White-Robed Chief

Chapter 303: Sewing

Lu Yurong was silent.

Chu Lidao said: "No matter what you think, Miss Lu shouldn't sit and watch Wang An grow stronger. I don't know if Miss Lu has been fascinated by enmity, but she wants to sit at Lufu and fight An Wang.

Lu Yurong gave him a cold glance.

Chu Li sighed: "Fangfu and Anwang are like congenital masters facing heaven and sky, and there is no threat to Anwang. The Renguo government missed the opportunity and watched Anwang grow. The National Government has no power to fight back! "

"How can he be so powerful!" Lu Yurong hummed.

Chu Li shook his head: "The first time I met King An two months ago, his power was still very common, but now it is much the same. The power has skyrocketed, and King Kong Si has helped him!"

The four denominations will hardly interfere in the royal court, and the King Kong Temple is aloof.

He said this was to attract the attention of Lu Yurong.

He has now thought clearly.

The foundation of the Vajrayana Temple is in the sky, even if the temple is destroyed, they will return to the sky, and will return to rebuild the temple in a hundred years.

Those little Sami do n’t know which senior monks they are, even if they have not yet mastered the magical powers, they will return to heaven after death.

Among these little Sami, not the reincarnation of the monks, but very few of the first ones, so they have no regrets and act only for spiritual practice.

"Are monks really helping him at King Kong Temple?" Lu Yurong frowned.

She also knows great.

The monks at the King Kong Temple have always ignored the world, and see the red dust as mud, rarely leaving the temple.

This time to actually help An Wang, the meaning behind it is confusing.

The monks who came out of the King Kong Temple are all supernatural and don't buckle down for power. King An can let them help each other.

"Sovereign Konghai almost killed me and Miss Er in Happy Valley." Chu Li said: "It is truly amazing!"

Lu Yurong stood up and helped to stop musing.

Chu Lidao said: "Now An Wang must also be sitting on the mountain watching tigers. See our two cities fighting!"

"You have to cut its wings first." Lu Yurong turned and frowned. "Phoenix Mountain and Qingmang Mountain are both attached to him, so get rid of them first!"

"First-class sect. Too difficult." Chu Li shook his head.

He gave a glimpse of Xueyuexuan's strength and couldn't be underestimated. Presumably Green Mountain and Phoenix Mountain are the same.

"Let them kill each other, there is nothing to help An Wang." Lu Yurong said.

Chu Li nodded.

This is feasible, and it is not difficult to achieve with Lu Yurong's means.

"Usually, the two provinces remain the same, confusing King An, ... if necessary, the house can draw six masters from outside the sky to help you." Lu Yurong looked at him coldly: "But if you take advantage of this opportunity, then no wonder we do polite!"

Chu Li Road said: "Miss Lu worry too much. Never!"

"Then best!" Lu Yurong said slowly.

Chu Li hugged his fist and said, "So, then I will leave."

"Not in a hurry!" Lu Yurong said coldly: "Teach the martial arts of General Chu!"

Her voice fell sharp, the robe fluttered, and Yushou had reached into his chest.

Chu Li stepped aside to avoid it, and then appeared on the wall outside his feet: "Chu left!"

Lu Yurong stepped on the wall, no longer seeing him.

Lu Yurong frowned fiercely and hummed coldly, this light work of Chu Li was even more terrifying than the legend!


When Chu Li returned to the King Kong Temple, it was already midnight.

The house was still lit, and Xiao Shi was sewing clothes under the lamp. Let Chu Li startled.

Chu Li stood in front of the uncle and pointed at the monk's robe: "Miss, are you ...?"

Xiao Shi looked up at him and said, "Monk robe!"

"Who's robe?" Chu Li said, "Miss is going to wear a robe?"

"For the young monk of Xu'an." Xiao Shi bowed her head and continued sewing, her fiber fingers showed abnormal movements, and her silvery onion-like fingers shuttled. Very fast.

Three moon-white coats have been placed around her, one large, one small, and one small.

Chu Li smiled: "How do you want to do this for Xuan?"

Xiao Shi said: "Xuan An young monk has no father or mother. He is a poor child. Other young monks have parents. He will send clothes from time to time, but he does not."

"Miss is because he also hit Feng Yuan's finger, so he feels sorry for being sick." Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Shi glanced angrily at him: "No one treats you dumb!"

Chu Li smiled and sat down in his chair: "How did you do so much?"

"How can one wear enough?" Xiao Shiheng said. "Children of this age are the most greedy, and the clothes will be small after a few days. Make two more big ones, and you can wear them in the future."

"I'm still thinking about it." Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Shibai gave him a glance: "Lu Yurong promised?"

Chu Lishu breathed. Nod slowly.

Xiao Shi was surprised: "Does it make sense?"

Chu Lidao said: "She is also a clever person, and she clearly understands the advantages. She naturally understands that the advantages of both are good, and the advantages of both are bad."

"Can't play with you, right?" Xiao Shi was still a little unbelieving.

Lu Yurong is a vengeful woman. Be careful, how can you make it so easy? Isn't Chu Limo playing with her?

"No." Chu Li shook his head.

He also knows that the enmity between the two governments has been entangled for so many years, and it is impossible to eliminate them suddenly. Lu Yurong may also conceal the government of Yiguo.

But the most critical step has been taken, and we must take it slowly in the future.

"You still need to be careful." Xiao Shi hummed.

"Of course, ... I'm going to sleep over Qingyun City." Chu Li Road.

"I'll go too!" Xiao Shi said.

Chu Lidao said: "Forget it, it's still here. I'll go outside and see the whole world."

Xiao Shi glanced at him fiercely: "Go out!"

Chu Li laughed out of the house.

He came to sit under a stupa, and the lights on the stupa were not moved by the evening wind.

His mind gradually sinks, Dayuan Jingzhi opens, and he realizes that he is completely supernatural.

The realization of the magic foot communication is of great benefit to the understanding of heaven and earth.

Supernatural powers also break through the shackles of space and work in the same way with the magical powers of the Divine Foot.

Unconsciously, one night passed and he sat motionless under the stupa.

In the morning light, a group of little Sami had ran out to practice.

They punched once, and then started playing, three or two, or seven or five.

Seeing Chu Li sitting there like a Buddha, they didn't bother. When they didn't see it, it was very common in the temple.

"Xuan An young monk, come here!" Xiao Shi pushed open the door, wearing a veil, just beckoning like a pond, beckoning: "Come here!"

Xuan ran over, flushed and dare not look at her, and He Shi closed the curtain: "Xiao Shizhu."

"Do you really want to recognize me as a mother?" Xiao Shi Xiaoying asked with a smile ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xuan An bowed her head.

"Well, little monk, hold the baggage in your bag and give it to you." Xiao Shi chuckled.

Xu An quickly waved.

Xiao Shidai frowned lightly: "Why, don't you listen to me?"

Vanity embarrassed, "How can I have something to give."

"True, let you hold it!" Xiao Shi hummed impatiently: "If you don't, I'll just throw it into the river!"

"... Yes, thank you, Xiao Xiao." Xuan Heshi saluted.

"Hurry up!" Xiao Shi waved his hand.

Xu An hurried away with her baggage.

Xiao Shih hummed and came to the stupa, watching Chu Li stand still, Bao Xiang solemn, and faintly felt that he might really practice the sky. (To be continued.)

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