White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2837: Golem

Chu Lidao said: "But I haven't done one thing before I go to sit down."

"What's the matter?" Xinjing said.

Chu Liheng said, "The Blood Yangzong is not dead!"

The twelve gates of Mozong each have its own evil means, but the thing he hates most is the Blood Yangzong. Refining the essence of blood and resentment is a bead. He simply treats people as pigs and sheep.

"Xue Yangzong ..." Xinji gently shook his head: "The lords of the Temple of Fu Mo Temple in the past were the first to destroy them, but the blood Yangzong means are weird and cannot be destroyed, it is said that it may be related to the upper heaven."

Chu Li gritted his teeth and nodded slowly.

Xin Jing said: "Dingru, the world will be as good as possible, and it is impossible to get rid of evil. There are some things we can't do, and we can't catch it. Just ask for what we deserve."

As a gift of Chu Lihe, he drank the Lingbi tea in the tea cup: "Abbot, the disciples will leave!"

"Want to see the last side with Hui Guang?" Xin Jing said.

Chu Li shook his head: "Master will not go there."

"He must be angry," said Silently.

Chu Li smiled: "Master, free and easy, seeing through life and death, will not blame me for leaving without saying goodbye, only seeing the apprentice will add sadness, disciples leave!"

"Go." Xinji took the tea.

Chu Li got up with a ritual and stepped out of the Zen courtyard.

The next moment he appeared in front of another temple, a white light flashed in his sleeve, two white lights shot from his wrist, the Qiankun bracelet and the god-bound disk started at the same time, the golden light flashed outside the temple, and a golden mask appeared.

He closed the seal again, laying down an earth-shaking seal.

"Boom!" The golden light outside the temple shook, and it was crumbling.

Chu Li laid down a demon seal.

"Oh!" Jin Guang melted silently, and Rong Chuli drifted into it.

He stepped into the temple and turned into a erratic shadow. He fluttered six magic seals and killed six old monks in the temple.

Collecting the Jiuyangzhu in their arms, Chu Li continued to appear in the next place, constantly tracking and killing the masters of Blood Yangzong, almost non-stop, killing two hundred Masters of Blood Yangzong in one breath.

One evening later, he appeared in Fu Mo Temple.

There is no day or night in the space where Fu Mo Temple is located. It has always been like daylight. The sunlight outside seems to be endless and there is no night invasion.

He sat on the ground of the hall, feeling weak and weak.

In a situation where the heavens and the heavens are declining, his life is about to run out, and despite his physical arrogance, he cannot avoid the emergence of the heavens and the heavens.

He estimates that there are few remaining masters of the Blood Yangzong, because according to the Jiuyangzhu he got, it is already silent, there is no vitality, and he does not need to follow up his shots. If he wants to follow up, there is no proof, only for the time being. Come to an end and talk when you come back.

He sensed it a little bit, and this time he tried so hard to kill him. Although his cultivation increased greatly, his merits increased greatly, but Shou Yuan was greatly reduced, and only two days left.

He looked up at the gigantic Fu Mo Temple, empty, only himself.

If he really died this time, it would be really miserable. He alone would not dare to speak to Xiao Qi in the distance, and he would not dare to tell Sun Mingyue to them in the body of Tian Tiantian, let alone Said Xiao Shi of the lower bound.

He quickly regained his energy, abandoning distractions, firmly believing that he would be able to survive the past and be able to return again!

Thinking of this, he disappeared in place for a flash, and appeared next to a valley the next moment.

This valley is located in the vast mountains, there are no people around, no human trace, no one will pay attention to such an ordinary valley.

Chu Li went in silently, his body suddenly turned into a ghost, and headed towards the mountain wall next to him.

He disappeared as he walked, as if out of nothing in the valley.

His eyes suddenly opened up.

A wider valley appeared in front of the eyes, with flowers and flowers framing the birds, and the whole valley was dressed like a paradise. From time to time, handsome men and beautiful women flashed through the flowers, and their movements were elegant.

Chu Li casts the Heaven-Human Desaturation into the valley silently. If it wasn't for the sake of not disturbing the valley, he really didn't want to use such a mystical technique that consumes life, even if it is motivated by an external supplement. A trace of his original birthday.

He encountered other formations, and would rather attack hard, use the Heavenly Seal Qiankun Bracelet and the God-bound God to destroy the arrows together, and he did not want to use the Heaven and Man Deification and the Time Sword.

The more Shou Yuan was gone, the more keenly I felt about Shou Yuan, and I found that the Sword of Time and Desaturation of Heaven and Man consumed a little of the original Shou Yuan.

If his life is very long, he may ignore this consumption, but in the current situation, he really does not want to consume a little more, even a quarter of an hour.

At this moment, the whole valley appeared in his mind.

At the deepest part of the valley is a dark hall. There is a huge bronze statue in front of the hall, but it is a statue of a demon.

His face is full of unruly and arrogant, it seems to fight with the sky and the earth, fearless, the whole person is like a flame, trying to burn everything.

He reflected the statue in his mind, and soon developed a strange feeling.

The demon in Song Xuan's mind is this demon!

Compared with this demon, the demon in Song Xuan's mind has a huge difference in momentum. Even if Song Xuan is a genius, he looks at every expression and subtle movement of Tian Zun exactly. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ but it is unique It has its courage.

This is related to the cultivation and experience of everyone. Without battlefield battles, hardships and extreme despair, it is difficult to truly appreciate the momentum displayed by the Golem, nor can it be replicated.

He stayed still, feeling the Golem, and merging his momentum little by little into his own Golem.

The demon in the void of the mind gradually changed, approaching the demon statue little by little, and the rising momentum of the demon little by little, and later, it was difficult to compare with the demon statue, or even better.

He has this great pride himself, devours the world, is invincible, and has also done it before, so he has a firm confidence, which is completely different from a bluff, and more true and true.

His arrogance moved to the demon, and the momentum even surpassed the demon statue, after all, it was just a statue, not the actual incarnation of the demon.

Chu Li slowly smiled. This time when I came here, just seeing this day ’s Golem was a big gain. I did n’t come here for nothing, but since I ’m here, I naturally want more.

In addition to this hall, there are several small palaces further away, and there are some disciples who are busy each other, and further out are small courtyards.

Chu Li appeared in a small courtyard and saw Song Xuan practicing.

Song Xuan is now weak, unable to detect Chu Li, Chu Li silently watching the world in his mind.

Chu Li smiled again, and then his face changed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into Song Xuan's appearance. There was no difference. Even if he was in a state of decline, it would be okay to cover the hour with the power of heaven magic.

He floated out of the courtyard, turned into Song Xuan, and slowly walked towards the main hall.

Along the way, he encountered a lot of disciples of Tian Mo Zong, greeting him one after another. His cold response seemed to be absent-minded, but everyone didn't blame him, a picture of understanding and sympathy.

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