White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2848: Reappear

When they finished chanting and stopped, they felt that their bodies and minds were purified, and they felt a little more understanding of the world and the world, and they were more kind and conscious.

They saluted together, and the nine old monks who had disappeared into the void.

Then they talked.

"Qing Shi, who is this ancestor who passed away?" A middle-aged monk whispered to a qualitative monk with a gloomy face.

Qualitative monk: "Brother Dinghua should be Dingru Brother."

"Master Dingru passed away?" The middle-aged monk Dinghua cried out, "Isn't Master Dingru cultivated so profoundly that he almost reached the top level of our Daci'en Temple?"

"Well." The qualitative monk had no interest in speaking.

Thinking of Chu Li has passed away, even if he is a monk, he can't help but feel uncomfortable, sorrowful and sorrowful.

He knew that Chu Li's death was because of the Fu Mo Temple, and he decisively sacrificed himself for the Fu Mo Temple for Da Ci'en Temple. Is it worth it?

"How could Brother Dingru die, he didn't practice in the temple?" Dinghua monk continued to ask.

He was really curious. The legendary fellow student of the same age can be regarded as a temple, and not only Daci'en Temple, but also the whole world is famous, and the name of the Wizard has spread to the world.

He is the top eminent monk in the future. This is beyond doubt. There is such a powerful figure in Dacien Temple. They are honored in addition to their envy. They never expected to die suddenly.

The qualitative monk shook his head: "He is going to deal with the master of the demon."

"No wonder ..." Monk Dinghua suddenly realized.

All the disciples of Da Ci'en Temple have a consensus. This time, the resurgence of Demon Sect is more than before. If the flood is irresistible, all the disciples of Da Ci'en Temple will be helpless to return to the temple.

"Xuankong Cheng Song Jing has seen Abbot Xinjing!" There was a crisp and melodious voice suddenly from outside, calm and calm.

The voice was clear and clear to the ears of every disciple of Da Ci'en Temple, leaving them in their hearts.

The Da Ci'en Temple is now closed, and the formation method is activated. Therefore, the sound outside can't pass in. It is easy for you to meditate on the Dharma and practice meditation. This Song Jing's cultivation is really profound.

As soon as they heard the name, they remembered Song Jing's original move and damaged the face of Daci'en Temple, and had to avenge her elder brother and make them helpless, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

They suddenly thought, did she hear the news of Ding Ru silently, so she came here to mock and even anger Huiguang?

"Amitabha Buddha ..." The voice of Xinjing sounded through the Da Ci'en Temple, he said slowly: "Song Shizhu came here, and the temple of God is welcome, please stop!"

The crowd listened.

They didn't understand why the abbot was so friendly. Obviously, Song Jing was an enemy of Da Ci'en Temple. Although they would not kill her, it did not mean welcoming her.

"Thank you abbot!" Song Jing said.

"Squeak!" The temple gate of Daci'en Temple opened.

Then a row of yellow-dressed monks stepped out, and if they walked one step, they went down to the middle and divided into two, standing on both sides of the steps.

Abbot Xinjing, wearing a purple gold bow, slowly stepped out of the temple door, descended the steps, and gave a gift to Song Jing under the steps: "Song donor!"

Song Jing fluttered in a white shirt, looked at Xin Jing calmly, took out a clear and flawless ball from her arms, and handed it to Xin Xin: "Abbot, this is a constant relic."

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The heart was silent towards the relic.

Song Jing held the relic in the air, her face was so calm, she seemed to be a statue.

The monks gazed at the clear relic, looking complex.

Such pure and non-impurity relics they only saw, and the rest of the relics were like agate or gems, but none of them were like ice crystals, as if they were as pure as the younger brother's heart.

It's a pity that such a character disappeared, and he died early.

After the ritual of silence and heart, he solemnly stretched out his hands, slowly and carefully took over the relic, raised his head, then held up with both palms, and nodded towards Song Jing: "Thank you Song donor!"

Song Jing shook her head.

"Song Shizhu came in with the old man to watch the ceremony." Xinjing said.

"Okay." Song Jing agreed without hesitation.

Xin Ji turned and walked towards the temple. Song Jing followed, and the monks followed her and entered Da Ci'en Temple together.

Xin Ji took everyone to a towering tower.

This high tower is about a hundred meters long. The body of the tower seems to be cast iron. It flashes a dark luster under the rising sun, revealing its thickness and solemnity, which makes people look respectfully.

In front of the tower is an empty square. At this time, most monks in the temple have gathered.

The monk Huiguang squeezed to the front, quietly together, his eyes staring at the relic: "Abbot, is this resolute reliance?"

Xin Ji stared at him and nodded gently.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The monk Huihui announced the Buddha's name.

He didn't know what to say. He had expected that there would be a day when the master and apprentice were separated from each other, but he did not expect that day would come so fast, so unexpectedly, that thousands of thoughts finally turned into a Buddhist horn.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The monks were all together, chanting the Buddha's horn toward the relic, solemn and solemn.

Song Jing pressed her red lips tightly and stood still watching without restraint, floating her heart like floating waves.

The silent monk turned to look at the nine old monks who were walking slowly: "Uncle, let's get started!"

Nine old monks unknowingly appeared, came out of the crowd, step by step, and often did not show any profound cultivation behavior, but all were empty, as if there were no martial arts.

They wore a pale-washed yellow monk robe, their entire body was spotless, their hands and faces were dying as if they were about to die, and they came step by step to the heart of silence ~ www.readwn.com ~ and sat on the ground with him as the center.

Xinxi also slowly sat down, holding her relics in her hands.

The monks stared curiously, never blinking, never seen such a ceremony.

"Hmm ..." Suddenly, the nine monks sang and whispered. The monks trembled immediately when they heard the news. The whole world seemed to be shaking, almost to shake their internal forces.

"Well ..." A low drinking sound seemed to come from the void, shaking the Quartet.

Song Jing looked at them in doubt.

It doesn't look like it is to reassure the respiration, nor does it look like a trip to excess, what are they doing?

She is deeply cultivated and fits with the void, so she can restrain such vibrations from following the waves.

A series of mantras combined with the fingerprints, disturbing the void. Gradually, a powerful force condensed in the void, and a golden sun suddenly appeared over the Da Ci'en Temple, in harmony with this power.

The golden sun matched this power and disappeared silently.

Where they disappeared, a black hole suddenly appeared in the void. This black hole was looming and unfathomable, as if leading to an infinite void.

Vaguely, the Sanskrit sound overflowed from this black hole, vaguely.

The monks widened their eyes, heard the Brahma sound, moved their minds a little, and longed for the yearning. They faintly felt that the opposite side of the black hole might be the Buddhist paradise, and they could not wait to probe into it, but did not dare to disturb the nine monks.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The nine Buddhist monks suddenly declared the Buddha.

Like a bronze bell ringing loudly, everyone's mind suddenly cleared, the fascination disappeared, and the body was trembling with the Buddha's horn, like a bronze bell struck.

The black hole disappeared, and suddenly Chu Li appeared in the void.

Waiting for everyone to see clearly, several thunders suddenly appeared, and landed on him silently, and then the "Booming" loud noise came.

PS: The update is complete.

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