White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3092: Demon

No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't speculate on the behavior of a lunatic monster, so he thought about it and carefully captured that breath.

After a moment, he slowly said, "Let's go!"

Shen Xing grabbed his sleeve, and the two disappeared in a flash.

The next moment the two appeared on top of another mountain, and then a flash disappeared again.

Shen Xing frowned.

She had already seen Meng Guangyuan.

In addition, Meng Guangyuan was still standing in front of two people. She seemed to be staring, but she didn't know what to do. She wanted to see the excitement, but was taken away immediately.

Dissatisfied stared at Chu Li: "What's the matter?"

Chu Lishen said, "It's two gods!"

"Heaven finds him?" Shen Xing laughed. "Why so fast?"

Chu Li shook his head.

Shen Xing said: "Then hurry and see!"

"It's not easy to deal with these two gods." Chu Li shook his head and said, "Don't look at it first."

He felt strange.

The two gods he recognized were the two on the Tenjin Mountain, who usually did not show the mountains and were not exposed, and had been living slowly and leisurely.

Most of the gods in Tenjin Mountain are like this. At first glance, they seem to be villagers in a mountain village, but their temperament is different.

He usually did not know the cultivation of the gods in the past two days. After all, they all worked hard, and at this time they felt that they were amazing.

Looking at the excitement aside will surely ignite the fire, it is better to avoid it.

What is most strange to him is why they can come right away. This place is very far away from Tianshen Mountain. Even if the Condor is broken, it can't be reached in ten or eight days.

Obviously they also have the ability to move in the void. Although they are not as subtle as their supernatural powers, they can also cross the void.

Then why didn't they show up, they had to come over riding the Condor?

Obviously, they have some scruples, so what are they scoffing about?

He felt that this was a great hope. If he found the reason, he might find a way to restrain the gods.

Shen Xing touched his arm: "What do you want?"

Chu Lidao said, "Wait first."

Twenty miles away from Meng Guangyuan, he observed it through the Dayuan Xuankong Mirror. Meng Guangyuan should not be able to sense it.

Meng Guangyuan stared at the two heavenly gods, his eyes glared, and his eyes shot coldly. Only gloom and murderousness were the same as the eyes that looked at him.

The two heavenly gods were staring at him as if they were close to the enemy, and they changed their leisurely and idleness in Tianshen Mountain with a solemn look.

A Junyi middle-aged **** said in a low voice: "Has the demon already entered this world?"

Another young man nodded slowly: "Xiao Mo, be careful, don't care, just trap him!"

"Understand." Jun Yi middle-aged Mo Qingcong nodded gently: "Brother Feng, the two of us can't solve him?"

The youthful **** Feng Wusu shook his head gently: "It may not win, you are not unaware of the terrible nature of the demon, it is almost immortal!"

Mo Qingcong nodded heavily.

The demons can't be killed, they can only be suppressed or evaded. They have encountered them in other worlds, but in the end they are helpless.

Unexpectedly, this world also appeared Tianmen!

Fortunately, only one demon appeared, and if there were too many, they would be moved to the void again.

"Hey hey hey ..." In the strange laughter, Meng Guangyuan's turn into a shadow shot at the two, two punches hit both at the same time.

"Bang, bang, bang ..." Mo Qingcong and Feng Wujie stunned, and suddenly the surrounding stones turned into flying ash.

Regardless of the size of the stone, everything that was approached by them turned into powder, which was rolled up by the wind and flourished.

Chu Li frowned.

Shen Xing was anxious and said angrily: "Are you watching them?"

She could feel that Chu Li's mind was mostly not here, apparently elsewhere, and why she knew it when she thought about it elsewhere.

She always suspected that Chu Li had such a miracle, and she seemed to be guessed by herself.

Chu Li glanced at her, and suddenly pointed at her brows.

Shen Xing sideways avoided.

Chu Li stopped his finger in the air, and said lightly, "Do you want to see it?"

"... Okay," Shen Xing hummed.

Chu Li shook her head. If she was a sister of Jingxue, she would never dodge. After all, she and Shen Xing were still in doubt.

Shen Xing's eyes flashed suddenly, then she saw Chu Li's vision, saw the killing, and frowned.

"Who are these two people?" Shen Xing said, "It's so good."

The cultivation of the two of them was too profound. She looked chilling, and she was absolutely defeated, and she might even die.

Chu Lidao said: "Tianjin on Tianshen Mountain, there are 102 or even more such gods on Tianshen Mountain."

"... terrible!" Shen Xing shook her head.

She frowned, "This Meng Guangyuan is even more terrible!"

Faced with two such powerful gods, Meng Guangyuan didn't fall into the wind, and she suddenly turned to look at Chu Li.

Chu Li reluctantly withdrew his finger.

Shen Xing looked up and down Chu Chu: "I still look down on you Jingru!"

She gestured with a look in her eyes.

Chu Li continued to put her fingers on her brows.

Mo Qingcong and Feng Wujie fought against Meng Guangyuan.

Whether it is a stone or a tree, everything within a foot of them is turned into powder, showing that their power is terrible.

From this end to that end, and then from here to here, come and go, the trees and stones keep disappearing, and the mountain peaks keep getting shorter.

But two quarters later, only half of the peak was left.

"It's time for a trick!" Mo Qingcong said, "Brother Feng, I'm here!"

"Well," Feng Wuchi said in a deep voice.

He slammed several punches, accompanied by the sound of dragons, and several dragon shadows flashed at the same time, covering Meng Guangyuan.

"Hey ..." Meng Guangyuan groaned twice, her face getting weird, smiling and crying.

But not only was he not afraid of the Dragon Shadow Fist Seal, he was excited to meet him.

"Boom boom boom boom ..." In the thunderous sound of thunder ~ www.readwn.com ~ Several dragon shadow boxing marks all fell into Meng Guangyuan's body.

Meng Guangyuan's face turned red, and his body seemed to be inflated.

He hasn't changed physically, but it feels like he's inflated.

"Hmm!" Mo Qingcong already pointed a finger in a whistle.

It was like a stream of light passing by, and it was as fast as electricity. It reached Meng Guangyuan's chest in an instant, and Meng Guangyuan was not allowed to escape.

Meng Guangyuan's white light flickered and then went out, failing to block the streamer, and penetrated into the heart.

"Bang!" Meng Guangyuan exploded suddenly.

The flesh disintegrated and splashed around.

Everyone who ran into his flesh broke up.

Mo Qingcong breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly became weak two points, shook his head and sighed: "It's not a long time to use this finger."

"This finger does not need to be foolish," Feng Wuji said lightly. "It's not because you have encountered a demon, you can't use it."

"He can stop for a while now." Mo Qingcong frowned.

A turbulent aura came from the void. He seemed to be vortexing, quickly absorbing these auras, and his complexion quickly improved.

Chu Li and Shen Xing looked on coldly, their faces were sober.

"Who knows?" Feng Wuji shook his head: "It depends on how much their Demon Realm invades this world."

"Brother Feng, it seems that we must get up to speed as soon as possible, and we can no longer act slowly and securely." Mo Qingcong frowned. "Save Brother Wu as soon as possible and then conquer humanity."

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