White-Robed Chief

Chapter 345: Plot

An Wang looked at Xiao Shi dullly, Junyi's face kept changing colors.

Mother-in-law Dong took out a row of silver needles from the medicine chest, slowly pierced a few needles onto Xiao Shi's body, and then touched Xiao Shi's bright wrists, closed her eyes, and concentrated on the changes in the pulse phase.

Chu Li stared at Mother-in-law Dong.

These needles were stuck near the heart of Xiao Shi's heart. After a few needles were put down, the acupuncture point quickly dissipated a hint of breath, like a gush of water.

These breaths condensed to form a strange power, hindering the destruction of the magical spirit of heaven, and alleviating Xiao Shi's injury.

Chu Li was surprised that the breath that came out of nowhere did not come from mother-in-law Dong, but several acupuncture points pierced by this silver needle, which could block the magic of heaven.

He has great round mirror wisdom and can see the breath flowing inside and out of the body. Mother-in-law just has the ability to rely on the pulse, and such medical skills are really amazing. If you have the opportunity, you must ask her for advice.

He has already memorized this acupoint, and it is true that the novel w. Will be tested later. These stitches are wonderful and life-saving.

"Um ..." Xiao Shi slowly opened his eyes.

Chu Li busy said! "

Seeing that it was him, Xiao Shi nodded gently, then looked around, frowned, did the weak voice assassin catch it? "No error fiction network does not skip words.

Chu Li shook his head, the body method was too fast, escaped! "

"Escape ..." Xiao Shi coughed twice, her pale face gushing red.

Mother-in-law Dong is busy talking to the princess. "

Chu Lidao, you hurt your heart, you ca n’t change your mind sharply, rest assured. The king will send someone to catch him! "

Xiao Shi glanced at King An.

King An also looked back at this time, showing a gentle smile and rest assured. Princess, I will take revenge for you. No matter where the guy flees, I will tie him to you! "

Xiao Shi's jaw lightly said that there was a King of Labour! "

"The princess recuperates with peace of mind!" An Wang said with resentment that such a lawless thief would never let go! "

Lord Chu Lidao, I don't trust the guard of the royal palace. "

An Wang frowned and said they were doing their best, but this man's body is too fast! "

Chu Lidao is because of my best efforts, I can't rest assured. If they have more power, I won't worry about it. Next time, just let them be attentive .... This time, they are not because of slackness, but because of their lack of self-cultivation and poor performance. "

"Do you have an idea?" An Wang said.

Chu Lishen said, I will be here in person, in case the assassin does not die, I will stab again! "

"Isn't this right? Many words from WWW." Wang An's face fell down and came to see you as a big man living in the backyard! "

Chu Lidao's mother-in-law's words must have been heard by Grandpa Wang ... Now she is weak and vulnerable, and if there is another wind and grass. In case there is something wrong, who can take responsibility! "

Wang An understood what he meant. Xiao Shi was too weak now, even if the two had a private relationship. He is also powerless and will not do that kind of ugly thing.

This made him feel relieved, but still uncomfortable.

Chu Li holds his fist. Solemnly said, please be complete! "

Xiao Shi said, do you think that guy will come again? "

Chu Li coldly said he could calmly kill once, there would be a second! If there is a second time. Not so lucky, he prayed for Yuandan. How can there be nothing? "

Praying for Yuandan is not almighty. He kills people, and then cuts the first level and throws it elsewhere. Praying for Yuandan, there is no way for God to give birth to a new head.

"... Okay." An Wang turned his mind for a long while, and finally nodded slowly. If you want to keep it, then live in the courtyard next door. "

This assassin is too powerful. If he is really successful and kills Xiao Shi, there is no way to explain it.

None of the masters in the prefecture can guard against it, not to mention that there is really a problem, and the people who are in it must be implemented.

Since Chu Lishan likes Chu Li, it's best.

"Thank you for your success!" Chu Li fisted.

King An waved the princess. I'd like to greet the outside first, so don't make a mess. "

Xiao Shi faintly jaw.


When King An leaves, the house only goes down to her mother-in-law and Yang Suxueling, and Chu Lidao, mother-in-law. When is the injury expected to recover? "

"Due to martial arts masters, there is still dark energy in the body, it is difficult to not worsen, as for recovery ..." Mother-in-law Dong sighed, shaking her head and saying that there is no hope for a year and a half. "

"This thief!" Chu Li hated.

Xiao Shi glanced at him.

Chu Li turned around and said to her mother-in-law that she would need to bother her in the future! "

He said he took a ten thousand silver ticket from his arms and put it in the medicine chest.

Mother-in-law Dong saw the denomination, and her rosy face became too precious! "

Chu Li shook his head and compared with his life, it is insignificant, and I hope Dong mother-in-law is too disgusting! "

"Well ..." Mother-in-law Dong sighed that she could do her best, but the princess was really sick and could only come little by little. "

Chu is not in a hurry, as long as he is safe. "

Mother Dong nodded and no longer explained.

After a while, Mother-in-law Dong let go of Xiao Shi's Hao wrist, got up and opened a prescription, and then left.

There were only two people left in the room. Yang Su and Xue Ling were both out. Xiao Shiheng gave him a glance. Did you really look for that guy? "

She thought it was Chu Li, but she had some doubts as to whether she had made a mistake, why should she pierce her heart and pierce elsewhere?

Chu Li smiled and thought? "

"I wouldn't really want to kill me, right?" Xiao Shi frowned and seemed to be really an enemy! "

Chu Li pointed.

Xiao Shi is surprised! "

Chu Lidao, I learned osteoporosis with Brother Jiang, and I can change my appearance. "

"Have you hated me so much?" Xiao Shiheng said hate me for dragging you here, so I couldn't accompany Sanmei? "

Chu Li glared at her with anger.

Anyway, Xiao Shidao looked at how you killed me, and really wanted to kill me. "

If Chu Li shook her head and said, "If you can't lie to you, you have already exposed the stuff just now!" "

An Wang's eyes were amazing. If Xiao Shi was just him, he would inevitably have a different look ~ www.readwn.com ~ An Wang would be suspicious if he did not hate.

Although it was done seamlessly, it was troublesome for An Wang to doubt it.

Xiao Shi's response was normal, and An An wouldn't think too much and save trouble.

"It's really good to see his face!" Xiao Shiheng said, stay alert next door, as soon as you move, hurry up! "

As soon as she heard Chu Li lived next door, she was at ease.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Xiao Shi said, shall I be hurt this time? "

"It depends on Grandpa." Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Shi smiled sweetly, as bright as a pearl, and understood the meaning of Chu Li. When An An died, she was good.


The next morning, the weather was fine and the air was refreshing.

Song Sansi, the governor of the An Wang House, came to Yaoguang Yuan.

The maid in the courtyard saw him and gave him a ritual without blocking.

He strode to the hall in front of the meteor, and raised his fist to the Princess! "

"Come in." There was a hoarse, sweet voice from a woman.

Song Sansi picked the curtain into the hall, stepped forward, and came to the woman sitting in the teacher's chair, holding the fist to salute the princess! "

This woman is about thirty years old, with snow-white melon seeds, small cherry mouth, apricot eyes and willow eyebrows.

At this moment she looked at Song Sansi lazily, and casually heard that Princess Xiao had been stabbed? "

"Yes." Song Sansi said with a sword in his heart. He lost his life after losing Xiao's prayers, but his body wasn't. Congratulations to the princess! "

"Congratulations!" Song Liuying said casually.

Song Sansi laughed and said that even though she was a positive concubine, she couldn't make a difference, her position was inevitably unstable, and the opportunity for the princess came! "(To be continued.)

345 (details)

Chapter 345 The plan (five more) is [No * Wrong] [Small-Speaking-Net] members hit by hand. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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