White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3037: Method

The eyes were dark, and Jingxue and Chuli got into the shark's belly. She wanted to stop the downward trend. Unfortunately, she was so weak that she couldn't hold her hands.

For a moment, they slid into the shark's stomach, shrouded in acid.

Suddenly the pain rushed in, the acid eroded Jingxue's body, Chu Li's head.

Jingxue snorted no longer, and did not struggle and scream. Despite the pain, she just desperately endured and did not want Chu Li to hear.

Although Chu Li had only one head left, she felt still and felt pain.

The two were speechless, and their mouths were filled with acid.

The pain is endless, and the two feel like they are living like a year, hoping to be relieved sooner, but time is long, it seems like it can never end.

They began to hold back the screams, but later they were unable to scream, but they could not move because of the pain and suffering. Their bodies seemed to have been completely melted away, but they felt still, and the pain was still entangled.

There was a burst of blackness in front of their eyes, but they could not be completely darkened, unable to comatose, and unable to die. They had been in a state of faintness and unconsciousness, and their senses were clear.

I don't know how long it has been before.

The two were awake from a state of faintness, looking around, and found that their bodies were still there, and Chu Li and even recovered.

A quick glance at each other, not even the clothes were damaged, but the sharks that were moving away left them unable to doubt the experience just now.

"This is ...?" Jingxue frowned. "What's going on?"

Although she was safe and sound, her previous pain seemed like a nightmare, but the feeling was still lingering in her heart, causing her hair to rise and her body to become cold.

"We are resurrected again." Chu Li sighed.

Jingxue Road: "This illusion is really bad."

Chu Li smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid to drive people crazy."

"Brother, come again, will you go crazy?" Jing Xue tilted his head and looked at him.

The two floated in the sea with the waves.

Jing Xueyu's face was as pale as paper and exceptionally weak.

Chu Lidao said, "One more time, I really want to collapse."

"I'm almost the same." Jingxue sighed. "What the **** is this fantasy world, why do you have to torture us like this? Is it because we have to collapse before we can spread our minds?"

Chu Lidao said, "Who can guess the wisdom of seniors?"

This method of inheritance must be the crystallization of the wisdom of the sages. The two of them could not even say that they could surpass the sages. The ancestors who created the Lotus Sect are awesome.

Jing Xue suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Chu Li turned around and saw another group of sharks.

"Or they!" Jingxue gritted his teeth and said, "How come back?"

"Go!" Chu Li cried.

Jingxue shook her head: "Why waste nothing, we can't escape!"

"You go first!" Chu Li frowned. "Swim over there, I'll block it!"

"Brother, it's useless." Jingxue didn't move.

Chu Li said angrily: "Whenever there is a glimmer of hope, you have to try it. You can't just wait to suffer, right? Go!"

"... Okay!" Jingxue nodded helplessly.

Chu Li swam towards the shark swarm.

Jingxue turned over and swam in the other direction, trying to avoid sharks.

Chu Li quickly appeared in front of a shark. The shark shoved his mouth sharply, making his teeth soft and soft. He kicked his legs hard to avoid it and swam in the other direction.

He gritted his teeth and poked **** his chest.

This is a peculiar cave. With all his strength, he can touch the cave. The spirit suddenly awakened, and a powerful force poured out from the internal organs.

This is a mystery of overdrafting life and energy. It can support a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, you will lose your life for at least fifty years, and then become weak.

This mystery is very low-end, it is obtained in the lowest world, hidden in the horns and horns deep in his mind, and it is a distant memory.

After he entered the fantasy, his mind was banned, and he couldn't do the usual past glances, and couldn't search his mind instantly, now he just remembers it.

He shot like an arrow off the string, as if turning into a saury, breaking through the waves and instantly drawing a dozen feet away, the sharks rushed up and kept up.

Jing Xue had originally traveled back, and was going to die with Chu Li, lest he suffer and be lonely by himself, but he did not expect to see such a situation.

She watched Chu Li haul the sharks to the distance. She couldn't catch up if she wanted to chase. She shook her head. This brother was really surprised from time to time.

She frowned suddenly.

One mile away, Chu Li had been caught up. He originally thought that he could stick to the quarter-minute, shake off these sharks, and be weak again.

But I didn't expect that he was so weak that he could not move until he swam for a mile. He could only watch the sharks around him, biting himself in two, and tearing one bite.

These sharks seemed to have spirituality, they were played with anger, and they smashed him in one bite to vent their anger.

The pain of being torn apart bit by bit is much better than the pain of being bitten by the gastric juice.

Corrosion by the stomach acid is a constant pain, which is a constant pain, and slowly getting used to it, and tearing is a wave of intense pain, which requires fainting, but not coma.

"Brother——!" There was a call from Jingxue in the distance.

Chu Li hissed, "Hurry up!"

Jingxue had already swam over, was bitten by the shark, and swallowed it three or two times.

Chu Li was furious, his head exploded, and his hair stood up.

"Ah-!" The boundless anger seemed to overcome the pain, condensing all the spirit into the shark's head fiercely, and turning into a murderous act.

"Bang!" The shark exploded suddenly.

Chu Li for a moment.

He then overjoyed, and found a way to break the illusion, and hissed, "Use spiritual power!"

"Bang!" He then smashed the shark that swallowed the net snow.

Jingxue's body floated out and scattered, she could not see the whole piece.

After a few moments, the pieces of meat disappeared, a full net snow appeared, and his face was as pale as paper, showing a weak and grinning smile: "Finally, I have found a way!"

Chu Li shouted, "Quick!"

"Bang bang bang ..." Both men have strong mental powers. Although they are sealed in the void after entering the fantasy, their mental powers are also greatly reduced. It is enough to kill sharks.

Sixteen sharks were completely wiped out by the two of them. They were so dizzy and tired that they drifted along with the waves.

"I didn't expect it to be ~ www.readwn.com ~" Jingxue shook her head.

She is also proficient in killing with spirit, and needs strong killing power. The previous pain is the best source of triggering. Without the previous pain, there may not be such a strong killing intention and insufficient power.

She looked around: "Why hasn't it come out?"

She then turned slightly and smiled bitterly: "Trouble!"

Chu Li glanced and shook his head.

A group of sharks reappeared not far away, and they came swimming extremely fast, without giving them a chance to breathe. They were exhausted and dizzy.

"Brother, what should I do?" Jingxue asked.

She feels that Chu Li's methods are endless, and that she can also use the potential to speed up the potential, but now there are other ways.

Chu Li shook his head with a bitter smile, thinking about it, and slammed it twice on his body, this time also overdrafting Shou Yuan, turning into spiritual power, but the method of the God of Thunder and Sword.

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