White-Robed Chief

Chapter 284: Reli

ps. Offer today's update, and by the way, get a ticket for the 515 Fan Festival of "Beginning", everyone has 8 votes, and you will get the starting currency for voting.

The three played in Happy Valley for three days.

In these three days, Chu Li laid a set of formations on a mountain outside Happy Valley, and Qiankun turned upside down.

This array of formations can confuse the magic of the heavens. It is confusing and stunned. If you fall into the array, you will die madly.

Late at night three days later.

The moon is high, Yinhui overflows, and Uchichi is quiet.

Chu Li suddenly got up, walked out to the bedroom opposite, and knocked gently on the door.

"Who?" Yang Xu's voice sounded.

Chu Li said: "I, let the lady get up, let's go immediately."

"The manager just waited," Yang Xu promised.

The ragged voice sounded, Chu Li retracted Dayuan Jingzhi and urged: "Quick! Quick!"

"Don't urge the soul, did they find it?" Xiao Shi sounded a little husky.

Chu Lidao said: "It should be fast, I don't feel good, so please prepare in advance."

Xiao Shi picked out the curtains and changed to Su Jie's white shirt, which was spotless and clean.

Yang Su also followed, wearing a plain floral floral shirt: "Manager, what shall we do?"

Chu Li smiled: "When they come over, let's go, just leave it to me."

Seeing his smile, Yang Xu felt relieved.

She was not afraid of death herself, but she was afraid of death. Her son Zhu Quan was unattended and grew up alone, too pathetic and miserable.

Xiao Shi said: "Chu Li, let Yang Su go first."

Chu Li raised a brow.

Xiao Shi said angrily: "I know you are carrying Yang Su to avoid suspicion, but now it is time, how can you take care of it. If you meet one enemy in one hand, you can break it up hit?"

Chu Li sighed, "I'm rough-handed. How can you have no one to wait for?"

"I don't need anyone to serve, I have my own hands and feet!" Xiao Shi said, "What do you think I can't do?"

When she was in the government office. Sometimes I prefer to do things myself, rather than looking for maids, all clumsy, and upset when I look at it.

Yang Su busyly said, "Miss, I'll follow you. There is no one around, it's really inconvenient."

"I won't starve to death, rest assured." Xiao Shi said: "The point is that you are a burden. Running with one person and running with two people can be as fast as possible, right? ... There are shops in the government. Stay in the shop for a while, and then settle down before you go back. "

"But ..." Yang Su hesitated.

Chu Li knew that Yang Su was thinking of her son, and sighed, "I will send someone to pick you up."

"... Yes." Yang Xu finally nodded.

She paid tribute to Xiao Shi, knowing her painstaking efforts.

"I'll see you off first." Chu left.

He said he grabbed Yang Su and disappeared into the room.

A moment later appeared in a grain shop in the city.

Anyone who buys or sells food is very strong in the background. No one dares to mess with it.

The relationship between food and people's livelihood and the society of the Jiangshan community, ordinary people, and even ordinary wealthy homes are out of touch. Only those who have a relationship with the top can operate.

So it's safe in the grain shop. This is the grain shop of the Yiguo government.

Showing the waist card, the shopkeeper's anger disappeared and replaced with a smile. Chu Li arranged Yang Su in two or three sentences, took a look at the heart of the shopkeeper, also relieved, and disappeared in front of them.

The shopkeeper's face changed again, and he dared not have a slight snub.


Chu Li appeared in front of Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi was standing on the steps and looking at the moon.

Under the moonlight. Xiao Shi's face is like a jade, and the whole person is carved like a piece of white jade. Crystal clear and flawless. Every time Chu Li saw her beauty, she would marvel at the magic of the good fortune and lament the eccentricity of God.

Looking up at Mingyue, Xiao Shi sighed and said, "Chu Li, do you say we can see the moon at this time next year?"

Chu Lidao said: "Don't think wildly, next year's bright, even the next year, the second year, ten years and twenty years, the bright moon one hundred years later, we can all see!"

"Who can live that long!" Xiao Shi chuckled.

Chu Li said: "Miss, you have served Changsheng grass, and you can definitely live it. I am a master of heaven and earth, and I can live!"

"How can you live a life this way of tossing? Thank you for living ten or eight years!" Xiao Shi said.

Chu Li smiled: "If you don't toss, wouldn't you live for nothing? ... They're here!"

He saw two old men stepping on the moonlight.

An old man was wearing a yellow monk robe, his bald head shone, and he was one point brighter than Mingyue.

His left palm has been erected to make assorted shapes, as if his arms were born to be so stretched.

Another old man, wearing a geyi, was burly and tall, with a silver-plated face and a long, white snow.

Chu Li frowned.

They seemed to be shrouded in a faint golden light, if not, Dayuan Jingzhi would not go in.

This layer of golden light is like King Kong's magical power, it is a spiritual King Kong's magical power. From the perspective of Dayuan Jingzhi, you can only see their appearance, not inside, not through their minds, Their mind works.

This makes Chu Li very unaccustomed.

Chu Li's spirit was condensed on the old monk, and he quickly found the source of this faint golden light, which was the single palm raised by the old monk.

A string of beads was attached to the wrist. This string of beads exudes a dim golden light, covering the two, making Dayuan Jingzhi unable to peer.

Thirty-six beads are strange in shape, each one is irregular, as if some small pebbles randomly picked up by the sea are stringed, and some are even triangles, pentagons, and various shapes.

From the outsider's point of view, he only felt that his string of beads was strange, as if they were small stones.

Chu Li recognized the origin of these beads-relic!

No wonder there is such a magical use. The string of thirty-six relics is rich in spiritual power.

This powerful spiritual power is useless to ordinary people, but to a person like Chu Li who is supernatural, it is a stronger existence than martial arts.

The old monk suddenly looked up, and thoughtfully looked at where Chu Li was from.

Chu Li was stunned, knowing that they were right.

He turned around and said, "Let's go!"

Xiao Shi lightly jaw.

Chu Li took her hawk arm across Luo sleeves, like a light smoke drifting out of the inn, outside the city, into Qiankun upside down.

The magic of the formation is endless. He can't see the situation inside the formation outside, but he can see outside the formation while standing in the position of the goalkeeper in the formation.

Dayuan Jingzhi watched the old monks.

He and the old man with Xueyu came outside the inn, stood quietly for a while, then walked towards Chu Li, calmly, and fast.

The two reached the foot of the mountain and looked around in confusion.

"Honor, disappeared here?" The old man Xue Xue cried.

The old monk slowly shook his head, and thoughtfully looked in the direction of Chu Li: "This is a weird thing. Let's stay here."

"Did you use any secret method to get away?" The old man Xue Xue said, "otherwise, how could it suddenly disappear?"

"The old man never encountered such a thing." The old monk's voice was calm and calm, even when he encountered such a thing ~ www.readwn.com ~, there was no anxiety: "Or the female donor has passed away. In addition, it is difficult to explain this thing."

"That Chuli is loyal to the government of Yiguo, and it is impossible to kill Miss Er." Said the old man of Xueyu.

"Rong Lao's thoughts were one or two." The old monk drew the beads and took out a strand of hair from his arms, staring thoughtfully.

Chu Li Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the formation method really works. The beauty of the formation method needs to be thorough and thorough, and it will help to break through to the realm of the gods.

Xiao Shi stood in the formation of the mountainside, heard their words clearly, and did not dare to speak.

Chu Li whispered, "You stay for a while, I'll go away from them."

The old monk was close at hand. With his light work, he could appear instantly, **** the hair, and break his magical power!

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and on May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! ] (To be continued.)

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