White-Robed Chief

Chapter 330: Borrow again

He appeared in the back garden of the National Palace.

The sound of the piano is soaring and the sky is refreshing. The sound of the piano reveals a vast and distant weather.

Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi took a look and found that there was only Lu Yurong in the back garden. None of the nine beautiful maids were seen, but they were practicing in the house.

Lu Yurong sat alone in the kiosk, bowed his head and focused on the violin, and removed his veil, revealing a beautiful face with all manners, solemn, solemn, and profane.

Her temperament is changeable, dignified, or lazy.

At this time, the dignified Fuqin should not have a unique style.

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, she felt a strange look, turned her head and saw Chu Li.

She tilted her eyebrows and gently raised her eyebrows, and said lightly, "You are here again!"

Chu Li held his fist and smiled: "Miss Lu, I'm here for help!"

"What's the matter?" Lu Yurong said: "I haven't bothered you in the state government."

Chu Lidao said: "I want to borrow a few extraterrestrial masters."

"No more than six." Lu Yurong said lightly: "There are also a lot of masters in your house, are you afraid you can't hold back?"

Chu Li nodded.

Lu Yurong snorted: "You don't worry about me?"

He borrowed people to strengthen her and hurt her, killing two birds with one stone.

Chu Li smiled: "I also have this concern, so borrow Xi Wuxi old!"

"You miss the beauty, Xi Lao ?!" Lu Yurong sneered with a sneer in his mouth: "He is a town pillar in the house, how can he leave easily?"

Chu Li Road said: "During the big wedding, your government will not need it."

"It is not impossible to borrow an old man, it depends on what you pay." Lu Yurong looked at him lightly.

Chu Li groaned, "I don't know what Miss Lu needs?"

"I want King An on hand, can you take it out?" Lu Yurong said lightly.

Chu Li smiled: "If I take An's head, the emperor will take my head. Miss Lu is going to kill me."

Lu Yurong said lightly: "Well, I don't embarrass you, you just need to help me with one thing."

"What is it?" Chu left.

Lu Yurong said: "There is a treasure in the King's Palace. I want you to help me get it."

"Treasure?" Chu Li smiled. "What treasures does the National Government have?"

Lu Yurong frowned and said, "Is it something ordinary in my opinion? Can you help?"

Chu Li Road said: "Miss Lu first explain what it is."

"A jade sculpture." Lu Yurong said: "Jade sculpture of the nine-day goddess."

Chu Li realized: "Is it stolen by An Wang?"

"Hum, this despicable guy!" Lu Yurong gritted his teeth. Sneer: "If I hadn't looked at the emperor's face, I would have killed him long ago!"

Chu Li groaned, "What is the secret of this jade carving?"

"You don't need to know this!" Lu Yurong said coldly.

Chu Li smiled: "If you do n’t know its secret, you do n’t know its value. How can I agree?"

Lu Yurong looked at him with certainty: "You are in a state of government, and you can become a master ?!"

Her phoenix eyes are clear and glittering like gems, which make people enchanted.

Chu Li sighed, this threat really hit. Laughing: "I guess, it has something to do with your martial arts heritage, right?"

Lu Yurong's charming face sank and her eyes were cold.

Chu Li pretended not to see it, and shook his head: "An Wang is a man, what is the use of a nine-day Xuannv inheritance?"

"Chu surname, you know a lot!" Lu Yurong said coldly, "It is not necessarily a good thing to know too much!"

Chu Li laughed: "Is Miss Lu going to kill me? ... But Miss Lu has always wanted to kill me!"

"Huh, you know!" Lu Yurong hummed.

Chu Li said: "I got the jade carving, and Miss Lu is not afraid that I can inherit it?"

"It's just a statue now!" Lu Yurong said coldly.

Chu Li slowly said: "That's the case. Since this is the case, then I'll take it for you!"

Lu Yurong smiled: "Okay!"

Chu Li said: "The Xiwu ...?"

"Xi will always help." Lu Yurong said lightly: "If you are intentionally framed. No wonder I'm welcome!"

Chu Li said: "I want to ask them to help deal with the assassins, but I'm afraid Xi Lao they can't do their job, and let them go on purpose!"

Lu Yurong said coldly, "Why do you ask them to help!"

Chu Li smiled: "So we set a gentleman's agreement, if seven of them can capture three assassins, I will present the jade carving in person!"

"What if you break your promise?" Lu Yurong hummed.

Chu Lidao said: "So, I'll show the jade carving first, then Miss Lu will fulfill the contract, how about it?"

"You can get it now?" Lu Yurong said.

Chu Li smiled and said, "Can Miss Lu agree?"

"Okay." Lu Yurong said: "If you send it. Xi Lao, they will do it!"

Chu Li nodded: "Please ask Miss Lu to let them go now, before they arrive at the State Mansion. I will present it myself!"

"... Okay!" Lu Yurong said slowly.

"Then leave first!" Chu Li held his fist.

Said that the stature disappeared.

Lu Yurong looked at his original position, thinking deeply.

After a long while. She got up lightly, left the back garden and came to the hall of the government.

Sitting in the hall, she ordered two words, and soon the six of them appeared.

"Miss." Xi Wu fisted.

"Mr. Xi, the six of you set off for the State Mansion today." Lu Yurong said: "When you get there, look for Chuli."

"Want to kill Chu Li?" Xi Wu said busyly.

Lu Yurong shook her head: "This time is to help him."

Xi Wu froze and looked at Lu Yurong incredibly.

Lu Yurong said: "Xi Lao, this big wedding will not be peaceful."

"As far as I know, the provinces are very peaceful at the moment." Xi Wu shook his head. "We don't do anything, they have no intention of doing anything, after all, it involves King An."

"The factions in Wulin will not miss this opportunity." Lu Yurong sneered: "At this time, for the time being, let go of your grievances with the Yiguo Government and help them!"

Xi Wu nodded slowly and understood the meaning of Lu Yurong.

The Gongfu fights with each other, but they treat the Wulin factions in a unified position, like catching fast and thieves.

If the government of Yiguo is to be shaved by the martial arts, losing its majesty and shock, the government of Renguo will also be damaged, and the martial arts in the territory will be ready to move.

Lu Yurong said: "Six of you passed by and met three assassins!"

"Three ..." Xi Wu laughed. "That's no problem!"

Lu Yurong said: "I've made an appointment with Chu ~ www.readwn.com ~ He's careful, afraid that you will let people go on purpose, and made it on purpose, we must not lose faith!"

Xi Wu said positively: "Miss, rest assured, we will never take care! ... Six people captured three masters outside the sky, no problem!"

"Okay, let's go now!" Lu Yurong said, "but you should also keep an eye out for the surname Chu!"

"Miss, although Chu Li is scheming, he doesn't look like that kind of mean person." Xi Wu said.

Lu Yurong waved his hand: "Go."

Xi Wu's six punched out of the hall.

Lu Yurong was sitting in the Taishi chair, pondering when Chu Li could send the nine-day Xuannv jade carving, how could he get it out of An Wang's Mansion.

An Wang's palace is extremely guarded, and she has tried nothing to help her. (To be continued.)

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