White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2880: Destruction

"Haha ..." Zhang Changhuai laughed even louder.

Chu Li coldly said: "Watch the sword."

The light sword of the passing light fluttered.

The next moment had already penetrated Zhang Changhuai's chest.

Zhang Changhuai's eyes widened and he glared at Chu Li unbelievably. The hand in his arms hadn't been able to get it out yet. The treasure on his hand was a bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror was bright, and autumn was visible.

His face was aging quickly, his hair was white, and his blink of time seemed to have passed tens of thousands of years. He changed from a strong middle-aged person to an old one that was as old as pine.

Just at this moment, two figures appeared, in white clothes like snow, fluttering like immortals, appearing behind Zhang Changhuai, left and right, it is Zhou Shuang and Zhou Mei.

They pressed Zhang Changhuai's back without saying a word, one left and one right.

Zhang Changhuai's vitality faded slowly, and then began to recover.

Chu Li raised her eyebrows. It seems that the two women are pregnant with magical techniques and can be brought back to life. In this way, Zhang Changhuai really can't die. He will never allow Zhang Changhuai to live.

He snorted: "Two girls, why are you doing this and can't save him!"

"Dingru, you're so bold!" Zhou Mei sneered at him obliquely: "Don't hide, do you have to kill you yourself?"

Chu Li said: "If the two girls have to step in, then I will blame me for being ruthless!"

"Okay, you killed us." Zhou Mei sneered: "See if you dare!"

Chu Li drew his sword.

The two women took out silver shields in front of each other.

But the death sword did not stab them, but it was Zhang Changhuai.

This time, the ray of the extinct sword flashed away.

Zhang Changhuai suddenly died.

With the full urging of the Divine Sword, the power was amazing, and he was no longer given the opportunity to return to life. As Chu Li pulled his sword, his body suddenly softened, a gust of wind blew away, and it turned into a flying ash.

"Dingru!" Zhou Meijiao chanted.

Zhou Shuang stared at him coldly: "Very vicious!"

Chu Li laughed: "Girl Zhou Shuang, there were not a thousand or eight hundred innocent people who died in Zhang Changhuai's hands. He deserves to be killed. Killing him is a way of doing things for the sky, but he says he is vicious?"

Zhou Shuang sneered: "You killed him for evil and good? I can't see it!"

Chu Li said: "The two girls are still entangled?"

"Dingru, can you answer my question truthfully?" Zhou Mei asked.

Chu Li nodded: "Stop it."

"How did you find the Blood Yangzong?" Zhou Mei stared at his eyes, his eyes flashing, to see the subtle expression in his eyes.

Chu Li smiled slightly: "Inferred."

"Impossible!" Zhou Mei hummed. "You don't have to say anything, why not lie to someone, or a monk!"

Chu Lihe even said: "Monks do not slang!"

Zhou Meidai frowned and stared at him: "Really?"

Chu Li nodded: "The truth is with me, believe it or not, with the two girls!"

He said that the flash disappeared in place, and the next moment he had already penetrated into the Blood Yangzong and began to kill the ring, silently, one master of the Blood Yangzong died in his own courtyard.

Chu Li seemed to be a phantom, approaching silently, without waiting for them to perceive, the sword of death had already been stabbed.

The Ghost Sword in his hand seemed to come alive, and it seemed that he did not need to urge him to find someone to kill himself. One sword was no exception, and in the blink of an eye, he killed more than twenty masters.

The extinction of the Extinction Sword requires a tremendous amount of spiritual power, but he now feels that his spiritual power is endless. The consumption of the Extinction Sword is extremely small, and there is no sense of exertion. Killing it like this, and killing one hundred people. problem.

"Run away!" Zhou Meijiao whispered, "The disciples of Xueyangzong, don't run away!"

Chu Li was so angry that she stopped drinking and said: "Girl Zhou Mei!"

Zhou Mei hummed: "Dingru, we can't just watch you destroy the Blood Yangzong!"

Chu Li's face was gloomy, and he jumped to the void. A white light flashed on the left and right sleeves, and then a ray of thunder sword appeared in the void. A personal figure flew out and sprayed blood arrows where he saw.

The combination of the god-bound disk and the arrow of extermination is enough to hold them, and the **** sword of thunder is shot again.

In the future, you don't even need to bind the **** disk and the **** of destruction arrows.

Suddenly Thunder Sword suddenly became very powerful. He immediately understood that it must have been suppressed and humiliated by the girl Zhou, so the killing became more and more prosperous. The power of Shenshen Thunder Sword also went up, beyond imagination. Can block.

Zhou Mei and Zhou Shuang saw such a situation, the jade faces were ugly.

They didn't expect that Chu Li suddenly became so terrible that they didn't need to take any action. They could kill someone with one glance. Going on like this, no matter how many masters of Blood Yangzong could not stop him from killing him like this.

"Stop him!" Zhou Shuang whispered.

Zhou Mei said: "He has killed red eyes and can't stop it!"

"If you can't stop it, you must stop it!" Zhou Shuang said.

Zhou Mei frowned and stared at Chu Li.

Chu Li stood in the void with his negative hand, his eyes narrowed, as if watching coldly.

However, as far as his eyes were concerned, the Master of Blood Yangzong flew out, spraying blood arrows in the air, and then fell to the ground to die. In this moment, more than thirty Masters of Blood Yangzong have died under his eyes. .

They sensed that this was an invisible sword, and their power was amazing. They didn't dare to skimp on their front. Fortunately, they had a silver shield in their hands. They didn't worry about their lives, but they worried that Chu Li killed the Blood Yangzong in one breath.

Then the two of them could not explain to the lady.

"Stop!" The two of them appeared in front of Chu Li ~ www.readwn.com ~ Silver Shield had been erected, and at all times, Chu Li was reminded to urge the Sword of Extinction.

Chu Li didn't look at them, stepped into the void outside ten feet, white light flashing on both sleeves, and the blood Yangzong masters who were running away settled one by one, and then flew up, sprayed blood arrows in the air, and fell silent after landing. Qi is dead.

"Can't stop it!" Zhou Shuang chuckled coldly, clapping at Chu Li with one palm.

Zhou Mei also followed with a clap.

Chu Li stepped aside to avoid both palms, and continued to urge the God of Thunder and Thunder Sword.

The disciples of Xueyangzong flew out one by one, vomiting blood and died. The two women followed him closely, but they were always one step behind and couldn't touch him.

The two women's faces were so dull that they nodded at each other.

They pulled out a token from their arms, and the two palm-sized tokens were combined together, and a clear light burst out, like a sword piercing the void and stabbing at Chu Li, it was incredibly fast.

Chu Li stepped away.

The two women put their hands together and waved them gently, the light remained undisturbed, as if a long sword moved with their palms together, and the lightness and wishfulness were several times faster than the ordinary sword.

Chu Li kept dodging, they kept waving, blinking, Jian Guang was everywhere, and they had filled the void, Chu was forced far away, and was about to leave the area of ​​Blood Yangzong.

Xue Yangzong's disciples were no less intelligent, and they all hid behind the two women.

Unconsciously, the two women were already standing behind a hundred disciples of the Blood Sun Sect, sheltering the hundred disciples from letting Chu Li approach, and there were invisible forces around their bodies to block the **** disk and the destroying arrow.

Chu Li's face was astonished, and the remaining disciples had already been destroyed. Only one hundred disciples were left in Xueyangzong. If they did not destroy more than one hundred, that would not be the destruction of Xueyangzong, and it would soon be revived.

PS: The update is complete.

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