White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2912: Desire

[Title: white robe like the line duct Chapter 2912 (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Ace Assassin Dragon King Legend of the Ancient God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Xuan Realm Gate Chosen Tian Yong Yong King Reverse Scale Lord Dominates the Holy Ruin Snow Eagle Lord They are calm and peaceful, their brain seems to be immersed in the cold spring water, and the heart is covered by the earth Holding it firmly, there is an inexplicable joy deep in my heart, a kind of serenity and joy that I have never experienced.

Immersed in this state of mind, every word of Chu Li was clearly imprinted on his mind, and he felt it in his heart. A spirit of light flashed in the heart, deepening the peace and joy in his heart.

With the lecture, Chu Li exuded a faint golden light, and the white light was close to the body's skin. The more it went outside, the more golden it became, and the sound became soft and pleasant.

All of them gave birth to conversion and admiration, as if their ancestors were there.

The Diamond Sutra didn't last long, even though Chu Li spoke calmly, and whispered, it was done very quickly. In their feeling, it seemed to be just a moment.

Chu Lihe ritually closed his mouth.

He used the method of passing on Scriptures. The magic technique that he practiced in the Nether at the beginning is now more powerful and easier to cast. He dragged everyone into the illusion he created, and made them unforgettable in this illusion. Genius with amazing perception.

Everyone felt that the rest of the sound was endless, all immersed in it, motionless, the corners of their mouths were smiling with saffron flowers, serene and peaceful, and the treasures were solemn, as if they were all transformed into qualified monks.

After a long while, the monk of Xu Ye returned to God, and He Shi declared a Buddhist chant: "Amitabha!"

His voice was strong, shaking everyone's hearts, and all woke up.

Xu Ye monk stared at Chu Li strangely.

When he was preaching the scriptures, he was able to achieve wild flowers, and the golden lotus was a mysterious technique. It was the mysticism of Buddhism after he practiced to a certain degree and the spirit was strong.

But his secret technique can never do this.

At that time, when he entered the illusion, he woke up and wanted to break the illusion, but no matter how sober and careful his observation, he could not find the flaw, and he could not escape from the illusion.

After Chu Li stopped talking about the scriptures, he stopped passing the scriptures, and then he was able to break free and was shocked.

He knew that Chu Li's practice of the Dharma was profound and unpredictable, but he did not expect to be able to practice mysticism to such a state, knowing that it was false, and still could not break through the delusion and restore clarity.

If he is intent on heart, he doesn't need to do anything at all, and it is enough to perform such a secret technique, which is enough to kill silently.

Chu Li smiled and looked at everyone.

"Amitabha!" "Amitabha!" "Amitabha ..."

Everyone was saluting.

They all felt wonderful, recalling the Diamond Sutras that they had heard before, the words and phrases were flowing in their hearts, and the feelings of the Diamond Sutras were still there. The whole person ’s state of mind seemed to have been washed once. The past is gone, and the only thing in my mind is ease and joy, as if I were a reborn baby and got a new life.

They were anxious to sing a song, and the excitement and excitement in their hearts could not restrain themselves, so they proclaimed the Buddha's name and bowed salute to Chuli.

Chu Lihe even smiled: "You men and women do not need to be polite, the Diamond Sutra is infinitely intelligent, but you can chew its essence from time to time, improve your natural state of mind, relieve your troubles, and be free."

He said to stand up and bow before leaving.

The crowd watched him leave and salute one after another.

They got together for a long time and didn't want to leave.

"Who is this Master Dingru monk? It is so mysterious that it has never been seen before. It is really astonishing!"

"Which Bodhisattva or Luohan was born after such a young master?"

"Listening to this volume of the Vajra Sutra is better than practicing for nearly a hundred years. We are really good monks. We have a great chance!"

Someone stepped forward to ask the Yeye monk, "Master, who is this master monk?"

Xu Ye monk said suddenly: "That is to say, why do you need to come here? This lecture is the creation of many donors. Don't neglect it, chew and digest it, and you will definitely improve.

Everyone nodded.

Chu Li returned to the stone table of the Zen Temple and sat down, thinking that his sharpness was inappropriate.

If you want to gain more merits, you need enough fame. A monk without fame is as small as a dust, and a monk who is famous all over the world is very important and has a huge impact.

He wanted to accumulate merits at the fastest speed. It could only be so, it was a blockbuster, and the world was rumored. Otherwise, it was just too slow to promote the Dharma, and it was impossible to accumulate sufficient merits.

He already knew from the mouth of Xu Ye monk that although this world could not practice martial arts, it was not peaceful, and the prosperous ethics did not mean that there was no war.

The environment has advantages and disadvantages. Being in a harsh environment will inevitably lead to poverty and hardship. In the good environment, nature is prosperous and rich. Dayu Dynasty is located in the eastern soil. Although the area is huge and the geographical climate is diverse, the weather is smooth and the products are abundant , People live rich lives.

Living in the extreme east and west, and the extreme south, life is not so good, and the establishment of the Dayu Dynasty was expelled from them before they were built, so they do not want to destroy Dayu at all times.

Dayu is located in the east, Dayue in the west, Beiguang in the north, and Liguang in the south. The four major countries divide the world.

The world will be divided for a long time, and for a long time, after a period of more than 100,000 years of peace ~ www.readwn.com ~ A new round of war is imminent. Recently, there have been constant border conflicts, and the scale of the conflict has become larger and larger.

Dayue had a wise master, Li Bing and his horse had a tendency to go east.

Chu Li wants to accumulate merits. The best way is to consume the war between the two countries. This will save countless lives and countless merits. Even if it cannot be compared with the establishment of the Dayu Dynasty, there is a glimmer of hope.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Xu Ye monk joined together outside the courtyard.

Chu Li stepped forward to open the gate of the hospital, and He Shi smiled.

Xu Ye monk exclaimed: "God knows its god! God knows its god!"

Chu Li smiled: "It's just the trail of Hongfa, it's forced to manifest."

Xu Ye monk nodded with a sigh: "All sentient beings only believe what they see in their eyes. If they do not have supernatural powers, they have no Dharma practice. If they want to be drawn to the ship, they need to show supernatural powers. This is also a convenient way to cross people.

They sat at the stone table.

Xu Ye monk said: "What is Master Dingru planning?"

Chu Lidao said: "The little monk wants to go to Beijing."

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Xu Ye monk smiled and nodded: "Old Lao is also thinking about this."

Such a Dharma, such a magical skill, in Yunding City is no different from the burial of the pearl in the sand, and it is true that the heavens and the heavens are violently destroyed.

Xu Ye monk went on to say, "In the eyes of Laoyu, Dingru ’s whereabouts do not have to be too hasty. Walking along the way while preaching, benefiting all sentient beings, can be regarded as countless merit."

Chu Li nodded slowly: "The master makes sense."

He immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ye monk, and went on to preach the sermon all the way, in order to build momentum and make his reputation even stronger, which was conducive to action in the capital, and had a great reputation with less effort.

Xu Ye monk said: "Laoyu has some friends, and I hope the master will help me believe it."

Chu Li smiled, "Thank you, Master."

ps: update is complete. 2k novel reading network

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