White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2817: dagger

Chu Li smiled.

He has several jade charms on his body, each with its own magic, especially enough defense. Although he now has the Qiankun bracelet, the defense is amazing enough, but he still sails carefully for thousands of years and wants to be stronger.

In addition, he has the Time Sword and the Extinction Arrow, and the Demon Seal. The attack power is strong enough, and the most important thing is defense.

Sure enough, as expected, Zhang Changhuai thought of a way to crack the **** disk, which is the most important for the Blood Yangzong.

It is impossible to break the bound **** disk. The master of the Blood Yangzong let him slaughter. Only by breaking the bound **** disk can there be other possibilities.

And this time, Zhang Changhuai made a ruthless and took out such a powerful treasure, which can break the defense of Qiankun bracelet, it is not an ordinary treasure.

Chu Li had clearly seen the white light, but it was a dagger.

The dagger is delicate and vicissitudes, shining red light, then the red light condenses into a red light, thin and bright.

Chu Li once again cast the Binding God Disk, and then used the Extermination Arrow, followed by the Time Divine Sword, even if they were not trapped, they could not stop it.

"Run!" Someone yelled.

Then all the masters of Blood Yangzong wanted to hide into the void, but were blocked by invisible power, Chu Li sneered, and once again cast the time sword.

The six blood pillars rose with the first stage, and killed six people, and the others roared and threw nine sun beads.




In the muffled sounds, Chu Li shook his head helplessly, the time magic sword returned to the sheath, and then the body shuttled like electricity.

These guys have learned so much that they originally wanted to besiege him together, but now they are scattered, just begging him not to kill many people at once.

One by one, nine Yangzhu shot out, one after another, all the masters of Blood Yangzong were red-eyed, forgotten to die, do not ask for their own lives, but only to pull Chuli together to die.

Seeing Chu Li attacking, they did not dodge, but just launched Jiuyangzhu.

There is no way for the Sword of Time to encounter such a situation, but Fu Moyin is the most suitable. Under Fu Moyin, you can directly cut off the Jiuyangzhu.

So they want to pull Chu Litong together and die, but there is no way.

A voodoo seal, they even destroyed people and Jiuyangzhu. When they were unwilling to fall, Chu Li had appeared in front of another person, and a voodoo seal was calmly printed.

Xue Yangzong's master glared angrily, anxious to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but unfortunately, the eyes full of hate will soon dim and die out.

The void is already locked. For Chu Li now, this is not difficult, a jade charm can do it.

The rest wanted to use light work to escape, Chu left the body too fast, he was killed one by one, the blink of an eye has been all Fuxi.

The red light he was most worried about no longer appeared, Chu Li secretly relieved, and as he expected, this dagger had only one blow.

He glanced around, Zhang Changhuai didn't come, and eighteen later masters, plus the original nine masters, a total of twenty-seven masters died.

Chu Li stepped slowly past each master, who was killed by Fu Moyin, then added a sword to separate his body.

He stopped in front of the dagger, reached out and suddenly disappeared.

The dagger shot at his original location and exploded with a bang.

Chu Li appeared in another place, his complexion was astonished.

I did not expect this dagger to be so poisonous that it can only be cast once, and it can also self-destruct, breaking the road to finding its weakness.

Chu Li threw up happy thoughts and turned to Jiuyangzhu.

They carried two nine-yang beads in their arms, one for dealing with others and one for themselves, but unfortunately they were not used.

Chu Li stretched out his hands, and they flew over one after another. Twenty-seven masters, a total of fifty-four nine-yang beads, the remaining only forty.

Chu Li looked at these Jiuyang beads and shook his head.

Every time he saw Jiuyangzhu, he was full of contradictions. They were powerful and used to protect their bodies, but each one was condensed by essence and blood, and condensed by injustice and evil spirit.

Collect these nine sun beads, and then run the secret method again.

A moment later, he appeared on top of a towering giant peak, and saw a withered old man, wearing a gray robe, standing with his hands on the mountain, looking up at the sky.

Chu Li suddenly appeared, as if he didn't realize it, he still looked at the sky obsessively.

"Oh, what is this old lady looking at?" Chu Li coughed gently: "Is there anything strange in the sky?"

"The old man thinks of the upper layer of heaven!" The old man in gray robe said slowly.

His voice was harsh and unpleasant, as if filled with sand.

Chu Lidao said: "This layer of sky is good enough. It has a longevity. Does the previous layer have a longer life?"

"The lifespan of the previous layer is the same as this one, it is a thousand years," said the old man faintly. "But the same 10,000 years, the people in the previous layer have different ways of living."

Chu Li was curious and laughed: "What's the difference?"

The withered old man turned his head and looked over, as if looking down at an ant.

Chu Lidao said: "Little monks are sparse and eager to learn, and look forward to their guidance."

"You are the kid of Da Ci'en Temple?" The old man hummed.

Chu Li nodded: "It's the little monk."

The old man said: "You are really crazy, Da Ci'en Temple hasn't been so crazy for a long time!"

Chu Li smiled: "Is the older generation aware of the situation on the next level?"

"I know." The old man nodded: "But I don't want to tell you this little monk!"

Chu Li sighed and shook his head: "It seems that the seniors do not know."

"Huh, the superficial method of shocking." The old man whispered: "But the old man wants to be fooled, there is no martial art in the next level!"

Chu Li froze, and then laughed and said, "Impossible?"

"What is impossible!" The old man hummed. "There is no martial arts ~ www.readwn.com ~ naturally there is no dispute. With weaponry and killing heart, without martial arts, even if you quarrel with others, you will not be able to fight. Worry of life. "

Chu Li Road said: "There is no martial arts, but there are weapons, and if you want to kill, you can kill with a stone."

"Huh, the people there are very strong, strong defenses by nature, and stones and weapons can't be hurt." Said the old man.

Chu Li raised an eyebrow, and really became interested.

"That's a world without death ..." The old man sighed faintly: "No pain, no accident, everyone can live for 10,000 years. What is like this world, even if it can live for 10,000 years, it can truly live for 10,000 years. How many more? Very few! "

Chu Li's jaw head: "That's true, seniors can't live for ten thousand years!"

"Just your little monk?" The old man sneered, "a joke!"

He said, three old men appeared again in the void, all of them withered, looking at him indifferently, like looking at a dead man.

Chu Li's smile covered his face.

He wished so, otherwise he would lock up the void when talking to the old man, lest someone come to help.

He could not wait for more Masters of Blood Yangzong, the more he killed, the better, he felt a sense of urgency.

Maybe this kind of wanton killing blood Yangzong masters is less and less, seize the opportunity to kill some, accumulate merits, and improve the best.

The four withered elders looked at Chu Limei with a smile, and felt inexplicably hairy.

The previous blighted old man hummed, "Little monk, are you crazy?"

"He thinks we can deal with it well," said another thin old man coldly, "think of us as a dish."

"Hehe ..." All four old men laughed.

Chu Li and them all smiled and looked very kind.

"Bang!" There was a sudden blast around them.

The Binding God Plate collided with an inexplicable force, making a loud noise.

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