White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2984: Soar

[Title: soaring white robes Explorer Chapter 2984 (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

Welcome to the latest chapter of White Robe Explorer! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete Pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Ace pitcher Lord Dominion Shengxue Snow Eagle Lord once read the legend of the eternal dragon king Legend of the ancient **** King Wu Lian peak Five Elements Heaven Xuanjie gate Chosen Tianji Yongye King , His face was astonished: "Will it not be soared to heaven?"

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Yes, the poor monk has vowed, it is time to leave this world!"

"I haven't been able to listen to the master ’s magical tricks, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Zhao Yancheng said, "I am really reluctant!"

Chu Lidao said: "The world is impermanent, the fate comes, the fate goes, the fate of the poor monk and His Majesty has not yet broken, Anfu will protect His Majesty for the poor monk!"

He spoke to Princess Anfu and sighed, "Your Majesty must not make her embarrassed."

"The master rest assured, I am by no means the kind of six relatives who don't recognize!" Zhao Yancheng said in a deep voice.

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "The poor monk would like to thank His Majesty, Anfu!"

"Master!" Princess Anfu stepped forward: "Are you really leaving?"

Chu Li looked up at the Golden Gate and slowly said, "There is not much time for a teacher, and this Ruyi Temple will be given to you."

He spoke, gently tapping the index finger of her left hand on her eyebrow.

Suddenly, a light flashed from her brow, then rose into the sky, turned into a white rainbow, formed an arc, and fell on the Ruyi Temple behind her.

Ruyi Temple suddenly shot Guanghua, Jin Guang shot, forming a bowl-like gold cover, covering Ruyi Temple.

The white rainbow rushed out of her forehead confronted the golden light first and touched each other, but slowly, the golden light began to devour the white light.

Gold spread along Bai Hong, eventually spreading to her forehead, and the golden light covering the Ruyi Temple slowly faded and slowly disappeared, as if all of it had penetrated her forehead, but when it disappeared, it suddenly brightened and pierced everyone's eyes. Invisible.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Princess Anfu opened her eyes brightly, her eyes radiating golden light, as if in essence, combined with a ritual, calmly said: "Master and rest assured, disciples will guard Ruyi Temple well."

Chu Li smiled: "If Ruyi Temple is destroyed, Ruyi Temple does not have to be inherited in the same vein. It is God ’s will, and there is no need to reverse!"

"... Yes." Princess Anfu nodded slowly.

At this time, everyone's eyes returned to normal, and found that Princess Anfu's temperament had changed greatly. The original lightness was thickened, as if united with Ruyi Temple, quiet and distant, thick and peaceful.

The golden gate of the sky finally began to open, and the golden light shot, shining on the entire Jingshi.

Everyone in Jingshi could not help but look up, bathed in golden light, and suddenly his mind was peaceful. Somehow he felt a bit of compassion. Many of the worries in life seemed to dissipate. Only the peace of mind was peaceful.

The soul suddenly surpassed the earth and was relieved from the troubles.

Youyou Brahma sings out of the heavenly gate, and golden lotuses float out slowly and slowly, and the entire Jingshi is temporarily occupied by golden lotuses. People can't help but reach out to pick up the golden lotuses.

Unfortunately, when he touched the back of his hand, Jin Lian turned into a golden light, and then disappeared.

The crowd was disappointed. It was not expected that the golden lotus could not be sustained and could not be caught, but then they found that the deep body in the body had disappeared and the whole body was full of vitality, like a new body.

The body is not too strong to feel strong, as if after a doze, it is refreshing, the body feels weak, and the person with the disease feels strongly, and feels like a new life.

The round light behind Chu Li's head gradually expanded, from the size of his head to the size of his half body, to the size of his entire body, and his feet were getting higher and higher from the ground, as if there was invisible power holding him up.

"Amitabha!" Chu Li folded his hands together, sitting cross-legged in the void.

The sound of the Buddha's trumpet sounded like a morning bell.

The sky full of gold lotus suddenly rushed under him, and the golden mang was released, and all the gold lotus condensed to form a lotus throne. He sat on the lotus seat and slowly floated to the sky, slowly.

The round light behind him was like a bright moon hanging in the sky, reflecting his face like a jade, his eyes clear.

Everyone in Jingshi is looking up, and the noisy and prosperous Jingshi is generally quiet.

They all can clearly see Chu Li's appearance, and can even see each of his subtle expressions. This feeling is very strange. It is clearly far away, but it can clearly see into the eyes, and can never forget.

Chu Li was held up by Jin Lian, and then up until she came to the Golden Gate.

The Golden Gate slowly opened, and there was only a golden light shaking within the Golden Gate.

Chu Li stopped in front of the Golden Gate and turned his head to look back.

Everyone touched his eyes, Chu Li once again married, and then drifted into the Golden Gate.

The Golden Gate closed slowly and slowly disappeared into the void.

After a long time, someone sighed and broke the peace.

Everyone was covering their necks, and their necks were unwittingly sour.

"Is this a fixed monk?"

"What a demon monk, what other demon monk do you say? How can a demon monk soar?"

"Go straight to the other side, and break away from the world, this is the true supreme magic method, and Ruyi Temple is the holy land of the Buddha!"

"The Buddhist shrine is also useless. It must be that the monk has risen, even if he does not rise, he will not accept the disciples. He only accepted Princess Anfu as an apprentice. It seems that there is also the respect of the King and Princess.

"Well ... how can we, ordinary people, make a living like this?"

"I heard that the deity monk suppressed the generals in the world and did not dare to fight anymore. Now that the deity is flying, will he ...?"

"This is really bad!"

With that said ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone began to worry.

They would rather be peace dogs than chaotic people. Even if they were far away across the border, they could really fight, and the Beijing division would also be affected.

Zhao Yancheng retracted his gaze and swept the remaining three princes thoughtfully.

He was suddenly worried.

The three princes just promised to come down, and Dingru will soar away. At this moment, Dingru will kill them like a chicken, but now Dingru will not appear again.

Everyone understands that Master Dingru has soared to the next level, and will never return. For generations, he can return after never flying up, so Master Ding is no longer a threat.

It is the same as a giant peak moving away. They must be relieved, and then exult, feeling that they can regret it, and even have the Three Kingdoms join forces to destroy Dayu in order to exhale this bad breath.

He saw that the three princes had returned to God, staring at each other, their eyes burning, and their excitement uncontrollable.

Zhao Yancheng's heart sank a little, knowing that what he expected was good, they must repent.

He turned his eyes and fell to Ruyi Temple.

Ruyi Temple is like a sleeping beast under the moonlight. It stays still and blends with the night. It is difficult to imagine what would happen to the Ruyi Temple without a deity, even under the protection of Dayu. Can stop the attack of Dashuo Dakun Daning.

"Father Emperor." Princess Anfu whispered softly, "I can't go back to the palace. Starting today, I will live in Ruyi Temple."

"How can this be!" Chang Shuhua busyly said, "Anfu, only you are left alone in Ruyi Temple, how can we rest assured!"

Princess Anfu chuckled, clear her eyes across the field, and smiled: "From today, I am the owner of Ruyi Temple, and Ruyi Temple is my residence. Anfu Palace occasionally goes back to live once."

ps: update is complete. 2k novel reading network

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