White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3107: Broken knife

Chu Li flicked his fingers.

"Ding ..." Long Knife Qingming.

It suddenly emits a strange black light, as if it absorbs the surrounding light, and makes it bright.

Black light and brightness seem to be completely different, blending together with majesty, shocking Jing Xue's impetuous mind.

She felt the horror of these black lights, and when she came across, she could kill herself, and she needed to avoid it carefully.

Chu Li stared at these black lights in surprise.

It recognized the origin of black light at a glance, Jiu You Yuan!

The power of Jiu You Yuan is such a black light, and the blackness of these black lights is much stronger than the original protection.

A knife radiating such a light, it is tantamount to Jiu You Yuan supporting it, so it will not be destroyed.

If it is alive and has the in-depth support of Jiu You Yuan, it may be impossible for people in this world to damage it.

Chu Li smiled.

"Brother, can you destroy these knives?" Jingxue hummed. "Can't let the disciples of Jiuyou teach their souls fly away, is there any problem in destroying their knives?"

Chu Li smiled: "Nine Youjiao may see these knives more precious."

"That's what it is." Jingxue said with a smile: "While maintaining restraint and distressing them, never dare to mess around again!"

Chu Li Road said: "Try it."

Suddenly he turned his head to look at him, and Su Xin fluttered. He shook his head near him, revealing his helpless look.

"Isn't this a killer in this situation?" Jingxue said dissatisfied, "What is the suzerainer worried about?"

She hummed again: "Are we afraid that we can't deal with Jiuyoujiao?"

"The suzerain always has the suzerain's thoughts." Su Xin said: "Do it as it is, ... what do you do?"

Chu Li smiled: "Destroy these knives."

"They can't be destroyed, they are not real things." Su Xin shook his head gently: "It's strange gold beyond the sky and cannot be destroyed."

Chu Li suddenly stepped in front of a knife.

This knife shot over, and the black light skyrocketed and pierced his chest.

Chu Li punched lightly.

"Ding ..." Qingming sounded, the long knife stopped, trembling, as if to break free from some kind of power.

Chu Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and the Cangyun Divine Sword was operated.

"Oh!" A whisper came from the blade.

Su Xin and Jing Xue suddenly turned black before their eyes, almost fainted, and then awakened by a clear howling sound.

Chu Li used Tianlong Brahma to sing to appease their spirits.

Looking at the knife again, it had fallen to the ground and cracked into pieces.

"This ..." Su Xin couldn't believe it, looked at Chu Li, and looked at the debris on the ground. He had to walk over but stopped abruptly.

The remaining five knives floated slowly, hovering above the broken knife, as if to protect its remains.

Chu Li snorted, his eyes flickered at the strangeness.

The five knives flashed Black Mang suddenly and flashed madly.

They rushed towards Chuli and turned into five black awns.

Chu Li could not escape, staring at them quietly, frightened Su Xin and Jing Xue, they had to stop.

But I saw five swords stopping in front of Chu Li three feet, shaking violently, making a buzzing sound, the sound was slight, but shocking.

The two women were relaxed and stared intently.

How the knife was destroyed before, they are at a loss, this time they must see clearly.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!" In the five clear sounds, the five knives suddenly cracked, the cracks became bigger and bigger, and eventually they fell into the ground and turned into five broken knives.

The two women stared at each other and stared at each other.

Chu Lishu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with satisfaction.

Sure enough, as expected, these six knives have souls, are full of spirituality, and are demons, immortal.

The sword and the monster species have been merged into one. The monster species collapsed and died. Although the material of the sword is extremely strange and solid, it is still broken.

"Okay!" Jingxue said with a smile on his palm. "That's great!"

She turned to look at Su Xin, and smiled: "Uncle, I'll take a trip for you and give these six knives to Jiuyoujiao in person to see what they look like!"

"Jiuyou can't be underestimated." Su Xin grinned with a pout.

She also felt happy.

The suzerain ordered her to show mercy, and she would do it, but she was uncomfortable. She was almost killed by them. They could only be killed once to send them back to life. They could not be completely destroyed.

It will be a scourge in the future.

But now it ’s different. There are only nine ghost knives in total, and now six of them have been destroyed, and only three remain unsettled.

Of course, if you destroy the remaining three, then it is really happy.

Chu Li Road said: "I'll send it."

"This ..." Su Xin shook her head with a smile: "The suzerain didn't say, otherwise you have to go there, or you need to be more kind, if you can't fight, don't fight."

Chu Li smiled: "I understand."

If you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't stop, then you can just hit, he can hear the underlying meaning of Su Xin.

"Go then, go back quickly, lest everyone worry about you." Su Xin said.

Chu lifted his hand, the fragments of the knife began to fly, and then pieced together again to restore the appearance of the blade.

At first glance, it seems that it is still a complete knife, but there are cracks in the knife body, and I thought it was purposely made.

They are constrained by invisible forces and cannot spread apart and revert to a knife.

"Wait a minute!" Su Xin said.

The Lotus seat left her quickly, and returned in the blink of an eye. She already had a box in her hand and opened it, just to put a knife.

Six knives flew into the box, and the hearts closed together, and handed Chu Chu with an eyebrow: "Be careful, beware of their conspiracy."

Chu Li nodded: "Uncle, you still have to be careful. If the second move fails, then use the second move, I doubt ..."

He glanced around quickly.

Su Xin nodded gently, "I understand."

They all know that there must be nine eyeliners in the case.

Chu Li looked at Jingxue, and Jingxue laughed: "Rest assured, I will follow the uncle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chu Li nodded in satisfaction and disappeared.

The next moment he appeared in the general altar of Jiuyoujiao, and broke into the large array directly, and came to the vast training ground.

In front of a large mountainside hall is a huge martial arts training field. The martial arts training field is very busy, either alone or in consultation.

When Chu Li stood on the training ground, no one even came to care about it.

After a long while, Chu Li gave a cough: "Lianzong Jingjing meets Master Tan!"

His voice overwhelmed all the voices in the training martial arts field, and even the voices of the entire Nine Youjiao.

Even those who were practicing retreat were awakened.

Chu Li smiled and looked at everyone in the training ground quietly.

They widened their eyes, all eyes focused on him, some looking differently, some inquiring about some hostility, some inexplicably.

Chu Li held a knife box in one hand, one hand on the back, and nodded at the others with a smile, Xu Xu said, "Teacher Tan is still annoying!"

"Come up!" The quiet voice sounded and spread to every disciple's ear.

The lotus seat floated under Chu Li's feet, holding him up slowly, then panning to the distantly visible hall.

That hall is far from here.

Everyone's gaze turned into hostility, what a lotus sect, came here to show off their power, **** guy!

They all felt that Chu Li was abominable, and wanted to teach him fiercely, and even killed him. Could n’t Jinchi be resurrected? Without Xiu, it would be so arrogant to see him!

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