White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3021: Shen Xing

Jingxue looked up, and a golden light came over, just happening to get into her mouth.

Her merit, Jin Lian, also condensed, and after entering her mouth, she turned directly into Qingqi and circulated in her body, and then operated according to the Tianyue Hualian Sutra.

The breath of the Tianyue Hualianjing is getting stronger and stronger, and it slowly enters the second layer. It is silent and there is no strange external appearance.

The Tianyue Hualian Suddenly stopped, and then the Lotus Secret was activated, and the Lotus Secret naturally reached the seventh floor, and the whole body flashed.

Su Xin glanced at her in surprise, pouting and smiling, "You have better luck and foundation than you."

Jingxue opened his eyes, frowned and shook his head: "Shouldn't it be reasonable ... Maybe it was because he had just been born again?"

"Well, it's quite possible." Su Xin nodded.

She didn't say much. In fact, she still felt that Jingxue had deep foundations and better talents. Chu Li's talents and foundations were slightly inferior.

However, in terms of deeds, although Jingxue is brilliant and keen, she has lost a bit of calmness and thoroughness, so the two cooperate best.

They looked at Chu Li, who was closing her eyes.

Chu Li was motionless, but his head was turned upside down.

Originally hovering above the void in my mind, the lotus, like a sun, was suddenly covered by blossoming lotus flowers, completely losing its light, and it looked like only a lotus flower in the sky.

These lotuses come from the sun.

Da Ri Ru Lai lowered her eyelids, printed her hands, whispered and held the Da Ri Ru Lai Jing Jing, the culture for the blossoming lotus to the Da Nihua Lotus Sutra.

The lotus condensed by the Lotus of the Day Sunflower is lost in this lotus that is so overwhelming. You cannot see the shadows. Chu Li can feel it clearly but cannot see it.

This is the effect of his reincarnation this time. The Buddhas and demons in his mind have become active again, and the power of the Great Sun has also restored, and it has begun to suppress the Great Sun.

Chu Li didn't expect such a situation to happen, but he could only express his feelings that the transformation of Yin and Yang was just a thought. Originally, the restoration of the Buddhas and demons was a great thing. It made his methods changeable, but it suppressed the daily lotus.

The Dalianhua Lotus Sutra is exquisite and exquisite, which is his main cultivation method in the next stage, so suppressed, so that his way forward covers a layer of fog.

The operation of the Lotus Secret is also affected by it. It was suppressed, and it could have rushed to the seventh layer in an instant. Now it can only be suppressed on the sixth layer, which is a difficult step.

He didn't rush to open his eyes, but just stared at the changes in his mind, and wanted to see what would happen. Da Ri Rong would never hurt himself.

After a long while, the lotus all over the sky suddenly plunged into the lotus floating in the void.

This huge lotus suddenly shot out thousands of rays of light, reflecting every corner of the void in the mind, as if the scorching sun was shining in the sky, and everything had nothing to hide.

The Dayuan Xuankong Mirror also suddenly lighted up, and then the bodies of the Buddhas and Demons also became solid.

His body also dazzled with magpies.

Jingxue was overjoyed, staring at Chu Li.

Su Xin looked curiously.

Chu Li's body floated up slowly, and the lotus seat under his feet also floated up, but apparently he didn't support him, just followed him, his body was supported by invisible power.

Chu Li's eyes closed slightly, and his hands slowly formed a seal.

The fingers of both hands imagined a shadow, forming a faint lotus flower, and then dazzled into the hands with light, and finally a lotus flower condensed and slowly floated up.

This lotus, fused with two hands, is like a real lotus, shining light, which makes people dare not look straight. It flutters as if without weight. Slowly came to Chu Li's forehead, and gently entered it, silent Without hindrance.

Chu Li shone another light around her body, and then converged, her eyes opened, and two lotus flowers reflected in her eyes, and then she returned to her original shape and smiled.

"Congratulations on the net!" Su Xin laughed in surprise: "It turned out to be the fourth floor of the Dairi-Japanese Lotus Sutra!"

She never imagined that Chu Li could advance the Da Rihua Lotus Sutra to the fourth floor in one breath. You must know that the Da Rihua Lotus Sutra is much more difficult than the secret method of lotus.

The time for the lotus secret to reach the ninth level, that is, the time when the Nichiran lotus sutra reached the fourth level, he crossed over in a blink of an eye. As far as she knows, the lotus sect has not been so fast so far, even if there is an adventure Can't reach it.

Chu Li smiled and said, "It's just a fluke."

Su Xin shook her head and said, "Dalian Hualian Sutra has no fluke at all, with a little effort and hard work, little by little advancement, there are no shortcuts to go, just like, I really despise you!"

Chu Li smiled and looked at Jingxue.

Jingxue Road: "Really on the fourth floor?"

Chu Li nodded gently.

Jingxue smiled sweetly: "Then I have to hurry up and catch up with you, I can't be left so much by your brother!"

Chu Li stretched out his hand.

Jingxue stretched out her hands and held them in confusion. The two hands held together, and suddenly the mind of the Dairi Kagami was running, and Jingxue's whole body glowed.

In her astonishing eyes, her Tianyue Hualian Suddenly advances, a leap by layer, and a blink of an eye, she went directly to the fourth layer.

The moonlight in the emptiness of her head exudes a warm luster and nourishes her whole body, as if she has been immersed in the cool moonlight, which is unspeakable and comfortable.

Chu Li released her hand and looked at her with a smile.

Jingxue said in surprise: "How could it be ...?"

She never expected that she would enter this country without gaining anything.

According to this, the masters of the entire Lotus Sect will be infinite. As long as one can practice to a higher level, then the level of the same door can be improved.

Chu Li shook his head: "Not everyone can do it."

Su Xindao said: "It seems that if you have discovered this mystery, the Great Daily Hualian Lotus and the Tianyue Hualian are indeed a yin and a yang complement each other. You have been together since the beginning of your cultivation. Talents can serve as deeds for each other, just as it is impossible to raise the level of the Tianyue Hualian Sutra to others now. "

Jingxue nodded slowly.

She realized the mystery of the Tianyue Hualian Sutra, and then operated the secret method of lotus. The light flashed on her body, and she blinked for a quarter of an hour, slowly opening her eyes.

There are already eight layers of the lotus seat under her feet. Obviously, there is the eighth layer of the lotus secret.

Su Xin doesn't think it is different. The Tianyue Hualian Sutra in turn promotes the secret method of lotus.

"Uncle, who is the disciple of Huang Jizong?" Chu Li slowly said.

His face was calm ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was very murderous.

"Shen Xing." Su Xin said: "The genius of the Emperor Ji Zong was always mysterious.

Chu Li turned to look at Jingxue.

Jingxue Road: "Shen Xing of Emperor Ji Zong, Shen Xing who is called Tianfeng?"

"Exactly." Su Xin smiled. "Jingxue, you have good news."

Jingxue frowned: "If it were her, our revenge would not be easy to report, but she is a wizard who claims to be born every 100,000 years."

Su Xin's face sank, and she slowly said, "She has a well-deserved reputation, and she must practice Huang Ji's inanimate skill to a very high level in order to imitate the supreme creation of God's skill and there is no flaw."

"What's more, she can imitate the gods' eyes." Su Xin shook her head and said, "It's the first person."

Destroying the Tianmu can be described as the wish of all the Tiannan sects. Until now, it has not been able to resist the gods' eyes.

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