White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2871: See letter

[Title: Section 2871 of the body of a white robe Explorer see the letter (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: God-level hex elves century: GO American rancher martial arts world crosses the black coffin repair chat group reborn urban thief movie world thief "Haha ..." Chu Liyang laughed.

Zhou Meiyu's face was gloomy, staring at him deadly: "What are you laughing at!"

Chu Li shook his head: "It's useless to say more, let Girl Zhou come over!"

Holding the Sword of Divine Light in his heart, he felt emotional, and the Sword of Divine Light was stronger than he thought. Even so, he did not have the confidence to kill Girl Zhou, but he was not willing to know who the Lord of the Demons was. What does it look like.

"Hum!" Zhou Mei sneered.

Chu Lidao said, "If you don't agree, the young monk will offend."

"You want to kill me?" Zhou Mei sneered.

Chu Li looked at her and smiled, "I don't know in the eyes of Miss Gui, girl Zhou, do you care about Mingyue and Yurong?"

Zhou Mei's sneer turned into a mockery: "You want to catch me?"

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "With this sword, you are enough to hit the girl Zhou, right?"

"Dream!" Zhou Mei dismissed.

Chu Li shook his head and said no more.

This week Mei will be pregnant with killers, so she is full of confidence.

Vigilant in his heart, the sword of death passed up.

A bronze seal appeared in the void above his head, like a hill falling down, and the bronze luster flashed like substance.

Chu centrifugal feeling, really can only stimulate people's potential under extreme circumstances, he could even combine the two seals under the stimulus of the extinction sword, forming a huge magic seal, which can be directly manifested outside.

This earth-shaking magic seal can be big and small, only in one thought.

Zhou Mei blinked, her figure blurred.

Chu Li shook his head.

The power of the dead light sword was not a joke. Zhou Mei's figure was blurred, then she became clear, failed to get out, raised her hands, and propped up a small palm-sized shield.

This shield is white and flawless, like a silver cast, with strange patterns and symbols engraved on it. Chu Li can see these symbols at a glance, and he does not recognize any of them. It is not a layer of heavenly text, nor is it a text, but it reveals the power. .

The speed of the extinct sword is extremely fast. As soon as it is swung out, it will be stabbed in the next moment. There is no intermediate process.

It also exudes a breath that trembles in the void, locking in the void.

So the Sword of the Extinction Sword does not have to be waved. In one swipe, he can react like he had before. One is his arrogance and fast response, and the power of the Sword of Extinction caused by Zhou Meixiu being insufficient. .

He now knows that it is not the internal force but the spirit that urges the Extinct Sword.

The extinct sword in his hand is far from comparable to Zhou Mei.

"Ding ..." The dying sword and the shield collided with a clear chirp.

The small silver shield blocked the Sword of Divine Light and surprised Chu Li. The small shield sent a mighty force to shake the Sword of Divine Light and wanted to let it go. Unfortunately, Chu Li's body surpassed the limits of humanity and was extremely powerful. Hold it tightly to keep him from letting go.

The next moment, the small silver shield split into two petals.

Zhou Mei's figure was dim again.

Chu Li hummed and waved his sword again.

Zhou Mei's figure is clear.

"Ding ..." Half of the small silver shield blocked in front of the sword.

Chu Li shook her head, the sword continued unabated, and the small silver shield on the half failed to block the cast, stabbing into her shoulder.

"Ah!" Zhou Mei exclaimed, busy touching her face.

She knew the power of the extinct sword, and one sword could use up her life.

Chu Li pumped his sword and patted Zhang Mei on Zhou Mei.

Zhou Meiyu's face changed.

She would rather die directly than want to become an old goose with goose feathers.

Chu Lisong breathed a sigh of relief.

The two swords consumed a huge amount of mental power, almost emptied his mind, and the third sword could not be issued. The second sword had dried him up, and his eyes were black for a while.

Chu Li Road said: "Relax, you haven't grown old!"

Zhou Mei looked down at the back of her hands. Fortunately, she was still delicate and white without wrinkles.

Chu Li smiled, "Not every sword was cut off by Shou Yuan. You Shou Yuan was not cut."

The sword of passing light is full of spirituality. The killing power is all in the mind of the sword master. He doesn't want to kill people.

He looked down at the broken sword with emotion, but I didn't know how to make it, it was definitely not in this world.

Zhou Mei frowned and stared at him.

Chu Li smiled: "You can't use the power of this sword at all, and the lady took a step and fainted."

"Shut up!" Zhou Meijiao said: "Miss is brilliant, she has nothing to do!"

Chu Lidao said, "Did she count on the death light sword to fall on me?"

"That may not be so!" Zhou Mei hummed.

Chu Li shook her head with a smile, knowing that she believed in her own lady and said it was useless and could not be changed. She said, "I'll go to save people first, and your acupuncture points will be unlocked."

He didn't want to kill Zhou Mei, but he didn't dare to kill. It was a pleasure to kill her. What should the two girls do?

"In vain!" Zhou Mei sneered.

Chu Li disappeared in a flash.

The next moment he appeared outside a mighty giant peak, and then fluttered in shape, silently crawling into the giant peak, his body flickered, and every time he was able to avoid the disciples inside the peak.

Lan Xingzong, as the most advanced sect of inferiority, can sense foreign enemies in advance. Originally, it was impossible to be invaded, but Chu Li body was full of confidence and had a great sword.

The dead light sword is enough to cover their deductions, otherwise the dead light sword is already acquired by them, and the two daughters Sun Mingyue and Lu Yurong are too deeply involved with themselves, naturally protected by the dead light sword.

Under the observation of the Dayuan Xuankong Mirror, the two women are practicing in a small courtyard, their expressions are calm, their white faces are perfectly lined with jade faces, and they are both beautiful and beautiful, which makes Chu Li look intoxicated.

Chu Li appeared before them the next moment.

The two women are practicing boxing ~ www.readwn.com ~ and saw him suddenly stunned.

They have been with Chu Li himself for a long time, so they didn't show any ecstasy, just smiled sweetly.

Sun Mingyue obliquely asked him, "You can find it?"

Chu Li smiled: "You can't escape my palm!"

Lu Yurong pouted and chuckled, "You're here, this is a letter for you."

Chu Li watched her take out a letter from her arms and handed it over. She glanced at the envelope first, and wrote only a few characters, "Dingru Master Qi Qi". Nothing else, I don't know who wrote the letter.

The handwriting on the letter should be a woman, elegant and graceful, without a trace of firework, like a deep-rooted lady showcasing no martial arts.

He took it, took out the plain paper and glanced, his face slightly changed.

"I don't know who wrote this letter. When we first moved in, we found it on the stone table in the hospital. Now think about it, it took more than ten days." Lu Yurong said: "What's in it?"

Chu Li shook his head and smiled, "It is a greeting from a friend."

"Women's right?" Sun Mingyue smiled.

Chu Li nodded helplessly.

Sun Mingyue said with a smile: "You have become a monk, and you are so feminine!"

Chu Li smiled bitterly: "This is not a friend."

"Couldn't it be an enemy?" Lu Yurong said, "Willn't it be the Song Dao master?"

Chu Li shook his head: "Do you want to continue practicing here?"

"The inheritance of Lan Xingzong is wonderful. We have just inherited it." Lu Yurong nodded gently. "It's a pity to leave now."

"Yeah." Chu Li smiled. "This is indeed a rare opportunity. It's good to learn it."

"Soon we will retreat," Sun Mingyue said, "you won't come after today, and you won't see us if you want to see it."

Lu Yurong said: "It may take a long time to retreat."

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