummed.

Jingxian pouted and smiled: "Well, then let him jump into the fire pit without opening his eyes, but you have to be careful, you may not really be able to deal with him, but you will be killed by him."

She thought of Song Jing's death at first, and she became cold.

The next time he is killed by a monk, it is impossible to resurrect.

Song Jing said, "Sister, I'm here for help. I'm looking for treasures to restrain the arrows of God and the gods, can I have them here?"

"Treasure ..." After thinking for a while, he slowly nodded: "Yes, but there is only one."

"No problem!" Song Jing laughed.

Song Jing said: "Unfortunately, the treasures of Qianyang Island have been set as stinky monks!"

"I know the treasure." Quietly frowning, Jade's face sank: "It should be Mosheli!"

Song Jing was curious.

Quietly, he explained the origin of Mozari, and finally said in a deep voice: "These monsters, we Buddhists all win, but unfortunately you can't get them, otherwise you can find masters of Mozong and take it out!

"Does Da Ci'en Temple have this means?" Song Jing asked.

Jingxian gently shook her head: "It is unique to our Tianyueyuan, and it must be combined with the mysterious mirror."

"That's easy, I'll go back to Dingru monk," Song Jing said.

Quietly smiled: "He will promise?"

"Just grab it!" Song Jing hummed.

She heard the origin of Mosheli, and she felt deep pain for the people of Mozong.

"Okay." Quiet leisurely jaws: "Beside Qianyang Island, be careful, they also have great characters."

Song Jing waved her hand and disappeared.

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