White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2876: Show affection

[Title: white robe Explorer text mercy Chapter 2876 (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: travel through the black coffin, the American rancher, the martial arts world, and the city of immortal chat group god-level demon rebirth. The city of immortal spirit: GO movie world thief Chu Li coldly said: "I ’ll see if there is any Yes, the two monks over there are the temple masters of the Temple of Reincarnation and the Temple of Rulai? "

He did not expect that the two temple masters were so young.

It seems that the masters of the five halls are young monks, not without reason, there must be something mysterious in them.

As he spoke, the dying sword continued to wave, smashing the small silver shield one at a time.

After these small silver shields were broken, they fell into a ray of light upon landing and disappeared into the air.

Chu Li felt these light, but it was empty and nothing, as if it was only light and shadow, or even his illusion, his eyes deceived him, but nothing.

However, he believed what he saw, but he could not chase the roots of light and shadow. He was completely integrated with the void and had no clue to chase. Instead, he was more curious and wanted to chase.

He sensed a small silver shield while waving the Sword of Extinction.

The small silver shields seem to be endless. They don't know how many are installed inside the sleeves. According to the size of these small silver shields, there should not be too many, about ten, now there are more than ten.

He was attentive and speculated, it is likely that these small silver shields were formed now, forming one with one, and using one to replenish one, and the cycle was endless.

The Dayuan Xuankong gazed intently, and wanted to see the situation inside their sleeves, but Luo sleeves exuded strange powers, blocking his spying, but the rest of their bodies failed to escape, seeing the small sword on their chests, and There is a jade bracelet on Hao's wrist.

The small sword made him tremble, and the jade bracelet made him unclear.

Both of these treasures threatened him, and the treasures in their sleeves were even more powerful. The more they could not see, the more he knew it existed.

"Nice, but also a Wizard." Zhou Mei hummed. "You are not the only Wizard in the world!"

Chu Li nodded and said, "What if the Wizard is willing to be driven!"

"Because the lady is a woman, you are not convinced. Do you want to be right with the lady?" Zhou Mei skimmed her red lips and said, "You must look down on women, and think women are weaker than your men?"

Chu Lidao said: "If she is authentic, I can only admire it!"

"Miss is also famous, and your Da Ci'en Temple is the evil way!" Zhou Shuang said coldly.

Chu Li laughed and shook her head more lazily.

His face suddenly changed.

The monk Chengyun suddenly shot golden light all over his body, and the whole person seemed to turn into a golden Buddha image. The light shone, and the action suddenly accelerated. The two young monks were strongly suppressed and pulled back to their disadvantages.

Chu Li knew that he had performed the golden body Luohan magical power, and his golden body Luohan magical power had been practiced to perfection, so the incarnation of Luohan was infinitely powerful and the speed was as fast as electricity, but it would not last long.

The two young monks were struggling, slender and handsome, and the handsome-looking monk suddenly stamped, then the red monk robe hunted and began to swell, and then a huge round appeared in the void above the head, faintly shadowy, seemingly bronze. The cast round wheel is slowly rotating, exuding a vast and expansive atmosphere, giving people tremendous pressure.

Another chubby monk printed his hands, and a giant Buddha appeared behind him. The giant Buddha suddenly turned into an aperture, hanging behind his head, and the looming aperture seemed to be flowing.

Chu Li narrowed his eyes.

The two women looked up at the void.

The huge bronze wheel and giant Buddha are both present in the void, clearly visible even a few miles apart.

"It seems to be a real fire." Zhou Mei pouted and smiled: "The monk Chengyun is about to lose!"

Chu Li hummed, "That may not be necessary."

"Jin Shen Luo Han's magic is great, but the reincarnation hall and Rulai hall are not bad, two to deal with one is enough." Zhou Mei hummed: "Let's just hold you!"

Chu Lixian disappeared in place, and next moment appeared beside the monk Chengyun, fluttering a sword.

The two monks, such as avoiding the scorpion, backed up in a hurry, hit each other with knots, and there was a cascading force in the void. They wanted to block the extinction sword, but it was useless.

"Ding ..." Zhou Mei appeared before the sword.

The silver shield shattered, and she followed and flew out, spraying a blood arrow in the air.

As Chu Li urged the Divine Light Sword, he became more aware of the Divine Light Sword and exerted more and more power. This sword far surpassed the previous few swords, and Zhou Mei was seriously injured by surprise.

She stared at her eyes, and realized that Chu Li had shown weakness before, just for this.

Zhou Shuang's face changed greatly.

If the Silver Shield cannot stop the Sword of Light, the only thing they have to do is to retreat. This is what the lady ordered, and they must not be in love, and it is extremely dangerous for a monk to have the Sword of Light.

She tried to pull Zhou Mei away, but Zhou Mei struggled to leave, Jiao said, "Let's join forces!"

"Useless!" Zhou Shuang said.

This struggle has missed the opportunity. Zhou Shuang can only make the Silver Shield block the Extinct Light Sword, and also fly out, spraying bleeding arrows in the air, and he is seriously injured. go with.

Chu Li smiled and stabbed Zhou Mei again.

Zhou Mei right manually, but did not appear the small silver shield, as if the small silver shield had run out.

She raised her chest and arrogantly welcomed the Sword of Death.

"I dare you!" Zhou Shuang hissed.

Chu Li's passing sword passed across Zhou Mei's throat and fluttered lightly.

Zhou Mei was motionless, as if a statue was anchored.

Chu Li chuckled: "Heaven has good virtues and spares your life."

Zhou Mei and Zhou Shuang are both clean and have no lives and have not killed anyone, so he ca n’t go down and can only scare them, knowing that they are the left and right arms of the girl Zhou ~ www.readwn.com ~ but ca n’t hard Hearted.

What's more important is that he cast a mouse jealousy. Even if they kill them, they will have little effect on Zhou, and will only irritate her completely and kill both of them. Zhou will definitely kill twenty or two hundred disciples of Da Ci'en Temple.

Zhou Meisong sighed, her body almost fell down, Yulian flushed and glared at Chu Li.

Chu Li's sword brought her to death.

If someone else kills her, she has no fear, because she knows that the lady can resurrect herself, but the Divine Sword is different. Once she is killed by the Divine Sword, she can't resurrect herself, then she is really dead.

This made her understand that she was still afraid of death, not as strong as she thought of life and death.

Zhou Shuang appeared next to her, holding her hand tightly, feeling cold and trembling, a long sigh of relief, coldly staring at Chu Li.

Chu Li smiled: "Two girls, the little monk has done his best, please let it go!"

"Smelly monk, you will listen to the lady sooner or later!" Zhou Mei bit her teeth, resentfully: "Do you think two women can hide for a lifetime?"

Chu Li smiled: "then don't worry about it!"

"Then you wait!" Zhou Mei gritted her teeth, as if Chu Li was his enemy: "You dare to destroy the Blood Yangzong, and the young lady will dare to destroy your Da Ci'en Temple!"

Chu Li said, "Try it!"

He said that he turned his head to the monk Chengyun and said, "Master, take a step!"

The two monks of the Temple of Reincarnation and the Temple of Rulai have already stepped back for more than ten miles, standing on a mountain in the distance and looking away. They have a lingering fear of the Sword of the Extinct Sword. Far away.

The monk Chengyun gathered a ritual and disappeared with his brother.

Chu Li swept at the two women and appeared in Xueyangzong the next moment, waving the sword of death.

ps: update is complete. 166 novel reading network

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