White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3448: Show

"Stop!" Suddenly, Chu Li appeared.

Zhou Qinglan ignored it. She had completely torn away her tender feelings. All she had to do was kill the white jade palms one after another, and the three women spit blood, and there was no fighting back.

The Big Bright Buddha, Ashura, and the sword post cannot all obstruct the white jade palm print, it seems to condense the solidity between heaven and earth, which is pure and incomparable.

Chu Li Road said: "I'm not an incarnation!"

Zhou Qinglan stopped suddenly and stood in the void and looked at him: "Aren't you an incarnation?"

Chu Li hugged his fists and said calmly: "Zhou Zongzhu, let's make a complete break, let's make a break here today!"

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Qinglan smiled again.

She was so beautiful, she smiled sweetly, and she was really Chan Ruo Chen, so people couldn't look straight at it, and stared at Chu Li with interest.

Chu Li looked at the three women calmly.

Xiao Qi was busy: "Father, don't do stupid things!"

Chu Li stepped beside Xiao Qi, reached out and touched the corner of her mouth, wiped the blood, and sighed softly, "Mrs ...."

He deeply loved and thanked Xiao Qi, and was most guilty of it.

Xiao Qi clenched his big hand: "Father, don't mess around!"

Chu Li shook her head and smiled: "I have been deeply grateful to Mrs. Meng, and I am also deeply guilty and cannot treat my wife wholeheartedly."

He was the head of the government office at the beginning. When he talked about it, he could only get Xiao Qi to treat each other equally and love him. It was almost impossible in that world.

The class hierarchy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and cannot be broken. No matter how handsome and beautiful it is, the subordinates are subordinates, and it is impossible to get equal attention.

After his reincarnation, the concept of equality penetrated into the bone marrow, so he could stand up straight in front of Xiao Qi.

But he knew how difficult it was for Xiao Qi to do so.

No matter how strong his martial arts and mentality are, he can't let women fall in love with him. Xiao Qi falls in love with him, which makes him always grateful.

"Say what to do!" Xiao Qi whispered softly.

Sun Mingyue and Lu Yurong turned their eyes, not quite the taste.

Who made Xiao Qi one step ahead? Even if they are big Luo Jinxian, they can't change the time, they can't make time go back.

Zhou Qinglan didn't bother them, standing in the void and smiling at Chu Li.

Chu Li grasped Xiao Qiyu's hand tightly, and turned to look at Lu Yurong: "Yu Rong, you are also the proud girl of the sky, you are wronged."

"Jing said nauseous words!" Lu Yurong gave him a white look.

Chu Li looked at Sun Mingyue again.

Sun Mingyue said: "These nonsense will not be discussed, we do not feel wronged."

From ancient times to today, can any man have such a mind and have his general achievements?

Chu Likan is the first person in history. It is an honor to be his woman. How wronged it is!

Had it not been for Chu Li's woman, she would not have experienced such strange things.

That life is too mediocre and boring.

Chu Li smiled.

"Fu Jun!" Xiao Qi frowned. "Let's avoid it!"

Chu Li sighed, "I can't avoid her, but I can't avoid myself. I can't get through this in my heart!"

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Qi whispered.

Chu Lidao said: "The jade and the stone burned together, and pulled her out of this world!"

"Impossible." Xiao Qi shook her head, then she remembered what Chu Li was doing, and she couldn't possibly do anything she was not sure about.

Chu Li smiled and shook his head, "Ma'am, from our sky to this sky, walking through one world and another world, I have experienced so much. I miss the most nostalgic time. While in the government office. "

Xiao Qi smiled.

She thought of the situation when Chu Li was first seen, Chu Li's proud bones, looking down at the world, so that she could not be regarded as a subordinate.

Chu Lidao said, "I would rather go back in time and go back to that time. At that time, I helped my wife to deal with Yurong and the Holy Religion."

Sun Mingyue said: "If time goes back again, you may not be able to stop me, it must be a defeat!"

Chu Li smiled and shook his head: "Mingyue, you are brilliant and clever, but you cannot overwhelm me."

Sun Mingyue gave him a glance.

The hall was full of warmth. The three women seemed to be back with him at that time. At that time, they were all green, but they were extremely beautiful.

Zhou Qinglan looked at it with a smile and shook her head.

How fragile and short-lived love is, the three of them, even after going through so much, will eventually die.

If Dingding does not like the three women, the three of them will not become his fatal weakness, and they will not be driven to despair by himself.

Chu Lidao said, "Three ladies, I have to take a step first. You should take care of my apprentices one or two."

"Fu Jun!" Xiao Qi frowned.

Chu Li shook his head and turned to look at Zhou Qinglan: "Zhou Zongzhu, let's go together!"

"Dingru, you know that the big demon is immortal." Zhou Qinglan shook his head and chuckled: "You want to burn all the jade and stone, and the last thing to die is myself, I can't die!"

Chu Li smiled, and three round lights suddenly appeared behind his head, like three full moons of different sizes hanging in the void behind his head.

"Merit virtue and light!" Zhou Qinglan frowned.

The most jealous of the great demons is the Dharma. The Buddha and the demons are natural enemies. The one that can best deal with the demons is the Dharma.

Chu Li sat down calmly, He Shi closed his eyes, then the three round lights suddenly turned on, and then turned into a dazzling sun.

Chu Li also shined a bright light all over his body. A scorching sun rose above his head, and the Buddha ’s Buddha was transformed into a great sun. Sub-moisturizing, better penetration.

Its light was everywhere, and it touched every part of Fu Mo Temple, running through every inch, Zhou Qinglan couldn't escape.

"What is this!" Zhou Qinglan screamed.

She felt the pain, as if Tian Lei had fallen from her body just now, even more painful than Tian Lei's hit, giving her great uneasiness.

Since the great demon's achievement, she knows that she is immortal, but suddenly she loses such confidence. This ubiquitous light gives her a sense of danger and can kill herself!

"Stop!" Zhou Qinglan yelled.

Chu Li's body has been transformed into a scorching sun. He can't see him, only the scorching sun is getting more and more bright.

Zhou Qinglan turned and fled.

But Fu Mo Temple was closed, and she could not escape.

She wanted to use the treasures, but found that the treasures were also invalid. The Fu Mo Temple was a separate world, which was completely different from the rules of heaven and earth outside.

"Stop doing it, let's turn Gan into jade, shake hands and make peace!" Zhou Qinglan yelled, "I won't be against you anymore!"

The scorching sun was gone, and Chu Li had disappeared.

Zhou Qinglan only felt that she was melting, disappearing little by little, and her strength was also disappearing, which gave her a strong impact.

She went to great lengths to find a way out.

She wanted to have the method of incarnation, but found that she couldn't start it. She didn't know if it was the role of light or the role of Fu Mo Temple.

She rushed towards the three daughters of Xiao Qi.

The three women avoided lightly, faster than her.

The scorching sun is devastating to her, and it is a gain to the three daughters. Xiu is soaring, getting more and more, breaking through the limits one by one, to an extent they could not imagine.

They looked dull and unhappy.

PS: The update is complete.

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