White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2868: Jianwei

[Title: white robe manifold body Chapter 2868 Jian Wei Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Xiuzhen chat group travels through the black coffin martial arts world, crosses the rebirth city, repairs immortal, American rancher, god-level hex elves, century: GO smuggling and sanctification, although he is now rising, his mental strength has also increased a lot It is far from comparable in the past. The speed of leaps and bounds is appalling, but there is still no way to deduce the extinction sword.

The dead light sword seems to be wrapped in invisible power, and the slightest opportunity cannot be deduced. It was a rare opportunity to see a hilt, but now it is impossible.

He reached into his arms and took out the destiny lock.

Since having this destiny lock, he feels that his luck is getting better and better, many good things happen naturally, he can solve so many difficulties smoothly, and he can come back to life.

Where life and death are involved, slightly worse luck is another ending.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I still couldn't fight the girl of the week, just like Li Feiyu who was locked with her destiny.

He was like Li Feiyu at the time. Although he was deficient in repairing the Destiny Lock, he could not fight himself after all. Thinking of this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. Is the Destiny Lock also a doom lock, it will be the same fate, and he is also caught in it?

He quickly put down that thought.

Even if there is no destiny lock, I still have to deal with the girl last week, and it will have the same ending.

The girl knew so much about herself this week, would she know the mystery of her deadly scriptures?

The second story of Ku Rong Jing was never known, and she didn't want to see anything in the minds of the two women.

Sun Mingyue and Lu Yurong fell on her hands. They didn't seem to know that they were being counted, and they practiced leisurely. They were afraid that the girl Zhou could have her own ability to directly observe people's hearts.

His face grew more and more gloomy. This week, the girl obviously had such a secret technique and could see through people's hearts. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to master such a powerful figure as Zhang Changhuai.

He was extremely guilty of this feeling, and he could not wait to get the Sword of the Extinct Light directly, and beheaded and killed the girl Zhou, so as not to cause the world to stir up.

After a long while, he recovered some spirits, and continued to deduce his immortality. He must deduce the extinct sword of death, otherwise he really only had a dead end. He hoped that Kurong Jing could save himself.

Girl Zhou will definitely find a way to prevent her resurrection.

He suddenly showed a smile, and even saw the sword hilt in the obscurity, just like the last time, he saw the quaint pattern and vicissitudes of breath, the faint appearance of the sword body.

He looked surprised.

This turned out to be a broken sword. Half of the sword had been cut off, and only half of it was left. The half of the sword body was dim and smooth, without any trace of pattern, like ice sculpture, clear and flawless.

Chu Li became more and more surprised and saw more and more clearly.

The mist enveloping it seemed to slowly dissipate, and the blade became clearer and clearer, making him see more clearly.

His vision gradually expanded, from the hilt to the blade body, and then around the sword, and he wanted to see where it was and find it.

But it was in a dark void, empty around, nothing more.

Chu Li condensed into one, focused on the sword body, and wanted to get a touch, so he moved directly.

Suddenly, he disappeared in place.

The next moment he appeared in a dark void, and above the void, a broken sword wafted, plain and unremarkable, and could not even sense a strange power, like an ordinary broken sword.

At the time, when the sword of death passed away, only one hilt almost collapsed him. He could not bear the power of the sword handle. The strength of the sword passed was visible, but now he is stronger, but it is impossible to feel it. The threat of the Sword of Divine Extinction is not reached.

The more harmless he was, the more alert he was.

He approached slowly, carefully walking on thin ice.

When the right palm was about to touch the extinct sword, he flew back.

The next moment, his position suddenly became bright, as if a round of sun fell into the night.

Even though Chu Li felt awkwardly retreating, she still noticed the burning force invading her body, the blood seemed to be steamed out, the internal organs became black instantly, and her eyes became black for a while, she almost passed out.

He worked hard to stay awake, moved quickly, and wanted to exit the space.

Unfortunately, the surroundings were frozen again. He could not move in the void, desperately moving, only flashing a foot.

"Oh!" A crack appeared, almost touching his body.

He avoided this footstep to avoid the crack.

At this moment, the surroundings returned to darkness, and the cracks were very bright. Like the thunder in the night sky, Chu could see the centrifugal tremor. He could feel the destructive power coming from the cracks, no less than the bright light just now.

"Hmm ..." Cracks appeared beside him, covering the surrounding.

He wandered between cracks, avoiding them dangerously every time, making people sweat, and could be hit by cracks at any time.

Chu Li's face was sober, his eyes were bright and scorching, all his spirits were focused on induction, and he could not care about physical pain.

His body was almost coke at this time, his blood was almost steamed, and his internal organs were dry and hot, as if he had been roasted. Fortunately, a steady stream of vitality nourished the body and slowly recovered.

But the recovery speed is very slow, it seems that there is invisible power that is absorbing the aura and hindering the recovery.

He had no time to be distracted, and after the cracks slowly disappeared, half an hour had passed.

He opened his eyes and looked around. The darkness was empty and empty ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the shadow of the extinct sword had disappeared, as if it had never appeared, leaving no trace around.

Chu Li condenses into the void, frowning and thinking.

The previous scene was replayed in front of his eyes, he was searching for clues, and at the same time he began to deduct from heaven.

He whispered as he deduced.

Is this dead light excalibur fake? However, it is impossible to deceive yourself by derivation. The fading sword is real, and the cracks that appear should be from the fading sword. If you want to hold the fading sword, you can stop the crack.

They should be the sword power of the extinction sword. The power is indeed amazing. It is indeed the extinction sword. Without such power, it is not worth the trouble to find it.

Suddenly, the aura of light flashed, he once again captured the position of the extinct sword, disappeared the next moment, and appeared in a vast void.

This time, there was a bright moon in the void, and the moonlight was shining all around.

The reckless mountains spread under his feet, and Chu Li stared at the broken sword hanging high in the void.

This broken sword is still not threatening, simple and glorious.

He didn't rush to approach, first glanced around, reckless peaks, lush woods, and most often, but within a hundred miles of mountains and trees, there are no other figures, and there is no one in this world.

Chu Li can only conclude one thing, this world is an independent world.

He tied his hands with his seal, first turned it around, and patted away towards the broken sword in the distance.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound in the void, and the broken sword was still intact, but Chu Li was shocked and flew out at a fast speed.

His face changed dramatically, and cracks were covering him again.

"Hmm ...!"

The whistle sounded continuously and shrouded Chu Li, allowing him to dodge.

Chu Li's hands knotted the sky and shot them one by one.

ps: update is complete. 166 novel reading network

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