White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2860: Crazy

Wu Shangyi's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it: "Impossible?"

Xu Kang hummed: "What's impossible ?!"

The two stepped out of the hall, walked back, and came into a continuous group of ancient buildings.

Towers and towers stand up, and courtyards surround each other.

Xu Kangdao: "You want to kill Dingru monk to take revenge. It's unlikely, no matter how hard you practice, you can think of how to practice martial arts. Revenge on other Buddhist masters in the future."

"Elder, I want to try!" Wu Shangyi said, "Did we not surpass his martial arts in Zong?"

"Xueyang Divine Gong is the strongest mentality." Xu Kang shook his head and said, "Even if he succeeded, like the suzerain and us, he was not sure about the monks who settled on him, and the martial arts of Fu Mo Temple was born to restrain us."

"There will always be a way." Wu Shangyi gritted his teeth.

Xu Kangdao: "The suzerain has been painstakingly creating a martial art similar to the martial arts of Fu Mo Temple, merging the essence of Buddhism and Xueyang Zong Wu Gong, so as to restrain the martial arts of Buddhism and balance the Fu Mo Temple and the other four palaces."

Wu Shangyi's spirit refreshed.

Xu Kang said: "So you go to be a monk and look for the essence of Buddhist martial arts and the mystery of the Dharma."

"We just learned some Buddhist dharma and practiced some Buddhist martial arts, but we haven't got the essence." Wu Shangyi frowned. "The Buddhist martial arts are very strange."

"The Buddhist martial arts mentality is not difficult to find." Xu Kang said: "The difficult thing is that Buddhist martial arts need the help of the Dharma, and our mind and Dharma are incompatible and difficult to merge."

Wu Shangyi nodded eagerly: "It is always wrong to see Dharma."

Xu Kangdao: "After all, it is not a primary school buddha, the homework is not enough, it is difficult to really penetrate into the Dharma, so there are only five halls in the world."

There are more Buddhism sects than Mozong, but the most amazing strength is the five halls, and these five halls are all one foot high and the Buddha is one foot tall. Once Mozong retreats, they will retire.

Fu Mo Temple was born the most, it is the house of Da Ci'en Temple Town Zong. All I know is that the master of the palace is only a hundred years old. It is like the most brilliant fireworks. It blooms and then disappears.

If the Buddhist martial arts and the magic martial arts can be merged so easily, there will not be only five halls.

And it is said that the inheritance of the five halls is from heaven, not the inheritance of this world. The suzerain wants to learn the five halls and integrate the Buddha and the demon, but it is courageous, but the hope of success is slim.

Wu Shangyi asked unwillingly: "Elder, will the girl have a solution?"

Xu Kang hummed: "This is nature! She has learned nature, she has made great achievements, and she is a regular monk, a piece of cake!"

"Why didn't you kill him then?" Wu Shangyi said suddenly.

Xu Kangdao: "She naturally has a reason, we don't stand high enough to look far enough, but never question her decision, it will never be wrong, it must have its meaning!"

"Master, are they dead for nothing?" Wu Shangyi gritted his teeth and resentfully said: "Girl Zhou is too kind!"

Xu Kang's face changed: "Shut up!"

Wu Shangyi said: "Being dead! She can do it, I can't say ?!"

"You are so brave!" Xu Kang glanced at him. "You are not afraid of death. What about our ancestral gate? If you involve our ancestral gate, you will be guilty!"

"... Elder Xu, I want to see Girl Zhou!" Wu Shangyi gritted his teeth.

Xu Kang said: "What are you seeing her do? Begging her to help her get revenge? Give up, if she shot, she would have killed the Dingru monk already!"

He was secretly dissatisfied.

Among the twelve gates of Mozong, only the Blood Yangzong was the hardest hit, and it must have been like the monk went crazy, but he only looked for the trouble of the Blood Yangzong.

Under such circumstances, Girl Zhou should take a shot, or let the rest of the demons distract the attention of a monk, or help the Blood Yangzong, but she seems to be indifferent to the situation, which is really chilling.

With the skill of Girl Zhou, she must be watching the fire, why don't you start late?

Apparently, the Blood Yangzong was regarded as a bait. It is necessary to find out the truth of the Fu Temple and the other four temples!

Wu Shangyi said: "I want Girl Zhou to pass me on to a higher level of scholasticism. She studies heaven and earth and must have stronger martial arts!"

Xu Kang shook his head and said, "Are you trying to die?"

Wu Shangyi hummed: "It's not a pity that my disciples die. Besides, I can't take revenge for Master. I have no fun living."

"Girl Zhou can't be greeted by anyone." Xu Kang said: "Only she came to us, we can't find her!"

"There is no way to say urgency?" Wu Shangyi asked reconciledly.

Xu Kang said: "The suzerain will never use the method of calling for you."

Wu Shangyi frowned: "How will the sovereign agree?"

"Come on," Xu Kang said.

They spoke to a small courtyard.

Xu Kang said: "Let's stay here, it is impossible to go back to Daning Temple."

Wu Shangyi shook his head: "I want to avenge Master, I must see Girl Zhou!"

"Well ... you!" Xu Kang shook his head and sighed.

As the most respected elder, he personally brought a younger disciple to the house to kill chickens and use a bull knife. The reason why he was so patient was because of Wu Shangyi's loyalty and filial piety, and he wanted to take revenge for Master and make him feel kind.

The reason why he can become the highest elder today is because of revenge enthusiasm for Master, and he worked hard to cultivate. If he did not support the belief of revenge for Master, this step would not have been achieved.

Moreover, this Wu Shangyi has higher qualifications, and if supported by a strong revenge, his success will be higher than himself.

Wu Shangyi said: "Elder, help me!"

"... Okay, I'll plead with the suzerain to see if he can agree." Xu Kang said.

"Thank you Elder!" Wu Shangyi overjoyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ His voice suddenly fell, and the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

Xu Kang glanced around.

A green-shirted young man came in and hugged his fist: "Elder Xu, the lord is invited!"

"Well, I'll get over, you go first." Xu Kang nodded and went out: "Xiao Wu, you are at ease, and I'll talk to the suzerain."

"Yes." Wu Shangyi held his fist respectfully and followed him to go out to send Xu Kang out.

When Xu Kang went out, there was a sudden shock, and he suddenly fell softly.

Wu Shangyi slowly retracted his right palm and looked at him with a smile.

Xu Kang is incredible.

He had a hard time believing that he would be conspired, and he was conspired without warning.

Wu Shangyi said: "Elder Xu, offended, I must see Girl Zhou!"

"How do you see her like this?" Xu Kang stared wide, fell to the ground, and pointed at him: "You are really crazy!"

Wu Shangyi showed a mad look and hated, "I must take revenge!"

"Hmm ..." Xu Kang spit out blood and said, "In order to get revenge, you want to kill me?"

"Yes." Wu Shangyi said: "As long as I can avenge Master! ... Since then, the suzerain will definitely find a way to find Girl Zhou, so I can see her and seek deeper martial art.

"You, really crazy!" Xu Kang shook his head: "The suzerain will destroy you first, even if the girl Zhou comes, she will kill you first, and will not pass on your stronger martial arts!"

"I want to bet!" Wu Shangyi said lowly, his eyes flashing crazy.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Xu Kang flew out abruptly and disappeared.

PS: Update finished, sorry for being late.


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