White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2938: Decoy

Chu Li continued: "Are you a disciple of Bu Tianlou?"

"I am the thirteenth of the top floor," Song Meng said dullly.

"Shut up!" Shouted the beautiful woman.

She had a sharp voice, which struck the eardrums.

Song Meng is not affected, but just stares at Chu Li, as if losing his soul.

Chu Li continued to ask, "How many masters are there in Butianlou? How many points?"

"Tianhuangxuanhuang has four levels, twenty-five people at each level." Song Meng said dullly.

"Song Meng!" Shouted the beautiful woman.

Chu Li shook her head, stepped forward and pierced her with a needle again, and then turned to continue to ask Song Meng: "How many masters in Tianyu were there in Dayu Dynasty?"

"Ten people," Song Meng said.

Chu Lidao said, "Who is there?"

"I don't know," Song Meng said, "we don't meet each other and we don't know each other after Yi Rong meets."

Chu Lidao said, "Who is your superior?"

"I don't know." Song Meng shook his head: "I only received the target on the pier under the White Rock Bridge, and then assassinated. I don't know who sent it, and I am not allowed to spy on the next level."

Chu Lidao said, "I want to find all of you, how can I do that?"

"Can't find it." Song Meng said: "No one knows who they are unless they are found upstairs and upstairs."

Chu Lidao said, "Who is your next goal?"

"Master Gong," Song Meng said.

Chu Li glanced at the beautiful woman: "What about you?"

He looked at the other four.

Deng Yuedao: "So big dog gall, I really think we can't stop you!"

Chu Li sighed: "If you fail, will you continue to assassinate?"

"When Bu Tianlou never missed, one time was unsuccessful, and the next time it will continue." Song Meng said: "There will be higher-level assassins appear, always achieve the goal!"

"Well ..." Chu Li shook his head. "It seems that Your Majesty is not safe over there."

"Exactly." Deng Yue looked worried.

I really want to let the assassin mix into the palace to assassinate the emperor. Then his commander will be taken to the end, and he will be cut into a civilian. His life is unpredictable. Thinking of this, he was anxious and busy: "Do you still have a higher ranking in Dayu? "

Song Meng was motionless.

Chu Li repeated.

Song Meng said: "There must be more advanced assassins, even if they don't, they will come from outside, and they must reach their goals!"

Deng Yue's face grew ugly.

Chu Li frowned.

At present, nothing is found. This method of making up the sky is really superb.

"Find out their silver needles." Chu left.

Deng Yue waved his hand.

Soon two young men came forward, took out the silver needles in their sleeves, gathered them together, and presented them to Deng Yue.

Deng Yuedao: "Master, does it work?"

Chu Li picked up these silver needles one by one, there were more than a hundred needles. After looking at them one by one, he shook his head and said, "It should be useless, let's go and see the makers of their silver needles."

He turned and left.

Deng Yue busily approached: "What about these six guys?"

"Uh ..." Chu Li shook his head, took out six silver needles, pierced their chests gently, and then combined as a gift: "Six elders will not go this way again, Amitabha!"

He said nothing, all six closed their eyes and remained motionless.

Deng Yue nodded slowly.

This is the best way. It is a curse to keep the six guys. Besides, the crimes committed by them should be damned.

Chu Li turned around and walked out, Deng Yue followed closely, waved his hand to indicate that others do not need to follow, the two quickly out of the yard, then drilled into an alley, went straight north, all the way to a blacksmith shop.

Chu Li glanced at the smithy and saw a middle-aged man waving a sledgehammer inside. Four burly young men were beating him, all with their arms bare, sweating their arms like copper.

"Is this here?" Deng Yue whispered.

Chu Li slowly said: "They have nothing to do with Bu Tianlou, ... a good Bu Tianlou!"

With his eyesight and big round mysterious mirror in his body, he can see through people's hearts and the future, and he can't take this to make up the sky. He really did not expect that even in a world without divine power and martial arts, he can't do whatever he wants, without any disadvantage.

"Master, is there any other way?" Deng Yue asked.

Chu Li sighed: "It seems that we can only clean up one by one. Let's start with the emperor. There will still be assassins. It is better to let the emperor travel and lead the snake out of the hole."

"Master, absolutely nothing!" Deng Yue said busyly.

Chu Li smiled and said, "Afraid that the poor monk cannot save his Majesty?"

"Master, if you dare to mention it like this, and let your Majesty be a bait, that little life will be gone!" Deng Yue shook his head and said, "Even if Her Majesty agrees, that will leave me in my heart. It will inevitably be accountable after the fall, and it will be dead!" "

Chu Lidao said, "Let the poor monk mention it."

"Master, don't mention it, even if you have great power." Deng Yue shook his head and said, "Your Majesty really wants to kill you, you can't escape the master."

Chu Li smiled, "Well, thank you, Deng."

He did not expect Deng Yue to be so enthusiastic and said these words.

"Well ..., I'll plead guilty to Your Majesty." Deng Yue said, "This patchwork is too strong."


When the two returned to the palace, it was already setting sun.

The two bathed in the sun and came to Xuanyuan Hall.

Zhao Yancheng looked at them and shook his head: "It seems to be not going well."

"His Majesty, the master caught six assassins who made up Tianlou, but unfortunately did not find the old nest of Butianlou and broke the clues." Deng Yue said, "This is so precise and difficult to make up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhao Yancheng frowned: "Six? "

Deng Yue nodded quickly: "These six guys have assassinated the princess, and they have a lot of lives on their hands. Fortunately, a master has taken a shot, forcing some questions and taking their lives."

"What about those two assassinations?" Zhao Yancheng asked.

Chu Lidao said, "Your Majesty, they are not in Dayu."

"It's a bit of a meaning, actually sneaked out of the country!" Zhao Yancheng rose to his feet and sneered, "Don't you really want them to make up the sky?"

Deng Yue whispered: "The minister is incompetent."

"Well, I'm tired of hearing this!" Zhao Yancheng waved his hand: "Say, what's your idea?"

"Your Majesty, although we didn't find their nest, we didn't find anything. Through interrogation, they knew that they could not make up for the tower, and they would never stop. Assassination was unsuccessful. Next time, they will send a more advanced assassin. Twenty-five people, who don't know each other or contact each other, don't even meet with those who provide information. "

"Never give up? So, will you kill Assassin?" Zhao Yancheng said coldly, "Even Anfu?"

"Yes." Deng Yue nodded.

"That's good, Lu Ming sunrise palace!" Zhao Yancheng sneered: "I'll see if I can kill him! ... Master, you will follow."

Chu Li light jaw head.

Zhao Yancheng said: "Since they can't touch their nests, then they will cut off their wings one by one, isn't it a hundred people, six have been slaughtered, one to kill one, and see if they can hold it!"

Deng Yuedao: "The assassins sent to your Majesty must be the top-level assassins, only a total of twenty-five."

"Well, exactly!" Zhao Yancheng nodded slowly, and said coldly, "I'll see if they are trembling!"

PS: The update is complete.

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