White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2900: track

[Title: white robe Explorer Chapter 2900 track (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Great Demon Immortal Wulian Peak, the Five Elements, the Gate of the Heavenly Realm, Chosen Tianji, the Night Lord, the Lord of the Inverse Scale, the Lord of the Snow Market, the Lord of the Snow, and the Lord of the Snow Eagle. After all, from the mouths of the monks of ignorance and dream, monk knew the behavior of Changshengzong.

The records of Changshengzong in Fu Demon Temple did not have these characteristics, but only recorded that they acted cruelly. There is a secret technique to prolong the life of Yuanyuan. It is necessary to kill the baby to deprive him of his life.

Moreover, it is still a baby who is less than one year old. After one year, the congenital energy is almost dispersed, and Shou Yuan is not as pure. The efficiency of turning into Shou Yuan is greatly reduced. To consume the source Shouyuan.

The Emperor Shengzong's martial arts is deep, and the mystery is strange, and he can be resurrected from death. This is also the only way to complete the deprivation of others' life. Every resurrection requires the lives of more than a dozen people to make up for it.

Such a ancestral gate should not exist in the world. The girl Zhou could still allow them to exist and shield them. To Chu Li, what kind of bliss realm to build is simply a joke.

He felt that this was purely a fool of monks and dreams.

He squinted his eyes for a moment, and the Dayuan Xuankong mirror had already looked at the four sides, his face slowly sinking.

The surrounding area was empty, and the location he had originally calculated was splendid and majestic, but it was empty alone.

He didn't rush in to see it, only looked at it with a large round mysterious mirror, and looked carefully everywhere, and finally saw the treasure hidden in the ground, with amazing power, revealing the treasure that made his heart breath.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed twice, Tianyantong started.

A team of people hurried down the mountain and disappeared into the distance. Everyone was heavy, and none of them were empty-handed. Even those old men with white-brown hairs carried a pile of things.

Some are for daily use, pots and pans, some are medicinal materials, and some are secrets of books. They are various, and they are separated from these stately and magnificent buildings by teams.

Chu Li shook his head with emotion, only to see the trend of moving, and depending on their movements and skill, the disciples looked strangely, obviously not the first time to do such a thing.

Then he saw four old men bury a dark green jade pendant under a large hall, and after returning to their original state, they drifted away, leaving a pile of books on their four old men.

Seeing this, Chu Li's face became more gloomy.

He found that the time difference between them and the group was extremely short. They might have withdrawn only one hour before. They were only one hour late, but they were nowhere to be seen.

They are obviously pregnant with Qiqibao, they can hide their tracks and cover the heavens.

At the beginning they moved the Zongmen and used the treasures to cover the heavens, but they were calculated by his advanced Tianyantong and deduction techniques, but now they can't count them, obviously they use more powerful treasures.

Where did such a treasure come from without asking for self-knowledge, it must have been from the girl Zhou.

So sheltering the Changshengzong, Chu Li is more and more resentful to the girl Zhou, helping and abusing others, and helping the tigers. This is not a good thing.

He closed his eyes for a moment, shook his head, and it really did not count.

The next moment he appeared outside the main hall of Changshengzong, and didn't step into it. He just wandered around outside, and then carried his hand in the whole Changshengzong.

After a moment, he showed a smile. The next moment he appeared in a small courtyard. Under the stone table in the courtyard, he found a night pearl, a night pearl that had been drilled through, apparently used to string into a pearl chain.

This night pearl should be a personal thing, the owner of this small courtyard did not expect to be a woman, exuding a faint fragrance.

Chu Li's face was gloomy.

He sniffed the night pearl and closed his eyes.

At first, he got a Buddhist scripture from the Dayuanyin Temple Fayuan. It is a Buddhist scripture for practicing magical powers, called Tongwen Jing. After practicing, he can reach his sense of magical powers, but only rarely use them.

This time when he saw the bright pearl of the night and was obscured by the secrets of the heavens, he was going to use the Sutra Classic and the magical powers of the heavens and heavens. The two are combined to see if he can find clues.

Close your eyes, listen to the classics in your mind, and your nostrils seem to open. The originally thin world became richer. Ten flavors, hundreds of flavors, thousands of flavors ...

The taste is countless and mixed together to form an extremely rich world.

He put the night pearl in front of his nose, sniffed lightly, and then stripped away all the flavors, leaving only the taste of the night pearl, and at the same time operating the heavenly and magical power, sensing the owner of the night pearl.

After a short while, he disappeared in place, and appeared in a wood the next moment. He saw the disciples of Changshengzong who fluttered like the wind. They were very quick, but they were not impatient, as if they were walking in spring.

"Sovereign, how could a monk really find it there?" A young disciple asked loudly.

There are about two hundred disciples in Changshengzong. They seem to be thin, but young disciples are in balance with middle-aged disciples and the elderly, each accounting for about seventy.

"Well." A mediocre middle-aged man with a light jaw.

"No, right?" The young man yelled, "We have a family of patriarchs in Changshengzong, covering the heavens. There is no way to deduce it. How can we find us?"

Xu Changsheng, the Emperor of the Emperor Shengzong, shook his head: "The Lord of the Temple of Fu Mo Temple is amazing. Our Zhenzong array is very difficult to stop him. He has already killed the Blood Yangzong and is attacking Tian Luozong. Daojishao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sovereign, it would have been as if he had almost been killed by Zhang Han hate, it is not a big deal. "The young man laughed:" No matter how powerful he is, where can he go? "

Xu Changsheng said: "You are too underestimated the Lord of the Temple of Fu Demon. You must be particularly powerful as the monk of the Temple of Fu De Temple. I am afraid that it is the most powerful one in the past. Blood Yangzong and Tian Luozong are not muddy!"

"That's true, too." The young man nodded. "It must be like a monk isn't a fool, so he will die in vain."

"Everyone is vigilant and moves a little sharper." Xu Changsheng yelled.

"Yes!" Everyone answered suddenly.

"What a longevity sect!" A long laugh suddenly sounded through the void.

Everyone looked up and saw Chu Li standing in the void.

Chu Li stepped in the void, gray monk robe hunting and wandering, staring at the crowd, secretly shocked that they were deep in cultivation. Although the number is far less than Tian Luozong, the overall strength is better than Tian Luozong.

"Did like !?" Xu Changsheng cried.

He fluttered up, followed by six middle-aged men next to him, guarding him, staring at him with a stare.

Chu Li nodded: "It is the little monk, Xu Zongzhu does not know where to go?"

"How did you find us?" Xu Changsheng cried.

As he spoke, the disciples of Changshengzong underneath suddenly accelerated, scattered apart, and every ten people fled in one direction.

Chu Li smiled unhurriedly: "Little monk has his own way, Xu Zongzhu, useless."

"That may not be so!" Xu Changsheng snorted. "You are too arrogant. Our longevity sect is not a man to be slaughtered!"

His remarks were abrupt, and the six middle-aged men's momentum changed abruptly.

Chu Liwei's eyes narrowed, they were really hidden, and they were far more powerful than the fleeing old men.

ps: update is complete. 2k novel reading network

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