White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2910: Repay

The next moment, he had already appeared on the mountain a hundred miles away.

The mountain peak is lush, the vegetation grows vigorously, and it exudes strong vitality. It is no different from the first mountain peak. The aura is still strong and unruly. He flashed for the next moment, but appeared on another more towering giant peak.

There are huge peaks all around, and the peaks are inserted into the clouds.

Chu Li took a deep breath, and slowly nodded. His instinct was indeed right. There are indeed 100,000 mountains here. The spirit beast in the back of his mind has become active since he came up, jumped from the dead tree, and gave him instructions. .

The little beast had been lying on the dead tree. Chu Li had spent a lot of time trying to hide it. It seemed to understand it. He had been lying on the dead tree. It seemed to disappear.

At this level, it couldn't help jumping out.

Chu Li, through its message, urged Shenzutong to come here in a flash, one hundred thousand mountains!

This one hundred thousand mountain is almost the same as the one hundred thousand mountain in the lower bound. The same is that the spirit beasts are everywhere, and it is deeply cultivated. Although most of them can't compare with him, he dares not to walk wildly, and feels a great deal of pressure.

Apparently, there are spirit beasts that have overwhelmed him in the 100,000 mountains.

His Nether Dragon and Spirit Turtle are both in deep sleep, and it may take more than a hundred years of sleep to wake up, so he has not bothered, and he has rarely visited the 100,000 Mountains since leaving Tianwai Tian, ​​and has nothing to do with the Spirit Tiger. got engaged.

Unexpectedly, there are still 100,000 mountains here. It seems that there is a connection with the 100,000 mountains in the lower bounds. Could it be the same place?

He operated the internal force and found that the aura was richer than the one hundred thousand mountains in the lower bounds, so it was by no means one place, but there must be a connection between the two, and it was possible to come directly from that one hundred thousand mountains.

But he didn't find his way.

He turned around the 100,000 Mountains, and finally shook his head. The spirit beasts were very alert, keen intuition, and felt his power, so he did not come to provoke him, and he was boring by himself, so he left.

He then performed the magic foot pass, ran away thousands of miles at a stretch, and finally saw a towering pool city.

After seeing for a while, he didn't enter the city directly. He first appeared on an official road outside the city of Chi. He struck a gray monk robe and walked slowly.

He took a few steps, heard the sound of a horse-drawn carriage behind him, turned his head and glanced, and found that an old man was driving the carriage, the pile of woodpile piled up high, and the old horse who pulled the carriage walked leisurely.

Chu Li Anbu was a car, his pace was calm and slow, and each step was equal in distance and magnificent.

"Hmm ..." The old man's carriage rushed to him. The old man stopped the carriage and turned to look at Chu Li: "Master, but into the city?"

A ritual of Chu Lihe: "Amitabha, I have seen Laozhang, and the little monk is going to the city."

"Let's go up then!" The old man grinned and said, "The master is young, but he is dignified, and he must be a monk. Come up quickly."

Chu Lihe even smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Lao."

He was not polite and took the carriage directly.

The old man grinned with a whip and urged the horse to continue: "Which temple is the master from?"

"The little monk came from an old temple in the deep mountains. There were only the little monk and the master in the temple. After the master passed away, the little monk was ordered to go down the mountain to purify the world." Chu Lidao.

"It turned out to be the accumulation of merits." The old man suddenly realized, admiring: "The master can go to Bao'en Temple in the city, or Lingyin Temple outside the city, which are incense-filled temples and high monks."

Chu Li smiled: "Lao Zhang is also a believer in Buddha?"

"Amitabha, of course, the little old man believes." The old man nodded and admired: "At first, the little old man had a chance to listen to a master of the Yeye Temple at Baoen Temple, and then he believed in the Buddha."

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Master Xuye ..."

"Master Xue Ye is a real monk Dade." The old man sighed admirably: "When speaking, there is auspiciousness in the sky and the golden lotus in the sky. It is really magical!"

Chu Li raised a brow and slowly nodded.

The old man said: "If the master can get the guidance of the virtual night master, he will definitely benefit a lot."

Chu Li smiled: "The little monk went to meet Master Xu Ye."

"That is a must." The old man nodded quickly.

Chu Li then asked him about some customs and personal relationships. His previous experience worked. The old man did not hesitate and explained enthusiastically.

Although people in this world have long life spans, tens of thousands of years, but there has been no change. There are still people who are poor and rich, but because the world has rich auras, so rich in goods, so the poor need not work so hard. Live, no matter how poor, you ca n’t be hungry.

Because of the long life and no worries about eating and drinking, the Confucianism is prosperous, the Buddhism and Taoism are prosperous, the culture and entertainment, the Buddhism and Taoism entrust the spirit.

Seeing that this old man is just an old man in the country, he talks in a scrupulous manner, which shows the general.


In front of the giant city, the big words Yunding were written on the gate.

Chu Li sat in a carriage and entered the city leisurely. Yunding City was not guarded. People came and went in and out, freely, and entered the city on the right and left the city, orderly.

"This Yunding City is very lively and has all the fun. The master entered the city, but don't be fascinated by the myriad red dust." On the parting, the old man grinned.

Chu Lihe was ashamed, and then he got into the bustling crowd.

On both sides of the street is a shop ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jumbo jewelry, pastry snacks, ready-to-wear shops, antiques, various shops are densely packed, and customers are endless, which can be described as lively.

Chu Li crossed this street, headed for the city center, and finally came to a golden temple.

He stood in front of this huge temple and shook his head inexplicably.

This temple is like gold casting, with red walls and gold tiles shining golden scorching in the sun, solemn and sacred, rich and formidable. Buddha statues are vivid and exude compassion.

Standing outside the temple, watching the believers and pilgrims coming in and out, the Vatican sound was faintly heard from the temple.

He combined the rituals and felt the sacred atmosphere of the Bao'en Temple, but it was sent by the monk relic, which blocked the prying eyes of the Dayuan Xuankong Mirror. After that, he knew that the name of the Bao'en Temple was not bad.

He stepped into the gate of the temple, and a small Sami greeted him with a ceremony: "Amitabha."

Chu Lihe even said: "The little monk is determined to come from the mountains. I heard that the master of the Yeye Dharma is so deep that he came to see him."

"Uncle Xie Ye is closing the retreat, and he can't see foreigners." Xiao Sha closed up.

Chu Li raised an eyebrow, groaned, and took off the wrist beads, and handed them to Xiao Shami: "Troublesome, please present this beads to Master Xu Ye. If Master Xu Ye is not there, the little monk will leave."

"Okay, monk, please wait a moment." Xiao Shami took the beads and turned away lightly.

Chu Li looked at this little Sha Mi, and indeed he did not have martial arts, but his light body was obviously practicing the art of attack.

After a while, Xiao Shami stepped out quickly and said, "Uncle Xu Ye has invited!"

Chu Li nodded, and as Xiao Shami turned to the right, instead of entering the hall, he turned to the next side of the Zen Temple.

PS: The update is complete.

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