White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2977: Pass leaf

[Title: Section 2977 of the white-robed Explorer pass leaves (a more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The ace of the bodyguard of the sacred market, the snow eagle lord, reads the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peaks of the Five Elements, the gate of the heavens, and the heavens. But there is no good life.

"Relax, no matter how difficult, you will be fine." Chu Li smiled.

"Master, I'm afraid you can only do this kind of thing." Princess Anfu sighed: "Everyone will treat us as fools, as enemies, and in the end everyone will betray their relatives, I am afraid there is no place for burial."

Chu Li said: "Then you are afraid?"

"Master is not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Princess Anfu said.

Chu Li smiled: "That's it. Practice it well, don't think too much. It is a wonderful thing to excite the world with martial arts, invincible, and the enemy of the world?"

"Yes!" Princess Anfu cheered up.

Suddenly she had a little bit of arrogance, yeah, even though it was difficult for the world to be an enemy, it was a very stimulating thing. Who has dared to do this in the past? If you can do it, you will be alive.

She has a peerless qualification, coupled with Chu Li's transformation of her body, as well as enhanced machine skills, she is exaggerated more than a thousand miles a day, and has mastered the technique of void movement in a short time.

Chu Li nodded in satisfaction.

Since he came up with this idea, and began to teach Princess Anfu heartily, a large amount of work began to condense into him. He was very excited, and vaguely felt that as long as he could really do this, the merits would be enough to help him to rise, no need to worry Do something else.

As the cultivation progresses, the merit becomes more and more important. Even if he ascends to the next level, the merit of this world can be passed on to help him to act, so he must teach Princess Anfu well.

After two hours, Chu Li laughed and said, "Okay, enough!"

"Thank you, Master!" Said Princess Anfu excitedly.

She did not expect that the movement of the void was so magical. From then on, she no longer needs to ride a horse and move directly to the void. A thousand miles are just a short distance away, and in a flash, the large world in the eyes was endless, but now it has become smaller. Where is it going? Between my thoughts, the last moment was by the seaside, and the next moment was inside the palace. It was really free and easy!

Chu Lidao said: "You now have the ability to protect yourself, it is best to move the void to escape, but do not use it lightly, but also be careful that there are many secret treasures that can lock the void and cannot be removed."

"Are there such treasures?" Princess Anfu said.

Chu Li slowly said: "There is nothing strange about the size of the world. Do not despise any opponent because of his martial arts skills. Don't overturn the ship in the small gutter!"

"Understand !!" Princess Anfu nodded strongly.

Chu Lidao said: "Here is the star-gazing method. After you master this method, you can avoid evil and fortune, and save your life."

"Master, why do I learn to save lives?" Princess Anfu said.

Chu Lidao said: "In the future, you will have a lot of enemies. Life-saving is the first. Nothing can be done if you are dead."

"Okay." Princess Anfu said, "Master, I will take the initiative to strike, first to be strong."

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "Exactly!"

He was very satisfied with the understanding of Princess Anfu, and learned the stargazing tactics, not to avoid, but to get ahead first, see the enemy in advance, and then grab the action ahead.

He gently pointed at Princess Anfu's brows.

Star-gazing tactics and refining gods tactics are used separately, because star-gazing tactics need sufficient spiritual power, and Princess Anfu's current spiritual power is still a bit inadequate.

A quarter of an hour later, Princess Anfu opened her eyes.

Chu Lidao said, "Can you understand?"

Princess Anfu closed her bright eyes again, and then opened again a moment later, her face turned pale.

Chu Lidao said: "Your spiritual strength is still weak. You can only perform the stargazing trick once a day. With the cultivation of the divine magic trick, it will become stronger and stronger."

"Yes." Princess Anfu nodded strongly.

She learned these things, and she felt more and more profound and profound. Even with these miracles, any one of them was beyond the imagination of the world, and she was invincible in the world.

She was worried, but now she was eager to try.

Chu Li thought for a while and groaned, "There is also a magical power to bring back life to life."

"Master, can you still tell me that?" Princess Anfu said in surprise: "Isn't magic power impossible to impress?"

Chu Lidao said: "This is different."

Princess Anfu laughed: "Master still keep it, I'm afraid I can't control this magical power."

Resurrection of magical powers is magical, but it is also a huge trouble. Human relationships are endless, and there are endless people. If you don't save anyone, you will not only get gratitude but hate.

Unless you, like Master, refuse to see anyone, in addition to your father and yourself, you have five brothers and five wives to cut off cause and effect grievances. Otherwise, you will not get peace for a day.

Chu Lidao said: "This supernatural power is considered to be the most powerful amulet, which can have a vitality in desperation."

"... I must learn?" Asked Princess Anfu.

Chu Li nodded slowly.

"Okay." Princess Anfu agreed helplessly.

Chu Li smiled and pointed to her: "How many people want it, but you refuse it, have Huigen, and deserve to be a disciple of the teacher."

Princess Anfu said: "With the Master, it doesn't matter if I have this magical power."

"How can I always follow you as a teacher?" Chu Li shook her head ~ www.readwn.com ~ Princess Anfu and hesitated, "Master, are you leaving?"

Chu Lidao said: "Soon you have to be successful and take off to the next level."

Princess Anfu froze: "Ascension?"

Chu Lidao said, "I am waiting for you in the upper level for my teacher, but remember that you must find a disciple and come up again."

"Master, can I also ascend? Disciple's Dharma is too unusual." Princess Anfu was dubious.

Soaring is tantamount to foolish dreaming, but it is credible to speak out of Master ’s mouth, but she is not a Buddhist, even if she worships Master, after all, she only inherited martial arts and no Dharma.

Chu Li smiled: "Dharma understanding will also be passed on to you by initiation. As long as you follow the purpose of Ruyi Temple and accumulate merits, you will soon be able to ascend."

"When can that Master take off?" Princess Anfu reluctantly reluctantly.

Chu Lidao said: "It won't be too long, you can go after this time, ... come on."

Suddenly he jumped, turned over in the air, and then stood upside down. The top of his head was against the head of Princess Anfu. He stood upside down in the void, and the withered tree in his mind suddenly emerged.

In appearance, a golden light appeared faintly, from Chu Li forehead into Princess An Fu's forehead, and then slowly disappeared.

Chu Li's mind was empty, but a gold leaf on the Kurong Jing slowly fell, falling down into the void, and then drifted to a hazy existence, and finally left his mind completely.

On the withered tree, a gold leaf appeared again in its original position, which was the same as the previous one, but the color was dimmed by two points.

Chu Li opened her eyes and smiled. As expected, the leaves of this withered tree can indeed be regenerated and can also be taught. From then on, with that golden leaf, Princess Anfu can also be brought back to life, which is equivalent to withered. Part of the efficacy of the tree. 2k novel reading network

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