White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2965: ambush

[Title: white robe Explorer ambush Chapter 2965 (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Legend of the Blooming Dragon King, the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peak of the Five Elements, the gate of the heavens, and the heavens, the heavens, and the heavens. He is the first master of Da Kun, known as martial arts master, and the eighteenth prince who came last time is his disciple. "

Chu Li's jaw head: "The disciples were defeated, and the master went out on his own. This is not like the master of a country."

Gu Yuanhe shook his head and said with a smile: "If anyone else would really not do this, this Da Kun teacher is straightforward and always acts wantonly, as he pleases, pays attention to letting nature go, and doing it by heart."

"It's such a character, it's funny." Chu Li jaw.

He was also curious about what kind of character this Grand Kunshi master was. After coming to this world, he saw a lot of characters, but it was often the ancients who really let him down, but the contemporary characters did not.

Gu Yuanhe said with a smile: "The emperor is extremely reluctant, but there is no way. No one can deal with the Grand Kun State Teacher. We have to take the master's shot."

Chu Li Road said: "In fact, Princess Anfu is enough."

"Identities are not equal." Gu Yuan and helpless said: "If the princess really passes, Da Kun will turn his face."

Chu Li smiled: "He wants to challenge the poor monk, or pass the princess level first. As for identity, he still depends on his strength. He is strong enough. Then all the rest, lack of strength, what is the identity? "

"This ..." Gu Yuan and helpless.

Naturally he did not dare to speak out, but was surprised.

Chu Lidao said: "There are still some hands behind the Tiantianlou, poor monks are better to stay in Beijing."

"... Yes, the little one goes with His Majesty Ming." Gu Yuanhe's face changed slightly.

He bowed, exited the hall, turned away from Ruyi Temple, and returned to Xuanyuan Hall.

When Zhao Yancheng heard him say this, he smiled: "It's because of my thoughts. The master really shouldn't leave Jingshi. Even if he doesn't make up the tower, maybe there are other assassins."

Gu Yuanhe said: "Yes."

He will never interfere in the administration of the DPRK and will never say a word.

Zhao Yancheng didn't let him go: "Gu Yuanhe, in your opinion, can Anfu pass in the past to deal with Da Kun State Teacher, can he succeed?"

Gu Yuanhe said: "The master must be sure."

He did not want to be involved in political affairs, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body, but the words of the emperor could not be perfunctory and did not dare to deceive. He could not escape the eyes of the savvy emperor. He knew the emperor, and the emperor knew him.

Zhao Yancheng said with a light jaw: "That's true, too ... let the prince also follow, enough to give the Chinese teacher face?"

"Emperor Shengming." Gu Yuan and his fists.

Zhao Yancheng said: "With the safety of the prince, don't worry about the safety of the prince."

"Yes." Gu Yuanhe said.

"Master, my disciples are going to travel far away." Princess Anfu sat on the futon opposite Chu Li, frowning and said, "Going to deal with that Grand Kun State Master, what can Master tell you?"

"Protect the prince," Chu Li thought for a while, "and pass on your sword skills."

He spoke, pressing his left index finger gently on Princess Anfu's brows.

Princess Anfu smiled and closed her eyes.

In the loud sound of "Boom", she was very bright in front of her eyes, and then she held a long sword in her hand, slowly waving, and murderous.

After a quarter of an hour, she slowly opened her eyes. The hall was empty, and Chu Li had disappeared.

She looked down to see that her clothes were wet, sweat was raining, and her hair was clinging to her forehead.

After being urged by the internal force, the mist suddenly filled, and the beard swelled away. Then, it was restored to be clean and tidy, and exclaimed, "Master, disciples go!"

Chu Li's voice lingered in her ear: "Go, be careful in ambush."

"Yes." Princess Anfu responded and turned away from Ruyi Temple.

In the early morning of the next day, the two ran out of Jingshi and headed south.

Princess Anfu wore a strong outfit and wore an ancient sword in her waist. She was dressed as a handsome man and full of vitality.

The other rider was a heroic young man, Crown Prince Dayu Zhao Zhengli. He rode on the horse, looking to the left and right, and was full of energy.

"Six brothers, you have to figure it out." Princess Anfu's delicate body undulated with her horseback, harmonious and elegant: "If it weren't for this mess, you would all be rusty!"

She was quite sympathetic to the elder brother. Since she became a prince, she needs to learn to deal with state affairs, staying in the Hall of Discussion all day and listening to the ministers discussing the world's major events.

She was so young, but she had to live like an old man. She felt uncomfortable as if a steed was pulled on a rein.

Zheng Yuanli laughed: "Little girl, I'm not as free and free as you. Being a prince is very difficult, but there is a lot of fun."

"Hum, what's the fun?" Princess Anfu pouted her lips. "Everything can't be the master, or the father and the emperor are right, you still have to be spit in the middle, just like this time."

Zheng Yuanli smiled and shook his head: "They don't know the master's magical powers, and it's inevitable to think so."

"If it wasn't for Master to stop this time, I would like them to look good!" Princess Anfu disdainfully said, "Whoever I worship as a Master should be in charge, and my hands are stretched too long?"

Zheng Yuanli smiled.

With different positions, it is difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong.

Zheng Yuanli said, "Little sister, this demon monk is getting more mysterious, and no one else is there. What on earth?"

Princess Anfu said with a smile: "Master just likes to be quiet, not big, and has a good temperament ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wenrun is peaceful and makes people feel like spring!"

Zheng Yuanli nodded: "I have a chance to see you after that."

"You have to ask Master what you mean." Princess Anfu laughed.

She didn't dare to make a decision.

Although Chu Li is warm and peaceful, but the majesty is profound. With the enhancement of cultivation, Princess Anfu can more and more feel the power of Chu Li, such as the mighty mountain and the collar, and the ocean.

This made her awesome even when she was close.

Zheng Yuanli whipped his horse and laughed, "Little girl, I'll leave it to you, drive!"

Princess Anfu laughed and spurred the horse galloping.

Zheng Yuanli's body is abnormal and healthy. After all, he is a royal child. He has eaten a lot of natural treasures and ran for three days at a stretch. His horses are also extraordinary, and they are not tired after a day. Late, the next day continued to run wild.

In the evening on the third day, Princess Anfu and Zheng Yuanli were running on an official road. On both sides were lush forests and mountains in the distance. They were about to enter a mountain road.

She frowned suddenly and exclaimed: "Liu, stop!"

"Hello ..." The two horses stopped.

Princess Anfu leapt onto the treetop next to her, and her toes stepped on the soft treetop and moved with the wind.

Zheng Yuanli looked stunned, which was beyond the scope of martial arts.

Princess Anfu leapt back to the saddle.

"Little girl, what's wrong?" Zheng Yuanli asked quickly.

Princess Anfu said, "There is an ambush ahead."

"The people from Da Kun are here first?" Zheng Yuanli asked with a frown.

They are still far from reaching the border, but Da Kun Kunshi and his party will not stay at the border and wait for them. They will rush forward. According to their itinerary, they may meet in this two days .

Princess Anfu shook her head: "It may not be Da Kun people, all wearing black shirts and covering their faces." 2k novel reading network

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