White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2921: Thunder

[Title: Explorer of the 2921 white robes chapter lein (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the strongest cooking soldiers, the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peaks of the Five Elements, the gate of the heavens, the heavens, the heavens, the choice of the eternal night, the king, the king, the inverse scale, the Lord, the snow eagle, the lord, and the eternal mind Xiao Wang is better. "Zhao Zhenghe laughed.

Chu Li nodded with a smile: "Then don't have to worry about it, the princess can live longer than Wang Ye."

"I hope so!" Zhao Zhenghe laughed.

Princess Jing pouted and chuckled, "It is better not to live so long. It is best to walk in front of the Lord, so as not to suffer from solitude."

Zhao Zhenghe shook his head with a smile.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The six monks combined together, all looked at Chuli in doubt: "Dingru is like a master. Although the Buddha has a method of praying for luck and prolonging life, it can be difficult to complete the cultivation."

The Buddha's method of praying for luck has always been unpredictable, seemingly true and illusory, and cannot reach the door. Therefore, it is only psychological comfort that is better than nothing, and it is impossible to count on, otherwise the princess will not die.

Chu Lidao said: "There is law but it is difficult to repair, and it depends on the chance and Fuze. The princess has a deep sense of kindness and deep merit, but it is expected to be cultivated."

"That ..." Six monks thought for a moment, then shut up.

They want to know the mystery among them, but they also know that this is a unique technique, which must not be spread to others. They must expand their faith and strengthen their faith in order to promote their Dharma and Buddhism.

"Master, the little monk has resigned, and will come back tomorrow." Chu Li got up and said.

"The master is leaving?" Zhao Zhenghe stunned, then shook his head, "This is not possible. Why doesn't the master live in Xiao Wang's house, and it is also convenient for the princess to practice?"

The princess Zhuang Yuerong nodded gently and said, "I still have to bother Master to run around, and my disciples are ashamed to be."

"Exactly." Zhao Zhenghe nodded in a hurry.

Chu Li groaned, and slowly nodded, "Okay, then send someone back to my house to say one."

"This is of course." Zhao Zhenghe hehe laughed: "The master stayed at ease and stayed at the little king's house, at least can be clean, not everyone can come to disturb."

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

He also considered this way, and lived happily in the palace.

If you really want to live there, you can find all the officials and nobles in the city. If you are looking for one at a time, if there are several at the same time, it will be a problem if you go there.

Everyone left, leaving only Chu Li and Zhuang Yuerong in the back garden.

The two came to the small pavilion on the lake, where the breeze was slowly blowing, and a bright moon was hanging diagonally to the sky.

Chu Li looked at the sparkling lake and slowly said, "Yue Rong, do you want to practice the method of entering the world or the method of leaving the world?"

He saw that the princess Zhuang Yuerong really sincerely worshipped under her door, and no longer looked at her as a princess. Besides, he experienced everything in the lower bounds, and had no sense of awe for the princess, the grandfather, and even the emperor.

If other people do this, they will anger them. Chu Li, as a demon monk, does this, but they admire them. They feel that they are true virtues and they can really accomplish the life of the Buddhist monks.

"Master, what is the law of joining the world and what is the law of being born?" Zhuang Yuerong asked.

She was standing in a small pavilion under the moonlight, and her lilac dress was light and fluttering, and she was a little dusty.

Chu Lidao said: "The method of joining the WTO is to pay attention to the unique mentality, and then cooperate with the good to accumulate merits and prolong life. The method of birth is focused on the practice of the Dharma, abandoning everything and ignoring common affairs."

He went on to say: "The two methods are equally divided. It's not the better method. It only depends on the wishes of each person. You must follow your heart and choose. Otherwise, it will inevitably be more effective."

"Yes." Zhuang Yuerong nodded gently.

She looked up at Mingyue and stunned.

Chu Li was silent and did not disturb her.

Zhuang Yuerong's eyes gradually lost focus and fell into the memory.

After a short while, her eyes gradually returned to clear, she sighed, and said slowly, "Master, I think so."

Chu Li looked at her.

Zhuang Yuerong said: "I want to practice the law of entering the world, I can't be born."

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "Okay, as long as you follow your heart, it will be the same after entering the world."

"Can you become a Buddha after joining the WTO?" Zhuang Yuerong said.

Chu Lidao said: "One way of practicing Buddhism is to understand Buddhism and gain positive awareness, and the other is to practice merits. Only when they are used together can one hope for perfection. One is indispensable."

This is his understanding of the world.

Although the Dharma is spread throughout the ten-party world, not all the Dharma in the world is the same, and it must be consistent with the laws of this world, otherwise no matter how fierce the cultivation is, it will be futile.

According to his understanding of the world these days, this is the case of the Dharma in this world. Merit is equal to Dharma practice. Practicing alone is not enough, and its achievements are limited. Therefore, those monks and great virtues all went to Beijing.

Zhuang Yuerong nodded gently.

Chu Lidao said: "If you can realize Buddhism, plus merit, it is not without hope."

"Then follow Master's good words." Zhuang Yuerong laughed.

Chu Li smiled: "Then I will prescribe your practice and practice life first."

He said, and gently touched Zhuang Yuerong's brows.

Zhuang Yuerong only felt a bright light in front of her eyes, as if the sun was falling in front of her, dazzled, and could not see anything. Only a loud noise came from her ears, and then she recovered her light.

She saw that she was standing in the void, without strength, but she could stand. She looked up and boundless, endless, but at the foot was a ball, the ball slowly rotated, and the ball was blue, green, and yellow ~ www.readwn.com ~ emits a soft light.

She was a little weird, wondering what the ball was and was extremely curious.

Then her eyes flickered, the ball suddenly pulled closer, she saw the blue waters, the lush woods, and even the beasts in the forest running to kill.

The ball is getting closer and closer, as seen in the field of vision, you have seen swimming fishes on the bottom of the sea, seen giant beasts of fish, seen islands, and forests, and the birds and beasts in the forest each live. Some birds and beasts are dying, some are being born.

Then there are cities, where the residents live independently, with babies being born and old people dying. Some are screaming and being killed, others are killing with a knife, cold-blooded.

Time passes, no matter the killer or the baby born, they are slowly dying. Generation after generation are repeating birth, death, and death. The exception is Mo Neng. The father dies, the son dies, and then the grandson dies. The grandson dies. Never break.

The orbs are changing, the mountains are becoming oceans, the woods are buried under the ground, and the oceans are becoming mountains. Everything is constantly changing. No one is eternal, there are births and deaths, and fickleness.

"Amitabha!" A loud noise came from the void, shaking her mind.

She immediately pulled her eyes from the ball, and saw the huge Chu Li standing in the void, about a hundred feet tall, her body shining with golden light, her eyes showing calmness and apathy, kindness and peace.

"Amitabha!" She was blessed to the soul, and at the same time he announced a Buddhist chant.

Suddenly there was a ray of light sweeping up and down the body, buzzing, shaking the internal organs.

She woke up, opened her eyes and looked at Chu Li.

Chu Lizhen looked at her with a smile and nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, was it ...?" She was still shocked.

"Is there any enlightenment?" Chu Li smiled. "It was just Lei Yin who washed the marrow." 2k novel reading network

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