White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3099: You

After a while, the girl returned, took a large piece of paper, studied the ink and brush, exited the small courtyard, and closed the door.

Chu Li suddenly patted Sun Sihuai.

When Sun Sihuai moved, he suddenly came to life.

His eyes flashed with anger, and he gently rubbed his wrists, moved his shoulders, and did not look at Chu Li, for fear that he could not control him.

Chu Li no longer cares about him, comes to the desk with a smile, and starts writing with a pen.

"The reincarnation of the sun and the moon, the heavens are endless, the swordsmanship has no tricks, and the mind is intentional."

Lu Xunji frowned.

These sixteen characters are completely different from the previous Cangyun sword post. This is neither the original text nor the human text, but the text of the **** of heaven.

"This ...?" He looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li smiled and said, "These sixteen words are actually the essence of the Cangyun sword post, and I sum it up myself."

"The reincarnation of the sun and the moon, the heavens are endless, the swordsmanship has no tricks, the human heart is intentional ..." Lu Xunji muttered to himself, chewing carefully.

He can also feel the sword meaning of the first three words, and dare not look directly, just like the original Cangyun sword post.

Chu Li smiled: "Relax, I'm no longer despicable, and I won't fiddle with it. If you violate this statement, the world and the world share it!"

He swears with his finger raised.

The world seemed to shake.

Lu Xunji showed a look of relief, but here is Tianshen Mountain, which is closely connected with heaven and earth. Once swear, it will definitely be approved.

After Chu Li swore, the world shook, indicating that he had acknowledged what he said and did not do anything about it.

He felt Chu Li's sincerity more and more.

It is a pity that if this is not a god, it is a pity!

He Shen said: "Jingru, how can you fool us?"

Suddenly a vertical pupil appeared at Chu Limei's heart.

"God's Eye!" Lu Xunji was surprised.

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "This is also a god's eye, but there is still a gap compared to the god's eye. There is no problem in mixing fish and beads."

"Is it Ningkongfengyuanshu?" Lu Xunji said in a deep voice.

Chu Lidao said: "Surely it is a miracle spread by Tianshen Mountain?"

Lu Xunji nodded gently: "In the beginning, a son born of a **** of God had a strange change, but he did not open his eyes."

Chu Li smiled: "It is indeed a wizard."

"Not everyone can practice this Ningkongfengyuan technique." Lu Xunji said: "It must be close to the blood and talent of the gods."

Chu Li Road said: "Elder Lu, then I will leave first."

"... Okay." Lu Xunji nodded slowly and waved his hand: "Go!"

"Slow!" Sun Sihuai yelled.

Chu Li and Lu Xunji seemed to remember him and turned to look at him.

Sun Sihuai's eyes were like flames, but his eyes were cold, and he stared at Chu Li: "You can't go!"

Chu Li laughed and looked at Lu Xunji.

Lu Xunji shook his head and said, "Little Sun, tell you later."

"Elder Lu, he can't go!" Sun Sihuai said: "He knows too much about our Tianshen Mountain!"

Lu Xunji looked at him and motioned to continue.

Sun Sihuai said: "He must be equipped with soul-searching techniques and can see my memory, so understanding our Tianshen Mountain is a great disaster!"

Chu Li smiled and looked at him.

Sun Sihuai became increasingly angry and sneered: "This kind of person is our biggest obstacle. It is better to destroy it."

Lu Xunji looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li smiled: "Without this skill, I can't pretend to be seamless, it would be too underestimated."

"You still have reason!" Sun Sihuai sneered, and said with a sneered expression: "God is not allowed to impersonate, you, the humble human sin, should die!"

Chu Li sighed, "Senior Sun, how much he offended! It's rude!"

He clenched his fists, then turned to look for Lu Xunji: "Elder Lu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

He said that he stopped **** and disappeared.

"You--!" Sun Sihuai roared, his eyes suddenly opened, and Jin Guangyu shot out and shot Chu Li.

It's a pity that there is no trace.

Zhang Shenmu, who was so fast, apparently had prepared for it, and wanted to secretly calculate Chu Li, but did not expect that Chu Li was faster than he thought.

His face was blue, staring at Chu Li disappearing.

Lu Xunji said: "Don't watch!"

"Elder Lu, how can he let him go!" Sun Si was dissatisfied: "He is really a scourge. If he does not remove it now, it will be a big trouble in the future."

Lu Xunji's head: "You're right."

"So ...?" Sun Si looked at him doubtfully.

Lu Xunji said: "Unfortunately it is too late to kill him."

"Impossible!" Sun Sihuai said busyly.

He was contrived because of his weird methods and invincible defense. He really wanted to kill himself in the face, and he might not be conspired by him.

Sun Sihuai said, "Even if you are not his opponent, Elder?"

"I can't." Lu Xunji shook his head.

Looking at Sun Sihuai's skeptical look, Lu Xunji said, "Are you not suffering?"

"I've been in a coma, and I'm here when I wake up." Sun Si hated.

Lu Xunji said, "Go back for a rest and just forget about it."

Sun Si frowned reluctantly.

He couldn't swallow this tone, how could a human be bullied to such an extent? It is simply a great shame!

"Go and go." Lu Xunji waved his hand.

"This ..." Sun Sihuai hesitated.

Lu Xunji frowned at him.

Sun Sihuai said slowly, "Elder, here is my yard."

"Oh, right." Lu Xunji stunned and waved his hand: "Then I'll go, take a rest and forget those unpleasant."

"Yes." Sun Sihuai nodded dissatisfied.

He intends to talk to the gods next to him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tell about his dissatisfaction and injustice, and inspire the gods to resent Jingru.

By that time, Elder Lu didn't want to deal with Jingru.


Early in the morning the next morning, he walked out of the house refreshingly, came to the small courtyard to stretch his body, and still felt comfortable staying in his own house.

When he was out of the gate of the courtyard, he was going to practice the martial arts field, and a young man came over, but it was Feng Wushui.

"Brother Feng." Sun Si held his fist.

Feng Wufu said with a smile: "Little Sun, I didn't expect you to be so successful, you can really destroy the demon!"

"God demon?" Sun Sihuai frowned.

Feng Wugui sighed: "Last time I and Qing Cong spent a lot of hands and feet, and eventually only killed him once. If it weren't for you, he would still be endlessly resurrected, and he would never die. We have no good days. pass!"

Sun Sihuai frowned for a moment, but didn't speak.

Feng Wujie laughed: "I can rely on you in the future. Once the demon appears, there will never be only one, but we are now full of confidence, and we are no longer afraid of demon!"

Sun Sihuai smiled and shook his head.

The gods of heaven are all extremely clever. As soon as he heard these words, he understood in a blink of an eye that Jingru could destroy the demon!

He figured it out, why Lu Xunji responded like that, that expression, as if there was no way to get clean, really **** it!

Feng Wufu smiled and left, with a leisurely expression.

The smile on Sun Sihuai's face narrowed, and he turned back to his own courtyard, not planning to go out again, so as not to meet other gods.

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