White-Robed Chief

Chapter 291: Sky eye

The two looked at these little Sami, and each one of them was smart, showing extraordinary intelligence.

They came to a room pointed by the old monk.

The room was small, the door was unpainted, old and broken, and the door was so big that it couldn't stop the wind.

When the two were about to knock on the door, the door was opened by himself, and His Holiness stepped out of the room with a smile. "Ancient donor, this donor."

"His Excellency, this is Brother Ding Jianding." Gu Yuehe said, "We are here to ask His Holiness for advice."

Kong Hai smiled, and invited the two to sit in the room.

The interior of the house is very simple. There is a table under the front window, a chair and a maza in front of the table, a bookshelf leaning against the wall, and the shelves are full of old books.

Kong Hai sat on her knees with her knees crossed, and asked them to sit down.

"Sir, let's go and see Miss Xiao Er and Chu Li's dead body, and find it missing." Gu Yue knew that Konghai did not like the coldness, and said straightly, "I suspect they are not dead."

Kukai's calm face showed a complex look.

"Hmm ..." Both air and sea were together: "Amitabha ..."

"Holy Lord?" Gu Yue said: "The old man wants to ask His Holiness to perform magical powers again, and check it thoroughly."

Kong Hai sighed: "This matter is over, why do we have to make waves again?"

"I don't see Miss Xiao Er's body, my Highness can't rest assured." Gu Yue reluctantly said: "I knew this, I should take Miss Xiao Er back to the house."

"Yihua points, there is no chance of survival." Kong Hai sighed: "The old man's sin has increased again, sigh!"

Gu Yue said: "After His Holiness left, I put them in the ground for peace. When they went again, they were no longer there, of course, under the finger of His Holiness. Of course, there was no luck, I was afraid that they would have mystery, Able to come back to life! "

"Get back to life ..." Kong Hai muttered silently.

He is Lord Buddha. Also quite familiar with this kind of alienation.

"Have you ever fallen out of heaven?" Kukai.

Gu Yue thought for a while and nodded in a hurry: "It seems to have been heard in the city. Soon after the Buddha became a Buddha, the sky was overcast with thunder and lightning, breaking through the highest mad sand tower in the city ... I was with Ding Brother heard the news while eating! "

They ate at the Kuangsha Tower in Happy Valley. As masters outside the sky, they naturally went to the best restaurants.

They heard these casually during the meal. I thought it was an exaggeration and didn't care.

"So, let the old lady look." Kong Haixue's eyebrows frowned.

He opened a cupboard under the bookshelf and took out a box with a few strands of hair in it.

Kong Hai took out a strand of hair and sat down on the top of the cymbal. Baoxiang was solemn, with his hair wrapped around the index finger of his left hand, motionless.

After a short while, he opened his eyes slowly. Pensive.

"How is it, Lord?" Gu Yue busy asked.

Kong Hai's frown has been locked tightly, shaking his head gently.

"Ms. Xiao Er wasn't dead?" Gu Yue asked again, "still dead? ... Can you see this?"

"I can't see it." Kukai said: "There is a layer of invisible power blocking the sky."

He thought of Chu Li's formation.

"Is Miss Xiao Er really dead?" Gu Yue sighed.

Konghai groaned silently.

Ding Jian said: "Holy Lord. Can't see where she is, can't you see whether it is life or death?"

He thinks this should not be difficult.

Gu Yue looked at Konghai: "Holy Lord, there must be a way, can you see so many supernatural powers in your temple?"

"Oh ..." Sorrow sighed, Frost's eyebrows tightened, shaking her head frowning, and she came down to the door: "Ethereum, please come here, Master Shujing!"

"Yes, Master!" A small Sami who was frolicking beside the stupa agreed. Ran away.

Konghai sat back on his back and said, "My younger brother is quiet and has a good eye."

"There is Lao Konghai." Gu Yue busily laughed: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't be so careless!"

"A drink and a peck are all set," Kukai said, shaking his head. "What you plant and what you get. Ancient donors don't have to blame themselves."

Speaking of kung fu, an old monk stepped slowly. He Shi ceremony: "Brother Kong Hai."

He was thin and humpbacked, and a yellow monk's robe was washed away, showing off-white.

"Master Kongjing." Konghai beckoned and motioned for him to sit on the cymbals: "There is something to trouble the master to help."

The old, lonely, empty camel humped his back, and slowly came to sit on his back: "What's the matter with me?"

"Master, help me see if this person is alive or dead." Kong Hai handed a strand of hair: "You don't have to look too much at the rest."

Kong Jing took her hair, and a smile appeared on her wrinkled face: "A woman?"

Empty sea nodded.

The palms of the air are closed together, and the hair is clamped in the middle of the palm.

Gu Yue and Ding Jian suddenly stunned, feeling as if waking up in a dream.

I saw that Kong Jing's forehead was slightly low, and he seemed to be staring at the hair with his forehead.

"Oh!" Quietly, looking up, he shot a blood arrow.

Kong Hai reached out to support him, and sighed, "There is a master of labor!"

Quietly struggling to sit up, hands back hair, without a word.

"Xiao Shi seems to be an extraordinary figure." Kong Hai looked complexly at the hair.

Ordinary characters, looking at their fate and future, cause and effect and karma backwash are trivial.

However, if the fate of one person affects the fate of everyone, Tianyantong glanced at it, causality and karma are much more powerful. Seeing his brother and sister spray a blood arrow, Xiao Shi is no small woman.

Gu Yue cautiously asked: "Very quiet lord?"

Ding Jian looked at this old face without blinking, feeling that he seemed to be aging a lot, and was about to breathe.

Sorrow sighed: "Mother's world is expensive!"

"Mother's World?" Gu Yue cried out, busy: "Is it ... the Queen?"

He quietly shook his head and stopped talking, rushing to Haihe to give a gift: "Brother, I'm gone."

"Brother, take care of yourself." Kong Haihe even.

Empty smile, slowly leaving step by step.

Gu Yue busyly said: "Very quiet Lord, make it clear!"

Kong Jing stood at the door, turning his head and smiling: "This nobleman is still alive. In the future, he will be the mother of the world, and the old lady will leave!"

He was ashamed and left slowly.

"How is that possible ?!" Gu Yue turned to look at Ding Jian.

Ding Jian also has a different face.

Gu Yue looked again at Konghai.

Kong Haishuang frowned and sighed, "Master Kong Jingtian's Tianyantong will not go wrong, and Master Kong Jing will not slang. It seems that this Xiao Xiaozhu is alive ~ www.readwn.com ~ can live under the finger , Really a strange number! "

"Holy Lord, we're going to see the temple right away!" Gu Yue busyly said, "Have the Lord follow me?"

Kong Hai shook his head: "Old man is no longer out of the temple."

"Ah-?" Gu Yue was surprised.

Kukai: "Old man will die after seven days."

"His spirit is good, his body is tough, how can he ...?" Gu Yue was dubious.

Kukai: "The old man's fate is exhausted, and he can finally leave!"

"Holy Lord ..." Gu Yue was puzzled.

Konghai smiled: "When the silence returns to the outer world, only joy and joy, and the ancient donor need not be so."

"Then can I come to the last side of His Holiness?"

"After seven days, the ancient donor can come to the temple to observe the ceremony." Kong Hai smiled. (To be continued.)

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