White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2923: Throne

[Title: white robe Explorer throne Chapter 2923 (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Lord of the Heavens Holy Eagle Snow Eagle once thought of the eternal dragon king legend of the ancient **** king Wu Lian peak five elements of the gate of the heavens Xuanjie chooses the heavens the king of the night against the scales unfortunately, many times failed.

This layer of heavenly aura is extremely strange, and even directly sealed the connection of his withered Jing, unable to condense the upper layer of heavenly aura.

Chu Li shook his head. He already understood why when he was in the next layer, he could receive the aura of this world, but because of the existence of the heavenly spirit beast, the dead tree can directly lead this. A layer of aura of 100,000 mountains.

Without the heavenly spirit beast, Kurong Jing could not attract this layer of heavenly spirit.

The existence of the one hundred thousand mountains is indeed strange. He also has this layer of heaven. He suspects that even the upper layer of heaven has one hundred thousand mountains, and even more layers of heaven, so it should not be difficult for him to lead to the upper layer of aura.

Unfortunately, this layer of heavenly aura resists the approach of the other auras, forming a thick armor, with strict guards and no gaps to drill.

He tried for a long time, shook his head, gave up helplessly, and stopped for a while, knowing that it would not be useful to try again, and he needed to find another way. First, he must understand the rules of this world and see if he could raise the level of Kurong Jing to another level.

Footsteps sounded, Zhuang Yuerong and Zhao Zhenghe approached lightly.

Chu Li glanced up at them, as a gift.

Zhuang Yuerong and Zhao Zhenghe were busy in returning gifts, and walked around the corridor into the kiosk and came to him.

"How good is the master to rest?" Zhuang Yuerong laughed.

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "OK."

Zhao Zhenghe said: "Master, if there is something unaccustomed to him, let him order."

Chu Lidao said: "The monks are not so particular about it."

Zhuang Yuerong gave a glance at Zhao Zhenghe and said to Chu: "Master, Lord, he also admired Master ’s profound dharma and wanted to worship under Master's door."

Chu Li raised an eyebrow: "The prince is valuable, can he convert to the Dharma?"

After all, Zhao Zhenghe is the emperor's sister-in-law, who usually believes in the Dharma and has close relationships with the monks. This is nothing, but it really is different to which monk to convert to.

Zhao Zhenghe Shen said: "Little Wang has always admired the subtlety of the Dharma. He has never been able to enter the door. Now when he sees the monk, it is also the opportunity of Xiao Wang. He must not miss it, and he hopes to accept it!"

Zhuang Yuerong said, "What concerns does Master have?"

Chu Li Road said: "Is the king really put down the throne?"

Regardless of the dynasty, it is inevitable that there will be contention for the throne. The Dayu dynasty was a million years old and has not perished. Chu Li has been amazed. In this generation of Dayu emperor, Ziyu Zangsheng, there are 20 princes. .

Originally, the Dayu Dynasty had grown up but did not build up sages, but this generation was out of order. The eldest son died of illness at the age of one hundred and vacated the crown prince, and the emperor had been hesitant to stand up because he missed the first son.

In this way, all nineteen princes may become princes.

Facing the temptation of the throne, he did not think that King Jing could bear the temptation, and through observation, King King also wanted to win the throne.

However, he consciously had little hope, so he could only give up and finally embrace the Dharma, so as to calm down the unwillingness and helplessness in his heart and resolve the meaning of depression.

His personality is not smooth enough, and he has an unusual relationship with the DPRK and Chinese ministers. There is no way to pass on the relationship with the generals. He has no connections and no prestige. He wants to win the crown prince is a luxury. He can only comfort himself with contentment and calm his mind with Dharma. Uneven.

"Yes, it's good for Xiao Wang to be a happy grandfather in this life." Zhao Zheng and Shen Sheng said.

Chu Li smiled and said, "Will the Lord really let go?"

Zhao Zhenghe nodded strongly.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "The Lord can really let go. The practice of the Dharma will inevitably go a thousand miles. Unfortunately, ..."

He shook his head and said, "How many people can see through the riches and honors? Let me accept you today."

"Thank you, monk ... Thank you, Master!" Zhao Zhenghe looked overjoyed.

Chu Lidao said, "Do you want to learn infinite merit?"

"... Hey, I can't hide it from Master." Zhao Zhenghe nodded embarrassedly: "Being a Lord Xiaoyao, it is good to live longer."

Chu Lidao said: "You have accumulated virtues and performed good deeds, and indeed have a lot of merit, you can extend your life a lot, but you must know that it is not so easy to turn merit into Shou Yuan. Every year, every year requires a great deal of merit. "

"The disciples must do their best!" Zhao Zhenghe nodded. "As long as I can extend my life."

Chu Li nodded: "Let's go, pass on your infinite merit."

The three came to a nearby waterhouse and sat down with their knees crossed. Chu Li's index finger gently touched Zhao Zhenghe's brows.

Zhao Zhenghe was not too wary of Chu Li. He felt that he was a destiny, and he was destined to have no chance of winning the crown prince, and there was no threat to others, so no one harmed himself.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, his eyes were blank, and then he found himself standing in an infinite void.

What happened next was not too different from Zhuang Yuerong.

Chu Li retracted his index finger and looked at Zhao Zhenghe calmly.

Zhuang Yuerong whispered, "Master, is your health okay?"

Chu Li nodded: "Wang Ye's endowments are excellent, and there is no disease or disaster."

Zhuang Yuerongsong smiled at once: "The disciple feels light body like a feather, and has never been refreshed."

Chu Lidao said: "With infinite merit, you will not be sick."

Zhuang Yuerong nodded gently: "Master, should we pass on the infinite merit to the world?"

Chu Li shook his head.

Zhuang Yuerong was surprised: "This scripture is so mysterious, if anyone can spread it, everyone will admire it ~ www.readwn.com ~" Chu Lidao said: "This scripture is not universal for everyone. "

Zhuang Yuerong looked at him doubtfully.

Chu Lidao said: "The talent is not enough, it is difficult to practice, and the merits are rare. It is necessary to accumulate merits, but it is evil."

Zhuang Yuerong thoughtfully.

Chu Li smiled: "The identity of your couple determines the easy access to merit, such as a lake like the sea, and to ordinary people, merit is like a small puddle, in vain."

"So it is." Zhuang Yuerong was surprised.

Zhao Zhenghe Yoyo woke up, opened his eyes and sighed, and He Shichao Chu Li said "Thank you, Master!"

Chu Li waved his hand: "Cultivation of the Dharma is the way of liberation. First come first and then let go. Only liberation. How can we talk about letting go?"

Zhao Zhenghe looked at him doubtfully.

Chu Lidao said, "You still want to be a prince and fight for the throne."

"... It's useless to think, it's impossible to fight." Zhao Zhenghe showed a bitter expression and shook his head: "So I also want to drive, how can I not survive, who makes me just the fifth child, compared to ordinary people Already rich enough. "

Chu Lidao said: "In the current situation, it is Lord Li who finally wins the crown prince, and Lord Gong who wins the throne."

"Isn't it possible?" Zhao Zhenghe said in surprise: "Lao Liu won the crown prince and Lao Jiu won the throne?"

Chu Li nodded.

"How does Master know?" Zhao Zhenghe frowned. "How could it not be possible to win the throne of Lao Jiu?"

The sixth son of the sixth prince is the Prince, and there is nothing to believe. After all, the sixth son is not bad. He has always been known as the wise king and has deep connections.

The old King Gong Gong is different. He has a low background. His mother is only a palace maid. She was born by the emperor after drinking, and was always looked down upon by the brothers.

He usually knows his identity is low, so he is obscured, his existence is extremely low, and he can even be on the throne? 2k novel reading network

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