White-Robed Chief

Chapter 362: Refuse

He is the deputy director of the inner government, and he has also seen many beautiful women, but like Xue Ling, the first woman to be stunned at first sight.

Her cold eyes and beautiful face were like a sword of Lingli. When he stabbed him in the heart, he suddenly burst into a strong impulse to get this!

His mind turned, this was Princess Xiao's maid, and she was in a good position. Although she was the deputy director, she couldn't control Princess Xiao's head. She really annoyed Princess Xiao, and the chief executive would not let go.

Huh, although the chief manager is terrific, I heard that many people have been killed, but he is just a martial artist, a young and young boy!

At the table at the banquet table at the time, I was so embarrassed, presumably that I was unwilling to give it up. Once Lord Wang wakes up, the first thing to do is to deal with the chief executive!

By then, with the arrogance of the chief executive, he will definitely collide with Wang Ye, who may drive him out of his house in an outrage or even kill him!

Besides, / none / wrong / fiction @ w.qulu., This chief manager is also virtual, and has no real power, and can't control it!

Thinking of this, he showed a proud smile, martial arts is very useful, but a martial arts, really powerful is the mind, a word can determine a person's fate, this feeling is really wonderful!

He stood outside the courtyard and listened.

"Princess Xue, this Deputy Li is a little interesting outside." Chu Li took the embroidery pouch and smiled at Xue Ningyu.

Xue Ningyu said that Li Gui had a lot of ghost ideas and sometimes had to beat them. "

"Then I won't talk much." Chu Li smiled but smiled, but he had some thoughts about Qiuer girl. "

"Uh-?" Xue Ningyu froze, then shook his head and said no! ...... This guy is still kind! "

Chu Li smiled Princess Dao. Sometimes people can't control it and can't do it. I still have to do it, although my eyes cannot explain Cha Qiuliang. But also has a little ability to see people. "

"... No, no." Xue Ningyu shook her head.

"I wish I had read it wrong." Chu Li laughed, turning the topic casually, let's not talk about these gossips, let's do business. "

"Yeah, do business." Xue Ningyu busy.

She began to mutter.

Although Li Gui has a bad stomach, he is not so brave, and shouldn't take Qiuer seriously.

But the man in charge is not simple. He is a young man at a young age. He is by no means a man of good faith. He said so. Must be seeing some signs.

People will change, especially in the environment of Wangfu, power will quickly change a person, Li Gui is the same as before, may not really have changed, but just good at disguising, not showing it!

Are you convinced that Li Gui has no bad ideas, or do you have to take precautions and check first?

Two ideas entangled in my mind. After a while, the decision was made.

Quietly check, let Li Gui not be.

If there is really a problem, then it ca n’t be stayed. Once he has aroused his passion, he can really do everything, and keep him away from Qiu'er.

Chu Li downplayed a sentence. Li Gui could hear the cold outside.

Chu Li broke his mind buried deep in his heart.

He was startled and terrified, his face pale as paper. The bright sun shines on the body, but it cannot melt the coldness of the heart.


Chu Li picked up two strands of hair. Sit on the couch that Xue Ling moved out, and work perfectly.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and thoughtfully.

"Did you find it?" Wuwu Novel did not skip words. Xue Ningyu was busy.

Chu Li frowned and groaned outside the city! ...... This time they came prepared. I was afraid that it would be impossible for me. The guards in the house were dispatched. "

"Of course!" Xue Ningyu said so busy that she had to bother the chief executive in person. "

Chu Lidao, I'll see Wang Ye. "

He looked at Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi put on the jade hand, rest assured, seven masters outside the sky guarded me, you go quickly and return! "

Chu Li's head, she has a stupa rosary, she can be at any time, not so worried.

He and Xue Ningyu came to the study.

There are only three people in the study, Xu Ning, Zheng Lide, and Song Liuying.

"They are outside the city, and the chief manager needs manpower to save people." Xue Ningyu looked at Zheng Lide, Zheng Zheng, and you took someone with the chief manager! "

Zheng Lide was in distress, Princess Xue.

"It's really impossible, just let Sister Xiao first, the guards over there." Xue Ningyu said enough staffing! "

Zheng Lide shook his head and said that without the order of the Lord, we can't move the staff in the house. "

"Can't you do that?" Xue Ningyu asked.

Zheng Lide looked at Chu Li and nodded helplessly.

Chu Li looked at Xu Ning.

Xu Ning said nothing, her eyebrows narrowed, it seemed that the old monk was settled.

At this time, Li Gui was reporting to the princess outside, and two more maids were missing. "

"That's it!" Xue Ningyu shouted in! "

Li Gui bowed, and came to the study with a whisper, and two maids whispered. "

"How many maids are there now?" Xue Ningyu said angrily, missing the two missing last time, and not saying hello to the rest? "

"The princess forgive me." Li Gui bowed her head.

What about Xue Ningyu's anger? "

"Yes, it's all already." Li Gui busy.

Xue Ningyu snorted and turned to look at Zheng Lide and Zheng Led. You are going to die, aren't you? "

"Princess Xue ..." Zheng Lide revealed his embarrassment, and looked at the unconscious King An.

Song Liuying said Zheng Zheng, so let ’s agree with Sister Xue, let the chief manager lead people, Wang Ye wakes up, it is us who is responsible! ... Zheng Tong, Wang Ye is unconscious, isn't it that the words of the two of us are not counted? "

"Don't dare!" Zheng Lide said busyly.

Xue Ningyu said that younger ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hurry up and take people! "

Zheng Lide turned to look at the Chief Executive Officer of Chuli. I don't know how many people he would bring? "

This group of people from Chu Lidao dare to take such revenge. They must have been prepared. If there are fewer people, they will not work. Take eight days away! "

"Eight ?!" Zheng Lide frowned.

"Leader Zheng, torture them again, they are in danger. You are asked!" Xue Ningyu hurriedly impatiently, I will pick up Xiao Xiao! "

"... Yes." Zheng Lide nodded helplessly and asked the manager to follow me. "

Chu Li saw his reluctance, but didn't care.

Zheng Lide secretly exclaimed.

The CEO and An Wang are not a group, but enemies!

If the chief manager took someone to die, it would really make every day irresponsible, and the earth would not work. Even if his life was lost and his subordinate's life was lost, Wang Ye could not escape the blame!

When the two came outside the courtyard, Zheng Lide greeted him, and eight masters from the sky appeared.

"The general manager is going to take us to rescue the missing maid." Zheng Tong led Shen and glanced at the eight masters outside the sky. In any case, they are all from our palace, and we must never see the dead. "

"Master, can you wake up?" Asked a middle-aged man.

He is tall and handsome, with only a pair of eyes that are slightly cold, like a serpent staring at a person.

"No need, Lord Ye hasn't awoken yet." Zheng Lide shook his head and said, but Princess Xiao would know, and the fifth child guarded him. "

"Since the Lord is not awake, we have no order from the Lord and can't be dispatched." Ying Wuqiu said lightly, holding his fist and glancing at the chief executive, sorry, all we have to do is to protect the Lord, as for the others, it is not ours thing! "(To be continued.)

362 (details)

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