White-Robed Chief

Chapter 396: joke

Xiao Shi's body is similar to Lu Yurong. He took the Luo shirt of Xiao Shi.

"You go out!" Lu Yurong answered, without a good expression.

Chu Li gave a cough and I went outside to help you watch it, lest anyone. "

"Hurry up!" Lu Yurong didn't look at him.

Chu Li shook her head, not following her general knowledge.

He floated out of the dense forest, took two horses handed over by a soldier, and nodded his thanks.

After a while, it was not good. He felt weird. He still didn't use Dayuan Jingzhi and handed the two horses to the soldiers. He got into the woods, but was meeting Lu Yurong.

Lu Yurong changed this moon-white Luo shirt, which was different from her original moon-white Luo shirt. Su Jie was even more elegant.

She is like Xiao Shi, changing her clothes is a temperament.

Lu Yurong looked at him directly, and without disguising his disgust in his heart, he stared at him fiercely and walked out of the woods first.

Chu Li @ 无 @ 错 @ 小说 ww.qul.om doesn't care about Lu Yurong's disgust expression. Lu Yurong likes it. He just appreciates her beauty, but never thinks of it.

The sound of horseshoes rang in front, and Leng Ying and Leng Qiu came across the horse, and saw the two coming out of the woods.

They approached each other and looked at them in surprise.

Chu Li glanced at Leng Qiu Lengying, nodded, and took the reins handed up by the soldiers? "

"Mother and mother, don't worry, let me see, are you busy?" Leng Qiu spoke, Ming eyes turned around, looked at Chu Li and Lu Yurong constantly, trying to see something.

"Cousin, have you changed your clothes?" Leng Ying asked in surprise.

She is attentive. It can be seen that Lu Yurong is not wearing the previous one.

Chu Lina ’s clothes are also colored according to a color, so as not to be seen. But failed to hide too cold cold.

Lu Yurong's face was reddish. Humming changed clothes, no change! "

Leng Ying pointed at Liu Yao. Cousin with a smile, your clothes obviously have a flower here, not this bird. "

"Shao, let's go!" Lu Yurong waved his hand impatiently, grabbed Chu Li's reins, turned over the horse, and hit the horse and left.

Leng Ying did not follow, but looked at Chu Li up and down.

Chu Li smiled and looked at Leng Yingying's advice? "

"Do you like your cousin?" Wuwu Novel Network does not skip words. Leng Ying asked tightly with a tense face.

Chu Li shaking her head Ying girl you misunderstood. We are not men and women. "

Leng Ying hummed and said goodbye, don't think I'm young, I don't understand these, I didn't see my cousin's face turned red, you two got into the woods to do it! "

Leng Qiu's eyes widened.

Chu Li laughed at Miss Tao Ying, you really misunderstood. I am not the girl and Lu, but my opponents. I just entered the woods to learn martial arts and played a game. For changing clothes? Because I broke her clothes! "

"Huh, it's strange to believe you!" Leng Ying strained Jiao Xuan's face tightly, and twitched your fight. Is it different from what we said? Wrong fiction network a lot of words "

"Leng Ying!" Leng Qiu blushed.

Chu Li could not help laughing. Leng Ying looked up and down.

Leng Ying stared at him unwillingly and hummed. Don't think I don't understand! "

Chu Li smiled and did not expect Ying Ying to know so much! "

"In short, you are not as good as your cousin!" Leng Ying hummed, my elder brother liked his cousin. You can not! "

Can't Chu Li turn around? "

"My cousin and my cousin have been very young since childhood, and they have a good relationship. No wonder these two years have suddenly become indifferent. It turned out to be you!" Leng Ying hummed that you destroyed my cousin's relationship with his elder brother! "

Chu Li looked at her coquettish look. Even if you are angry, it is cute, and laughs at the feelings of men and women. Whoever can be the master, everyone is involuntary, so is your cousin! "

"Cousin really likes you?" Leng Ying was originally a scammer, but she was skeptical. I felt that her cousin's personality was not so easy to like a man, but Chu Li suddenly said this.

Chu Li shook his head. "

Leng Ying frowned at him.

If Chu Li said she liked it, she would doubt it. Chu Li said that she really had feelings.

Chu Lidao, today, it ’s best not to tell your parents and elder brother, lest your cousin is difficult to do, you must not marry your elder brother, so do n’t you want this cousin? Wrong fiction network a lot of words "

"I will not hide my brother and father and mother!" Leng Ying hummed.

You should deserve a smiling Taoist girl from Chu Li. I have done a good job. If you really say that girl, I'm not so blunt! "

"You're welcome?" Leng Ying hummed.

What about Chu Lidao getting a bug on your bed? "

"You--!" Leng Ying was startled.

She was numb at the thought of bugs crawling on the bed.

Chu Li urged Dayuan Jingzhi early, and the scariest thing was the worm, so she scared her and looked at her pale face. It was funny to want to laugh.

Leng Qiu hummed the chief manager! "

Chu Lihe laughed two times and made a joke, the girl Ying must not mind! "

"Joke?" Leng Ying asked quickly.

Chu Li smiled and rest assured, I really did not have an affair with Lu Lu, her cultivation method made her not like men at all, so don't worry about your brother! "

"Don't like men?" Leng Ying heard the cousin's mind for the second time.

Chu Lidao's heart is strange and very overbearing. If a man approaches, he will be dead once there is a skin relative, and her heart will also instinctively hate men, just like you hate bugs, ... OK, just don't let him approach Lu Yurong, lest he ask for help! "

"Really?" Leng Ying frowned.

Chu Li smiled and didn't believe you to ask Lu Yurong! "

"No wonder ..." Leng Ying was a little surprised ~ www.readwn.com ~ Recalling the situation with her cousin, it seems that the cousin did not get close to the man, only the side, even the guards were not men, it was because of this ...

Chu Lidao, we should go. "

Leng Ying turned her head and glared at him for a fight with my cousin, who won? "

Chu Li smiled, what do you think? "

"... Cousin's martial arts are very powerful!" Leng Ying hummed.

She thought about her cousin's expression, and vaguely felt that her cousin might be defeated, otherwise her cousin would ridicule Chu Li, and her cousin looked annoyed, for fear that she would really lose her hand.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

The trio rushed on horses and soon caught up with Xiao Shi and his party.

Lu Yurong has walked side by side with Princess Lu, without even looking at him.

Princess Lu's eyes turned on Chu Li, and she looked at Leng Ying casually.

Leng Ying came to the other side of Lu Yurong and looked at her secretly.

Lu Yurong hummed, and whispered Chu told you? "

"He said cousin you lost."


"Cousin, you can't beat him?"

"Can't beat it."

"He is so good?"

"You told your elder brother not to mess with him!"

"... Brother won't listen to me."

"Where are you two mumbling?" Princess Lu said with a smile. "

"Mother, I have something to say to my cousin." Leng Yingjiao whispered.

"You two ..." Princess Lu shook her head and laughed, looking at Xiao Shi to make Xiao Xiao laugh. "

Xiao Shi smiled and glanced at Chu Li.

She had the most complicated relationship between Lu Yurong and Chu Li. Seeing Lu Yurong's complexion, she ate a gluttonous body in Chu Li, feeling secretly happy. (To be continued.)

396 (details)

Chapter 396 (Third) The joke is played by [no * wrong] [small-speak-net] member. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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