White-Robed Chief

Chapter 400: Traitor

Prince Bao turned his back on her and looked down at the cavalry in the distance. The purple robe was hunted by the wind.

Standing here, the field of vision is wide open, and the entire grassland is in front of you. It can be clearly seen that the cavalry is also divided into five roads, each of which is running in one direction. The speed is extremely fast.

"Are you the big girl of King An's family?" Prince Bao turned her head, her eyes burning, as if she could see through her heart and lungs.

"Leng Qing met the emperor's ancestors." Leng Qing made a gift.

Prince Bao waved his hand: "What do you want?"

"Uncle Huang, the chief manager of our house, there is a traitor in the cavalry." Leng Qing said calmly.

Contrary to what she imagined, Prince Bao heard the words with a calm expression: "Oh, there is an insider? How can he conclude that there is an insider?"

Leng Qing shook her head.

"What do you think, girl?" Prince Bao smiled.

He had a soft tone and no sternness in the cross.

Leng Qing failed to relax, and slowly said, "I don't think it's possible. Every one here can only come in through multiple layers of review. Such multiple layers of review cannot be mixed by traitors."

"If we can get into the traitor, then we will be happy." Prince Bao shook his head and smiled: "These elites are going to go to the palace, and they go crazy when they are holy, but what happened, how many heads!"

"Yes." Leng Qing was somewhat convinced that Chu left.

The chief manager is careful, how can he not think of this? It was also decided to tell Prince Bao that it was very likely that it was true.

Prince Bao sighed, "The chief manager in your family is called Chu Li?"

"Uncle Huang also knows Mr. Chief?"

"Of course I heard it." Prince Bao laughed: "The youngest product, how can you not know! Yiguo government also dare to come, Xiao Guogong retreat, Xiao family son is also a powerful character, really dare to seal a product ! "

"Uncle Huang, that traitor?" Leng Qing asked hesitantly.

Prince Bao said: "Let ’s call Chu Li and ask, the youngest product can't be looked at. Maybe there are some amazing discoveries. Quiet quietly."

"Yes." Leng Qing nodded.

Prince Bao said: "This matter can't be heard, girl, you know the importance."

"Yes, Uncle Huang, I understand." Leng Qing said softly.

"Go." Prince Bao waved.

Leng Qing receded heartily.

Although Prince Bao was amiable, she still felt a layer of cold sweat on her back. Standing in front of him, she would be unconsciously nervous.

She came to Chu Lijin for a few words and looked at him with some anxiety.

If there is a false alarm, Chu Li must have no good food.

Chu Li strode meteor to the building and boarded the tall building.

All the girls looked in their eyes and whispered, not knowing what to do.

Lu Yurong frowned, while talking to Leng Ying, looked up at the tall buildings.

Prince Bao stood in front of the railing with a negative hand, the purple robe fluttered, his back turned towards Chu Li, and the momentum of his body was like a mountain like a sea, pressing down on him.

Chu Li urged Dayuan Jingzhi to be clear-minded, ignore the oppression of the momentum, and calmly said, "Chu Li met Prince Bao."

"I am a long-known name." Prince Bao turned his head, and the immense momentum converged and disappeared without a trace. It just seemed like Chu Li's illusion just now.

"Dare." Chu Li smiled with his fists.

Prince Bao Shen said, "Do you have any internal traitors in your cavalry?"

Chu Li smiled.

It seemed that Prince Bao was calm and calm, as if he was not in a hurry, but he could see that Prince Bao was completely opposite.

This matter is too involved. Once it is true, I don't know how many officials will be dismissed. Even as Prince Bao, I can't help but think about it.

"If I read correctly, there is a traitor!"

"What evidence is there?" Prince Bao frowned. "These are all layer-by-layer selections, and it is almost impossible to have traitors!"

Chu Lidao said: "Prince Bao knows what I do in the state government?"

"Tian Ling Yuan?" Prince Bao slowly said, "Listen to someone who is specifically responsible for investigating traitors?"

Chu Li nodded and said, "Although the son is young, he has quite experience in the investigation of traitors. It is not intuition that is based on evidence. If I read correctly, this secret agent should be a master of heaven and earth!"

"Impossible!" Prince Bao cried.

Chu Li smiled, "How is that impossible?"

"If it is a foreign master who enters the city of God, it will definitely be discovered by the forbidden palace guards and watched!"

"But what if he can hide himself?"

"Congenital masters can still be hidden. Tiantiantian masters are like lanterns in the night, how can they be hidden!" Prince Bao shook his head and smirked: "Those methods of hiding in the martial arts are not reliable, but they are not concealed by the masters of the capital. There is a special detection method in the palace. "

Chu Lidao said: "This master can hide it. As for what method to use, I have to ask him. That's all, believe it or not."

Prince Bao slapped the railing, weighing the gains and losses.

Once the hunting ceremony is out of order, it is the tremor of the clan and the shaking of the imperial court, which is absolutely not the case, and if you start a teacher and move the crowd, you will be caught by the handle and laughed.

After a while, Prince Bao slowly said, "Although there is a suspicion that the teacher will be moved, but everything is always inevitable, can't help but guard! Which one?"

"A cavalry in the Red Army." Chu departed.

Prince Bao stared deeply at him.

Chu Li smiled and faced.

"Well, the King will believe in you!" Prince Bao Shen said, "I hope your youngest product will not disappoint the King!"

Chu Li smiled: "You will never let the prince be disappointed ~~ www.readwn.com ~ Prince nodded, and she said in a deep voice:" Tune the red team! "

"Yes!" Answered the middle-aged knight downstairs.

The middle-aged knight struck his horse, urging the horse to gallop away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye.

People talked a lot.

Leng Qing was recruited into the pavilion, and Lu Yurong and Princess Lu Leng Ying followed.

"Qing'er, what are you doing with Prince Bao?" Song Liuying frowned. "How do you say that you are over?"

Leng Qing looked around and shook his head.

"You girl, come on!" Song Liuying said angrily.

Leng Qing said lightly, "Mother, can't."

"You" Song Liuying frowned.

Xue Ningyu laughed: "This must have been ordered by Prince Bao, hasn't it?"

Leng Qing nodded.

Lu Yurong said with a smile: "I guess, what is Chu Li found?"

Leng Qingming's eyes looked at her deeply, and she secretly sighed that Chu was right, Lu Yurong's observation was indeed keen and amazing.

Lu Yurong said: "This question is definitely not the same, so it is not appropriate to speak up, but what is Chu Li best at?"

"What is it?" Leng Ying asked curiously.

Lu Yurong laughed: "Ying, do you know what Chu Li did in the government office?"

"I don't know." Leng Ying shook her head.

Although she was curious about this great director of Chu, she didn't want to worship, so she understood it in detail.

Lu Yurong said: "He is the general manager of the Tian Ling Yuan. The Tian Ling Yuan is the official government office to investigate the insider, so you know what Chu Li is best at?"

"Catch the traitor?" Leng Ying said.

Lu Yurong nodded: "So, did Chu Li find that there was an insider in these elite soldiers?"

Her clear watery eyes fell on Leng Qing's face.

Leng Qing pressed her lips tightly and said nothing.

The crowd saw from her expression that they knew that Lu Yurong was right.

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