White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2829: Dismantling

Chu Li frowned.

Although he wanted to kill Song Xuan, the other party wanted to kill himself, of course he had to kill, so as not to stay behind, but he wanted to kill Su Miaomiao more.

This woman is too vicious, she smiles Yan Yan, smiles as a killer, and is a companion who kills herself. Such a heartfelt and terrible, not only her now, but she must die in the future.

Not only the present self, but also the future self will be threatened.

Nevertheless, he was murderous and wanted to overflow his chest, but he did not rush to catch up.

To such a woman, you need to be careful and careful, lest you be fooled, and you will undoubtedly fail if you act impulsively.

This woman has a tenacious character and will not give up until she achieves her goal. She will definitely come back to find herself and continue to kill herself.

So if you want to deal with her, you can do it with ease.

He came to Song Xuan, looked at Song Xuan carefully and frowned, "Don't pretend to be dead, get up!"

He spoke to a headless man, looking weird and scary.

Song Xuan's body was motionless, her head was three steps away from her body, but the blood flow was far less than normal, as if there was no blood bleeding after a blood column was shot.

This detail is easy for others to ignore, because the head has left the body, and it will undoubtedly die, no matter whether it is bleeding or not.

Chu Li is different. He has seen too many miracles, and has a deeper understanding of death, knows how strong the vitality is, and knows what miracles in the world can restore vitality.

Chu Li thought for a while: "Pretend to die, that little monk will take away your leader directly, presumably there is no way to resurrect it?"

Song Xuan, who had closed his eyes, moved first, suddenly opened his eyes, then jumped up, fell to the neck of the body, the white light suddenly turned on, and his eyes fell like a sun.

Then he stood upright like a zombie, motionless.

Chu Li stroked his palm and laughed: "Awesome, admire it!"

He really admired this surviving miracle, and it seemed inferior to it.

Song Xuan was tense, eyes sharp, staring at Chu Li.

Chu Li smiled: "It's too late to be on alert now?"

"What do you want?" Song Xuan hummed.

Chu Lidao said, "What is your resurrection, Song Gongzi? God is almost its god!"

Song Xuan said: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, it's the dismantling of the demon!"

Chu Li stunned, then shook his head and said, "I still understand the dismantling of the demon. It is the technique of burning jade, as if it is different from this method of life-saving?"

"How can the demons disintegration be so simple?" Song Xuan sneered dismissively: "That's just the most superficial application!"

Chu Lidao said: "The power of the demons disintegration is amazing."

"This is nature!" Song Xuan proudly said, "The demon dismantling technique is one of our most powerful miracles. Even the most superficial application is powerful enough that ordinary people cannot guess!"

Chu Lidao said, "But the most amazing thing is this resurrection technique. If the first level is dropped, you can be resurrected. How can you kill it!"

"The higher the level of the demons disintegration technique, the harder it is to kill." Song Xuan hummed: "At the highest level, there is no way to kill, even if the body is destroyed, as long as there is a trace of flesh and blood, you can resurrect it!"

Chu Li said with emotion: "Sure enough, Demon Sect cannot be underestimated!"

Song Xuan said: "This is nature!"

Chu Li smiled and said: "But Song Gongzi and you Su really cooperate with each other. She used your demon dismantling technique to get away. If the little monk cares, he will also be hidden by Song Gongzi."

Song Xuan's face was hard to look at once.

Chu Li knew that, as expected, Song Xuan was used by Su Miao Miao, and Su Miao Miao did not even know the mystery of the demon's disintegration technique.

If Su Miaomiao knew this, she would regret it?

Chu Li then secretly shook his head.

Su Miaomiao will never regret it. If she can come back, she will still choose so and will not hesitate.

Song Xuan said: "Master Dingru, what do you do next?"

Chu Lidao said: "Song Gongzi wants to kill the little monk. Naturally, the little monk cannot stand by himself."

Song Xuan frowned and nodded, humming: "This is nature."

Chu Lidao said: "If this is the case, if Song Gongzi abandons martial arts, and the young monk abides by the good virtues of heaven, he will let Song Gongzi go!"

"Impossible!" Song Xuan hummed.

Chu Li shook his head and said: "It seems that Song Gongzi hasn't figured it out yet, the dagger is very powerful, but he can't help the little monk!"

Song Xuan said: "I admire you from now on!"

The divine dagger is almost a must-kill device. No one can hide it, but he couldn't get the monk in front of him.

This kind of thing happened for the first time.

Chu Lidao said: "What more powerful treasures can Song Songzi bring out? With the help of Girl Su before, why can't you have a young monk, now you can kill the young monk by yourself?"

"... No," Song Xuan said.

Chu Li smiled: "Song Gongzi is also a wise man. Naturally, he should know that the little monk can kill you."

"Yes," Song Xuan hummed.

Although he did not want to admit it, he could not ignore the facts.

The monk was indeed able to kill himself in front of him, especially when he was weak, his vitality was severe and his power was lost.

He has been talking to Chu Li just to delay time, to be able to resume more cultivation, and to have the opportunity to escape.

Chu Lidao said: "Song Gongzi wanted to delay time to resume cultivation and escape, but it was a waste of thought. How could Song Gong escape without the dagger?"

"... Can you really spare my life?" Song Xuan hummed.

Chu Li smiled and reached out ~ www.readwn.com ~ swear to the Buddha.

Song Xuan stared at him momentarily, wondering if he was lying.

Chu Li's identity makes him a little more credible, after all, he is a monk at Da Ci'en Temple and the owner of Fu Mo Temple.

Chu Li withdrew his palm and smiled, "Song son Song, can you believe now?"

"Good!" Song Xuan hummed.

Chu Li looked at him with a smile and said, "Looking at Song Gongzi's methods, delaying time is useless."

"... Okay!" Song Xuan gritted his teeth and stared at Chu Li.

If this is as if the monk had broken his promise, he really could not die anymore, and he could not expect the devil's disintegration.

This must be as if the monk was too cunning, and he had previously set out the mystery of the demon dismantling technique, and he must have guarded against it, and he would directly turn himself into a flesh.

Chu Li looked at him with a negative hand.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Song Xuan slaps himself on the palms of his hands, and immediately opens his mouth to spray a puff of blood mist.

Chu Li watched him fall softly, the Dayuan Xuankong can already see the other party's mind empty, and saw a demon.

This demon is very different from his own.

The demon in the void of his mind is his own appearance. Previously, he was as huge as a demon, but now he is almost as tall as himself.

However, the demon in Song Xuan's mind is a true demon, tall and towering like a mountain, with his eyes full of divine light, and his face full of expressions.

Chu Li saw that he was in a coma, apparently putting his fate in his hands.

He didn't think of a promise, but just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to gain more.

He came near, and recited the Heavenly Sutra calmly.

Although in a coma, Song Xuan's mind did not stop working. He was still receiving external influences and heard Chu Li's words clearly.

With the recitation of the Tian Mo Jing, Song Xuan's mind also started to operate the Tian Mo Jing. Even though Chu Li stopped chanting, Song Xuan's mind did not stop.

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