White-Robed Chief

Chapter 365: Get out

"Good boy, so light work!" He said with a smile, his body suddenly accelerated, turning into a erratic shadow, as if Chu Li's shadow, let Chu Li

Changing body styles are all behind him.

"Bang, bang, bang ..." A continuous muffled sound rang between the two.

The punches collided with the palm strength, such as the raging waves.

The blades of grass rolled around, and the sand drifted along, gradually covering up their bodies. They seemed to be in the center of a tornado's whirlpool, and the winds roared around them, but the place where they were was calm and abnormal.

The people watching the game widened their eyes and were pushed back by invisible forces.

In their eyes, Chen Kong is the most advanced master in the world, who has done extremely well and has become so profound that he is now inextricably linked with a young man.

Chen Kong praised the boy, what is your self-cultivation? "

His palm strength was unpredictable, and he struck from different directions, as if he was going to turn.

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Relying on Dayuan Jingzhi, Chu Li can clearly see his palm strength, so he can prevent it. For another person, he can only respond by induction. In addition, Chen Kong has a very fast shot and his body is very fast. It's hard to stop.

It's no surprise that Chu Li smiles and encounters strangely, but the seniors' cultivation is profound, and they should not be anonymous people! "

"Old man Chen Kong." Chen Kongpiao fluttered out of his palms, and his posture was erratic. Immediately after Chu Li, he was looking for Chu Li's flaws. After Chu Li was slightly delayed, he would enter the gap and recover the situation.

"Chen Kong ..." Chu Li shook his head.

He really hasn't heard of this name, it seems he is a hidden master.

There are more than one hundred masters in Wulin, but they are hidden in the dark. There are many who do not appear in the world. These people have their own incognito. Some hid in the royal palace, and some hid in the state government. Some even hide in martial arts.

Like Daleiyin Temple, there are not many masters in the hidden world.

Chen Kong smiled and laughed that you haven't heard it, and the old man is rarely in God! "

"What do you mean by robbing officials and children?" Chu Liheng hummed.

He has been speculating that he would not want to be a disciple if he looted these officials and children. Many words of WWW.net should have other purposes.

Chen Kong Junyi's face smiled, anyway, we are not malicious! "

Chu Li, however, saw his thoughts, shook his head, and did not know how to do it. We are almost there. Say goodbye! "

He sighed terribly. Sure enough, one by one, this is a play played by Cheng Wang.

First let these men grab the children, and then the king will take the children to grab the children, and give the credit to the ministers to thank Dade.

Unexpectedly, An Wang was cut off halfway and picked fruits.

Cheng Wang's painstaking layout will soon be harvested. But in the blink of an eye, it turned into an empty space.

Chu Li secretly guarded this king, using such a means. Can't belittle it.

It is estimated that Zheng Lide has run far, Chen Kong can't catch up, and there is no need to entangle.

Chen Kong was very tall. Xiuwei is deeper than he wants to pack him. There is a great price to pay, and there are a few other masters beside Tiantian.

not to mention. Chen Kong's practice like this is bound to be a killer, not necessarily to kill others, but may be killed by others, or it is better for everyone to give each other a step. At this point, there is no need to fight for life and death, often both.

Chen Kong laughed and said that the boy wanted to leave, how could it be so easy! "

Chu Limeng flickered, and immediately got rid of Chen Kong's entanglement, stepping on a pine treetop and fluttering away.

"Hugh away!" Chen Kong followed closely, and the rest of the sky masters only had to stare, blinking, and the two had disappeared.

The aura of rushing in and out in all directions transformed into pure internal force, urging the body to become faster and faster, Chen Kong chased for a while, failed to shorten the distance, and so far, he couldn't catch up to God.

He shook his head boy, we will have a period later! "

Chu Li waved his hands toward the back and disappeared without a trace.

Running out a mile, he spit out a bite of congestion, and Chen Kong's repair was better, and he continued to fight, really using a trick.


He came to the house and found Zheng Lide directly.

Nine of them were staying in a yard with heavy faces.

Seeing that Chu Li appeared, Zheng Lide was the general manager. Wasn't he hurt? Wrong fiction network a lot of words "

Chu Lidao had a little injury, and it did n’t matter. The guy was Chen Kong. Have you heard of it? Wrong fiction network a lot of words "

"Chen Kong ..." Everyone frowned.

I did n’t ask for the chief manager. I seem to have heard that Chen Kong was a very famous young genius sixty years ago. Like the chief manager, he was a master of meritocracy and a strange method, but then he lost his news and thought that He was inexplicably absurd, but did not expect to appear again! "

Which master of Chu Lidao? "

Shaking his head in response to no request, he has a mysterious history. It is said that it is a hidden school, no one. "

Chu Li thoughtfully.

He took out the white jade bottle from his arms, poured out two Qi Yuandan and handed it to Zheng Lide to serve them! "

"Pray for Yuandan?" Zheng Lide was busy.

Chu Lidao said they were hurt too much, and only prayed that Yuan Dan could save his life. This Chen Kong's palms were too strong. Everyone would go out and ask for a bit. When this guy was encountered, running was useless, and he immediately called for help! "

They nodded slowly.

The injuries of the two companions made them feel heavy. Chen Kong was just a fluttering palm, which directly shattered their internal organs. Such strange and terrible palm strength could not be stopped.

Had it not been for Tianwaitian Master's vitality, they would have been stiff at this moment.

Although they were a victory, they were not happy at all.

"General Manager ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't think you pray for Yuandan too much." Zheng Lide said.

Chu Li smiled and there were two left, one for me and one for me, so everyone wants, don't lose your life, and touch my prayer for Yuandan! "

"Mr. Don't worry!" Everyone laughed.

Praying for the preciousness of Yuandan, they all knew that one life, Chu Li took two at a time, it was very generous. For Wang Ye, if he was not so generous, he died, and he searched for masters.

Chu Lidao did not come well, and dare to slap our kings and tigers, not ordinary people. This Chen Kong is indeed qualified. Everyone must bring a good arrow. Once they hit the arrow, I will rush! "

"Yes!" Everyone said.

They confronted Chen Kong, but they were beaten.

However, the chief executive has done extremely well, and he has deep repairs, but he can stop Chen Kong. They really encountered Chen Kong and could only rely on him to rescue them.

Chu Li smiled and said that this time we killed their three masters outside the sky, it was regarded as a bad breath, no matter what, it was earned, and raised the prestige of our royal palace, everyone don't despair! "

"Master, our strength of the palace is still not enough." Zheng Lide shook his head and sighed that he lacked the top master like Chen Kong. "

Someone laughed, didn't we have a chief executive? "

Zheng Lide shook his head and said that the chief executive has a high weight, so how can he always let the chief executive do it himself. "

Chu Lidao I am a high-weight person who is also our Wangfu, and will never stand idly by! "

"Thank you, great manager!" Zheng Lide hugged.

Chu Li waved his hand and the reward will be sent later. "

He turned away from the yard and returned to An Wang's study. (To be continued.)

365 (details)

Chapter 365 (Getting Out) is played by [No * Wrong] [Small-Speaking-Net] members by hand.

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