White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2914: influences

[Title: white robe Explorer Chapter 2914 impact (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Legend of the Super King of the Dragon King of the Ancient God King Wu Lian peaks of the Five Elements Tian Xuan Jie Tian Tian Ji Yong Ye King Inverse Scale Lord Ji Shengxue Snow Eagle Lord Chu Li nodded.

The practice of the Buddhism is about the way of liberation. It is life and death and troubles, not magical powers.

For the poor, poor and poor couples will be sad. If you have money, you can solve everything and you will be happy. Do n’t you know that when you have money, you will have as many troubles, not because you have money.

Supernatural powers are like money. With supernatural powers, it does not mean that we can be free of life and death, and that we can stay away from troubles.

It ’s just that the world treats magical powers just like money, and thinks that with it, it can solve all their troubles. Do n’t you know that magical powers do not relieve the troubles, it just proves that the practice of the Dharma has been accomplished.

The magical power is not exactly, it is just the manifestation of the Dharma. This is known to Buddhist monks, but the world is foolish and skeptical about the Dharma. If they want to convince them, they can only perform magical powers to show the incredible.

This is also a convenient way to cross people.

"Be careful with Mozong." Jishen monk once again urged.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Jishen Monk said: "We have had a lot of top figures in the Buddhism, many of which were folded in the hands of Mozong. They often came to the door to challenge the contest as soon as they saw Bumen Juncai, thus destroying their confidence and falling into the magic path.

Chu Lidao said, "Did the demons hurt?"

"The evil law naturally hurts people," Jishen monk hummed.

Chu Li nodded slowly.

He could hear that this so-called Demon Sect was different from the Demon Sect in the world below. It was not harmful, but it had a different practice. Therefore, there might be other things that should be regarded as demon, which need to be understood slowly.

"Master Jishen, write a letter!" Xu Ye monk said.

"I'll send it over tomorrow." Monk Jikong hummed. "Relax, the old man promised, never regret it!"

"That's all right," said Xu Ye, a monk, "don't let us sit in?"

"Old man still has to write a letter, you still come back." Monk Jikong said.

"You ..." Xu Ye monk shook her head and smiled: "Then we can only go back and say goodbye!"

Chu Lihe.

He stretched his hands over the Monk's shoulders and disappeared.

The next moment the two were already in Chu Li's Zen Temple.

Xu Ye monk looked at Chu Li and exclaimed: "Sure enough, there is a lot of magical power, but it must be like a master. This magical power is best not to let others know."

Chu Li nodded: "Thank you for your guidance."

He immediately understood the meaning of Xuye Monk. He didn't want to cause people to speculate. In the world without light work, Shenzutong is even more amazing. It would be suspicion and insecure, lest he suddenly appear in his home.

How terrible it is to be able to come and go, how can one not guess.

"The old uncle will not bother." Xu Ye monk laughed.

He lamented Chu Chu's wisdom, even because he was in the mountains, he did n’t know the world, but he knew everything, and his wisdom was amazing.

There were only more than 300 believers in Chu Li's preaching, but the influence was great.

The relationship between the believers is closer and the news spreads faster, but two days later, the news has spread. All the followers of the scriptures respected Chu Li, the new monk, and aroused the curiosity of other believers.

In the early morning of the third day, the Xuye monk came over and told him that the believers had been coming all these days, and wanted to ask him to open an altar again and again, and he wanted to listen to his wonderful method.

Chu Li promised happily. In the early morning of the fourth day, he opened an altar again in the Daxiong Baodian.

This time, not only the believers, but also the monks of Lingyin Temple, and more and more believers came. The huge Yunding City has spread the news of Chu Li from this monk. Many people just heard the news and hurried Come.

Later, in front of Daxiong Baodian, it was no longer able to accommodate so many people and had to move outside Bao'en Temple.

Chu Li sat on the steps in front of Bao'en Temple, while the rest sat on the open space in front of the door. On both sides, several ancient trees were lush and lively.

Under the shade of the tree, more than 2,000 people sat together watching Chu Li quietly, ready to listen to his lecture.

Chu Li's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and then he gave a ritual and began to preach.

He picked up the method of teaching the Scriptures, and pulled everyone into the world he shaped, like a bliss world. In this world, all of them became wise, unforgettable, and amazing in understanding.

After finishing the Vajra Sutra, everyone was immersed in it for a long time, and it was difficult to extricate themselves, and they did not want to come out of this world.

The past events seem to dissipate like clouds of smoke, and the negative thoughts in my heart are swept away. Only serenity and joy are washed away, both physically and mentally, like a new life, especially for the children of Buddha.

In the area where the scriptures were passed, all the obstacles they encountered in practicing the Dharma suddenly disappeared.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Jishen monk Heshi gave a deep gift.

The nine old monks behind him, ten middle-aged monks, and twenty young monks followed a ritual, with a somber face and a solemn treasure, as if facing the solemnity of the Buddha.

Chu Lihe even reciprocated.

"Listening to a master's Buddhist scripture is better than half-life ascetic practice." Monk Jishen sighed, "It is truly a supreme trick, respectable and sorrowful!"

He admired Chu Li's supernatural power again, so that the supernatural power is a real supernatural power, which is a hundred times better than the Tianyantong supernatural power, which is the supreme supernatural power that benefits all beings and promotes the Dharma.

In such a Buddhist realm, everyone is truly a Buddha, and they can open their nature freely ~ www.readwn.com ~ to explore Rulai Tibetan.

Chu Li smiled: "Master Jishen has won awards."

"Lao Lai never talks about boasting, so supernatural, she is really a god!" Jishen monk shook his head and said, "And it was the first time Lao Lai saw and heard it for the first time."

Chu Lidao said: "This is a supernatural power that the little monk realized on his own. It was obtained by chance, and it was also an opportunity."

"He is like a master, he is good." He took a box out of his wide sleeves and handed it to Chu Li: "This is a letter written by the old man. If we do our best, we should get out of a top monk. . "

Chu Li took it with both hands, no thanks.

The crowd woke up at this time, joy and admiration, unable to restrain themselves.

Chu Li got up with a ritual and went away.

The crowd was reluctant to leave for a long time, as if the atmosphere of passing through the world was still floating here. Sitting here, their minds were still peaceful and joyful, and they could not wait to sit here and not move.

This aroused the attention of the people around him, and they came together to inquire about the news, knew Chu Li's name, and became more curious, and wanted to personally teach the magic of this magical monk.

During their enquiry, they saw that the followers after the chanting were all frantic and more curious, so they asked the Baoen Temple to ask the master to open an altar again.

So three days later, Chu Li opened the altar again and gave a Vajra sutra.

This time there were more believers, nearly 20,000 people. Before Baoen Temple could not accommodate so many people, they came to a mountain peak outside Yunding City. Chu Li sat on a rock and gave a lecture to the people sitting at the foot of the mountain.

When everyone woke up, they saw the dense crowd of birds and beasts around, as if they were listening.

But it is where Chu Li ’s mental powers pass. Even birds and beasts cannot be spared, and they are dragged into the territory of Chuanjing.

ps: update is complete. 2k novel reading network

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