White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2932: Gift beads

[Title: Section 2932 of the white-robed Explorer donated beads (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Legend reappears the gate of the Five Elements, the mysterious world, chooses the heavens, and the lord of the night, the king of the inverse scale, the lord of the sacred ruins, the snow eagle lord, reads the eternal dragon king. The ancient **** king "speak and listen."

Chu Li pointed to his left shoulder: "They will have a lightning bolt on their left shoulder."

Zhao Yancheng nodded gently.

"Your Majesty, is this ...?" Deng Yue looked at Chu Li.

Zhao Yancheng said: "The **** monk is sure, you should have heard it."

"Jiu Yang's name!" Deng Yue's eyes lighted up: "It is said that he can rise from death to life! ... when he is preaching, he can directly regenerate the state of bliss, since he really knows his god, I never saw it here, disrespectful!"

He said holding a fist.

Chu Lihe: "Deng Shi, be careful."

"Be careful?" Deng Yue froze, his eyes suddenly sharp, his eyes stabbing like two swords.

Zhao Yancheng frowned: "Dingru, does he have trouble?"

Chu Li nodded: "Assassinated by Bu Tianlou."

"Assassination?" Deng Yue grinned and shook his head, disapproving.

He was responsible for the assassination. He was good at assassination and had a keen sense of assassination. How could he be assassinated? That really became a joke.

Few in the world can secretly assassinate themselves.

Chu Li smiled.

Zhao Yancheng didn't dare to doubt this time, Shen said: "When?"

Chu Li shook his head: "About 10 days."

"Is there a way to escape?" Zhao Yancheng said.

Chu Li glanced at Deng Yue.

Deng Yue laughed: "Your Majesty, if you say other calamities, it may be fulfilled. Assassination is absolutely impossible. Even if a killer who makes up the sky comes over, I don't want to assassinate me!"

"Shut up!" Zhao Yancheng hummed. "If the swimmer is drowning, if you hold on to this mind, who will die if you don't die!"

Deng Yue shrank his neck, and he smiled, "That's true, the minister can't be careless ... then, well, master, how can I be prepared to avoid being killed?"

Chu Li shook his head: "It is impossible to defend, otherwise it will not be Bu Tianlou. It is said that Bu Tianlou has never missed, including this assassination of His Majesty, it is not a miss."

"Bu Tianlou!" Zhao Yancheng lowered his face and said calmly: "If you do not eliminate this Bu Tianlou, you will not be able to sleep well!"

I had known that the mission would assassinate, and I already had defenses in place, including guards and Gu Yuanhe. Gu Yuanhe was not only a guardian, but also born with divine power and superb martial arts.

Already so alert, I have not been able to escape the assassination of Bu Tianlou, without a certainty, I will surely die!

Thinking of this, he became heavier.

Hiding this time may not be the next time, what if there is assassination? Is it necessary to let Dingru follow you, ready to come back to life?

Deng Yuedao: "Master Ding, so I must die?"

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

Deng Yue hummed: "Without concealing the master, I have a substitute, it is really impossible. I hid this month, only let the substitutes appear, lead them to assassinate, and then seize the opportunity to catch it, and then follow the vine to find melon.

He spoke fistfully.

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Yancheng hummed: "It's so easy to think of something beautiful, it has already been eliminated!"

"Yes, Chen thinks it is simple." Deng Yue busted.

Zhao Yancheng looked at Chu Li: "Dingru, you can save him."

Chu Li sighed and nodded slowly: "Since His Majesty opened his mouth, the little monk could barely try."

He dismantled the beads on his wrist and handed them to Deng Yue: "The Lord Deng has been carrying this and may save his life."

Deng Yue took the beads and felt that there was a cool breath on the beads. He went directly into the arm through his wrist and then into his mind. The mind suddenly cleared and felt much sharper.

He suddenly became clear between heaven and earth, the colors became bright and moving, and the sounds coming from his ears were rich. No matter what the sound became, he even had two guards standing behind the pillars, breathing slightly, if not, Did not notice before.

"Good treasure!" He couldn't help exclaiming.

Chu Li smiled: "It is just the possession of the poor monk, which has been edified by the Dharma. There will be some spirituality over time. I hope that he can help Deng Shi's help to avoid disaster."

"With this orb, his life was finally saved." Zhao Yancheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He had personally experienced the mystery of this treasure, and originally wanted to ask for it cheekily, and saw Chu Li transfer to Deng Yue, but he only dispelled his thoughts and hummed, "This is a rare treasure, and you must not lose it!"

"Yes!" Deng Yue nodded.

Zhao Yancheng said: "Go, check it, and make sure that you make up the whole tower!"

"Chen must make every effort!" Deng Yue nodded vigorously.

"If you can't do your best, you must do it!" Zhao Yancheng snorted. "Otherwise, you will return to your hometown!"

"... Yes." Deng Yue clenched his fists.

"Go." Zhao Yancheng waved his hand.

Deng Yue turned away from Chu, and left the hall.

Zhao Yancheng got up and went down the stairs with a hand, and walked out, Chu Li and Gu Yuanhe followed.

Zhao Yancheng looked up at the endless palaces. There are more than 120 halls in the palace hall, which can be described as a huge building. It takes a long time to walk from beginning to end.

Out of the hall, Zhao Yancheng walked slowly with a negative hand: "Dingru, what do you want to do when you come to You? Just to preach your Dharma?"

Chu Li shook his head.

Zhao Yancheng said: "I can say well in advance, this is impossible, I will never support which vein of Dharma, one vein of esteem ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the way of destruction, I will never do of."

Chu Lidao said: "The poor monk does not want to use His Majesty to promote the law, but to build merits."

"Merit?" Zhao Yancheng frowned. "How is merit merit? Salvation is merit?"

Chu Li nodded slowly: "His Majesty's life and death are related to the fate of the world. His Majesty's death will inevitably lead to confusion. The sudden rise of the storm will damage how many innocent lives. Saving His Majesty is to save them.

"Well, so it is, what about Deng Yue?" Zhao Yancheng said.

Chu Li smiled: "Bu Tianlou's sin is too heavy, in addition to it is a great merit."

He won't let go of any great merit, and wanting to ascend requires merit that is beyond imagination. It is impossible to obtain so much merit without standing by the emperor, so there is no other way than this path.

The wickedness accumulated by Bu Tianlou over the years is huge. He saved Zhao Yancheng with great merit, but when they killed Zhao Yancheng, they were guilty of guilt. Such amazing guilt is no longer two.

Therefore, destroying Bu Tianlou, the merit is even greater than saving Zhao Yancheng.

Zhao Yancheng slowly nodded and said, "I really don't know how powerful the Tiantian Tower is. I previously despised them."

Chu Lidao said: "They act secretly, even if the assassination is successful, they will not preach it. Outsiders don't know, Your Majesty is best to say hello to the rest of the country, so as not to be concealed by Bu Tianlou."

"Oh ..." Zhao Yancheng smiled and shook his head.

Chu Li sighed.

It is nothing more than the reputation of Bu Tianlou. Even if the emperor is assassinated, they will not speak up. Just like Zhao Yancheng, I would like to remind the emperor of bad luck.

"Leave this matter to Deng Yue, I believe he can handle it well." Zhao Yancheng said.

Deng Yue is in charge of spying and assassinations inside and outside Dayu, and devotes all his strength to dealing with an assassin organization.

ps: update is complete. 2k novel reading network

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