White-Robed Chief

Chapter 326: Moon Eater

Chu Lijing twisted, flickered again, and fluttered a punch.

"Bang!" Ningru's fist struck a Linghe, but Linghe didn't care, and continued to peck.

Another Linghe followed.

The two Linghe are like the masters of the sky and the sky, you move in and out, and cooperate with each other, it is extremely fast. If he does not use supernatural power, he only talks about light work, it is not as fast as them.

"Bang!" Linghe wings in another boxing, blocking its approach.

The other crane crane pecked to it, it was as fast as electricity.

Chu Li dragged Xiao Shizhen's disappearance.

He appeared somehow at the foot of the mountain, looked up at the mountainside, shook his head helplessly: "It really is great!"

Xiao Shi was dazzled.

Two spirit cranes are like two white shadows, suddenly leaping in front, suddenly leaping behind, and occasionally Chu Li hits them, only to see what they look like. The **** is abnormal, exudes imposing momentum, and is indeed a spirit animal !!

"Can't beat them?" She laughed.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "The sword cannot be penetrated, and the internal forces cannot hurt them. The spirit beast is indeed unique and is the darling of heaven and earth!"

Given such tough feathers, they are not afraid of human swords and martial arts. They are spiritually superior and have a more keen sense than masters outside the sky. It is impossible to poison them. Humans have no way to take them.

"Go back," Xiao Shi said.

Chu Lidao said: "It is said that Linghe is a kind of spirit beast that is friendly to humans. This is not like it!"

"Friendly?" Xiao Shi chuckled. "You will be friendly with an ant? At best, you are too lazy to deal with it. Linghe is indifferent and does not care about humans, but it is not friendly."

She reads more books and is also very interested in spirit beasts.

"How can they break their feathers?" Chu departed.

"I want to break their feathers. Get the claws of spirit beasts." Xiao Shi shook his head. "But it is more difficult to get such claws of spirit beasts than breaking their feathers, so this is an extravagant hope."

Chu Li shook his head.

"Do you really hate them?" Xiao Shi said, "It really hurts them. That's troublesome!"

Chu Lidao said, "I want to get some of their blood."

If you can get some magic crane blood to make a magic rune, the effect will be extremely high. You don't have to kill them, just take a little blood.

"Don't come here!" Xiao Shi was startled: "I really want to get their blood, they must destroy you!"

Chu Li said regretfully: "That's it, just look elsewhere."

"Fortunately, I encountered Linghe this time, if it is another spirit beast, it is really dangerous." Xiao Shi said: "Just here, this mountain is enough for us to visit!"

"... Um, that's fine." Chu Li smiled. "Find some spirit grass and go back."

He found that the mountain peak had many spirit grasses that were not found outside. Are precious and unusual.

In particular, there is a kind of spirit grass that is most needed by Taihua Jindan-Moongrass, as long as it is returned to the Tianling Tree of the state government, it can slowly expand its scale.

With this, there is no worry that Mei Aoshuang would be awkward with herself again, but she must accept her adulthood.

The Moongrass is almost lost to the outside world. It seems that the 100,000 Mountains is an endless treasure that needs to be discovered slowly. Unfortunately, there are few people who dare to come in, and the masters of the gods are afraid to enter.

He had no supernatural powers, and he could not escape the pursuit of the two cranes just now. Will die under their lips.

They have long beaks like swords and fast shapes like lightning, depending on how tough their feathers are. I guess I can get the toughness of the long mouth, I am afraid that it is more powerful than the sword. Even if my body is arrogant, I can't stop it.

"Let's go!" Chu Li held her wrist, flashed in front of a giant tree, and bent over and pulled out two six-leaf clover.

Xiao Shi squatted down and looked: "What is this?"

"Butterfly on the grass." Chu Li smiled. "The most needed grass in Taihua Valley. I plan to plant some in Tianling Yuan and sell it to Taihua Valley."

"Buckweed ..." Xiao Shi groaned.

Chu Lidao said: "It is the main medicine for refining Taihua Jindan, and it is almost extinct."

Xiao Shi smiled. Understand his intentions.

Chu Li's complexion changed, and Xiao Shi took a flash to disappear.

Two crane cranes appeared where he was. See them disappear and rise into the air. Disappeared into the sky.

Chu Li appeared again and again in the spot, looked up at the Linghe flying to the sky, and breathed a sigh of relief: "They are more competitive with me!"

Xiao Shibai gave him a glance: "This is the place of others, can't you be angry if you steal spirit grass?"

Chu Lidao said, "Go back first."

The two returned to Tian Ling Yuan, Xue Ling was not there,

She is very busy now. Not only the news of Yueyuelou, but also the news coming from below the Tianling Yuan, must be compiled and handed over to Chu Li. In addition, she must work hard to cultivate.

Chu Li planted the two moon-biting grasses, and under the aura of the Tianling Tree, they would soon bear seeds.

"Just found this kind of spirit grass?" Xiao Shi smiled. "You can get some more back."

Chu Li smiled: "Take your time, look over when you have time. If you get one or two at a time, too much will be troublesome."

He was worried that the Lingcao would get too much, and the Linghe would chase the spirit grass, and that would be a problem.

I can run by myself, the people of the state government ca n’t run, the two cranes are angry, and the state government can be spared rarely.

"You can control greed, it's rare." Xiao Shi nodded.

When ordinary people look at the magical grass in the 100,000 mountains, they can't wait to sweep it, like falling into a treasure, how can they restrain greed!

Chu Li smiled: "I am asking for a lot. If you can have a good relationship with the spirit beast, that would be the best."

Xiao Shi laughed and shook his head: "You can really be whimsical and have a relationship with a spirit beast? You want to eat fish, and a fish wants to have a good relationship with you, you don't eat it?"

"Spirit beasts are different." Chu Lidao said: "They are extremely intelligent and can communicate."

"You, just be stupid." Xiao Shi said angrily: "Don't take yourself in!"

Chu Li is full of confidence.

His big round mirror intelligently sees what the human mind thinks, and he can also see what the beast thinks.

Everyone has weaknesses, and so do spirit beasts. There must be weaknesses.

Xiao Shi shook her head and laughed, no longer persuading him.

"I'm going to rest, and I'm tired." Xiao Shi waved his hand.

Chu Li took her wrist, disappeared, and appeared on Yushi Island.

Yang Su was packing in the small pavilion, and saw the two appear, and saluted.

Xiao Shi waved his hand: "Let them all be far away, don't want to see them!"

"Yes," Yang Xu answered.

Xiao Shi said: "Chu Li, you go too, come again tomorrow."

Chu Li hugs his fist and disappears in a flash.

He flashed several times, appearing in the 100,000 Mountain, still the giant peak.

One Linghe stood on the tree, the other Linghe could not see the shadow, let Chu Li be relieved.

If only one ~ www.readwn.com ~ he is not so embarrassed and can barely cope.

This Linghe seemed to feel Chu Li's spying and turned his head.

Chu Li sighed terribly, and found himself again.

But this time it didn't rush over directly, stood on the tree, raised its long mouth, made a high-pitched tweet, ringed the clouds.

Chu Li grinned and saw what happened.

There was a small nest between the forks of the tree under the crane's feet, and there were two eggs in the nest.

The nest was so concealed that he hadn't noticed in the last hurry.

No wonder they are so irritable and irritable, they can't wait to rush over when they see it, they are guarding the egg.

Another long beep sounded, another Linghe arrived, Chu Li flashed and disappeared.

He sat in the small pavilion of Tianlingyuan, thinking of a solution. (To be continued.)

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