White-Robed Chief

Chapter 342: Confrontation

Xiao Baihe was a little embarrassed: "You guessed it?"

Chu Li smiled: "I didn't expect the fourth son to have such an unpredictable sword technique!"

"I can't beat the sky and the sky." Xiao Baihe shook his head.

Chu Lidao said: "If it's an extraterrestrial sky, the fourth son is indifferent, three, ... What is the sword art of this fourth son?"

"Following the soul and killing the sword." Xiao Baihe sighed: "Unfortunately I didn't get home."

"Follow the soul and kill the sword ..." Chu Li said with emotion: "The sword is just like its name."

Xiao Shiheng said, "No. 4, what confusion do you make? There are four masters outside the sky, and you still want to provoke them?"

"Second sister, I ca n’t kill this person without killing a few people!" Xiao Baihe gritted his teeth and hummed, "If it wasn't for killing An Wang, I would have already started!"

"You're crazy!" Xiao Shi said angrily: "What good is it to kill a few people! ... if you have a good wife, what will your brother do to us, and how can you tell your mother after a hundred years?"

Xiao Baihe looked at her helplessly.

Xiao Shi said: "You are not allowed to compete with those in An Wangfu, otherwise I will break your leg myself!"

Xiao Baihe sighed: "I'm not angry, second sister, you have to be careful, An Wang is very insidious!"

"Of course I know!" Xiao Shibai snorted at one glance. "You can just let me spend less on snacks and go back!"

Xiao Baihe looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li shook her head with a smile, and an invisible force entered Xiao Baihe's body, repairing the five internal organs, such as immersed in a hot spring.

Meng Zhi's palm force has been entangled in his body, and he can't get rid of it. After all, he is a master of Tianwaitian. The internal force is extremely pure, and he can't get rid of it.

But under this warm force, Meng Zhi's palm power quickly dissipated, as if Bai Xue encountered the sun.

"Mr. Chu, thank you very much." Xiao Baihe hugged his fists.

Chu Li smiled: "Four sons be careful, the people in An Wangfu will not give up, they must follow Tianwaitian Master when going out."

"Well, I understand." Xiao Baihe nodded.

This is the first time he has faced the masters of Tianwaitian, and he knows that it is really beyond his reach. He has hope for a while to cultivate, but unfortunately, the realm of Tianwaitian is difficult, and it is not something he can break through.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li is younger than himself, but breaks through to the sky, I really do n’t know what adventure he got.

"OK, hurry up." Xiao Shi said: "Be careful on the road, don't be cleaned up by others!"

"Second sister, I am an old river!" Xiao Baihe laughed.

Xiao Shiheng said: "You are the old rivers and lakes, don't take care!"

"Yes, then I'll go first!" Xiao Baihe hugged his fists, and the black shadow flickered, disappearing in the woods.

Xiao Shi shook his head and said, "This guy is really uneasy."

Chu Lidao said: "The four sons have advanced martial arts, and they will definitely achieve something in the future. Let's go!"

"Well ..., the thought of worshipping, I can't wait to die!" Xiao Shiheng whispered.

Chu Li didn't speak.

He didn't mean it. In case his own plans failed to kill Wang An, Xiao Shike really went into the fire pit, and could only escape by death, or tied her directly, disappeared and became a pending case.

Seeing Chu Li's face, Xiao Shi smiled: "Don't be overcast, you can't do it, but try another peak?"

"Another peak?" Chu Li frowned and shook his head: "I have seen the power of the spirit beast. What if I go to another peak and provoke another spirit beast, what should he do if he chases down 100,000 mountains? Or forget it!"

After seeing Linghe, Chu Li found that the spirit beast was far stronger and more desperate than the book records.

Linghe is okay. If he encounters a more fierce spirit beast, he must kill himself. Even if he hunts down the 100,000 mountains, once the 100,000 mountains are out, he will not stop the killing, and can only watch. It kills people, and it's really sinful.

If I really want to go to another peak, then I have to wait for my Dayuan mirror to be stronger, to be able to see farther, or to go deeper, and then have a clue.


King An and his party quickly saw the mighty and magnificent capital of God, and also saw four people outside the capital of God.

Xiao Shi covered his face with a white shirt, followed by Yang Su and Xue Ling, standing behind Chu Li.

Even outside the city gates, the four of them are still outstanding.

Seeing King An, they moved over, Xiao Shi entered the sedan, and the two women stood beside the sedan.

Chu Li came to Wang An, and hugged his fists: "I've seen Wang Ye."

"You walk fast," said An An calmly, "see the assassin?"

"What assassin?" Chu Lizhuang was surprised.

An Wang smiled lightly: "Is Lu Yurong joining hands with you?"

Chu Lidao said: "The two mansions of Renyi are **** enemies, so many people have died each other. Does the Lord think that is possible?"

An An said indifferently: "There is nothing impossible in this world, especially if you two smart people come together, impossible and possible!"

Chu Lizhengzheng said: "The prince is overestimating. I don't have such a great ability to resolve the hatred between the two cities."

"Lu Yurong!" An Wang smiled slightly: "One day, I will take her down!"

Chu Lidao said, "I wish Wang Anma success!"

An Wang gave him a sideways glance, waved his hand, and motioned to go away.

Chu Li came to the sedan with interest.

The ceremonies were set up and the music played, which attracted people's attention. Then they remembered that An Wang Dian went down to meet the second lady of the Yiguo government. The first beauty of the season, this is back!

People came quickly, if not for the Shenguang Army of the City of God, the enthusiastic people would come up and overturn the sedan to see the first beauty of the season.

Chu Li and Xue Ling Yang Su accompanied beside the sedan chair, and as the brigade entered the capital of the gods, they arrived at the An Wang Palace.

Next is a lively, worshiping the heavens and going into the cave, which is more solemn and cumbersome than the wedding of ordinary people. After tossing from noon to the evening, and then having a banquet, Chu Li is a maid and a guard. A few tables.

There are five people at this table. Except for Chu Li, he does not recognize the other four.

Sitting in the tail seat was a skinny young man, about the same size as Chu Li, smiling, showing a little bit bad, looking like a little foolish.

Chu Li didn't look down on him, none of them could sit at this table.

The young man stood up, hugged his fists, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, come, let me introduce you, here is Li Gui. Well, I am the deputy director of the royal palace. This is our princess' eldest brother, General Xue Tiexue. This is Song Menglin's elder brother, Princess Song of Song Dynasty, and this is Song Sansi, the governor of our palace.

Chu Li raised her brow ~ www.readwn.com ~ Holding a fist and smiling: "Chu Li has met General Xue and Song Shi read. We are a family in the future. If there is anything wrong with Chumou, I will offend him. General and Song Shi read Haihan! "

He murmured, all the people present here had the highest grade, but these guys deliberately took the shelf and bullied him, and wanted to give him a power, but he didn't take the initiative to salute, he must speak first!

Xue Tie and Song Menglin have already known in advance that their identities are different. He cannot be too pretentious. As for the two internal directors, they are not polite. They are their immediate superiors immediately and do not need to give them face.

"General Manager Chu is young and can be promoted to a top grade. I am so envious!" Xue Tieha laughed.

He looks ordinary, with a long face, narrow eyes, and a cold-blooded forest between the hopes, apparently a **** man, hard and strong.

Chu Li held up the silver cup and smiled, "General Xue defends the frontier for the country, labors hard, pays a respect to General Xue!"

He said to stop drinking.

Xue Tie smiled and drank the drink.

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