White-Robed Chief

Chapter 430: Coping


ps: The eighteenth alliance leader is born, and the alliance leader is cute!

"There is always a chance! ... This thief with surname Chu, will this be fooled?" Sun Yide kept twisting his neck: "I don't think the wishful thinking abacus will sound!"

"Then force him to be fooled!" Zhao Jianghe cried.

Sun Yide patted the table: "Yes, you have to force him, do not believe he is not obedient!"

Zhao Jianghe glared at him and hummed, "Little Sun, don't make trouble, you can't be hard!"

"No, right." Sun Yide waved his head and said, "You have to be hard with this, I tell you, old Zhao, soft is useless! Absolutely useless!"

"How come hard?" Zhao Jianghe hummed. "Did you fight him? Can you beat him?"

"I can't beat him, but I don't have to beat him, right?" Sun Yide said lazily.

Zhao Jianghe understood his mind.

As long as you do it, the forbidden palace guards have an excuse to catch people. One Sun Yide can't beat him. What about the group of forbidden palace guards? The secret guard of the forbidden palace dispatched to arrest people, who has the courage to resist? Resistance is against the emperor!

Zhao Jianghe said: "He is a smart guy and may not be able to do anything."

"What if I deal with Miss Xiao Er?"

"Don't come here!" Zhao Jianghe said busyly: "Miss Xiao Er couldn't move!"

"Do not move her, it's okay to scare you?" Sun Yide smiled strangely: "You said, if I deal with Miss Xiao Er, what would he do?"

"He will definitely pack you!" Zhao Jianghe hummed.

Sun Yide laughed and said, "This isn't it, haha, let him be clever like a ghost, and don't obey him!"

"You ..." Zhao Jianghe shook his head: "You don't have to be on the right path if you are smart! ... Well, you can try it. Once he starts, don't resist and pretend to be injured!"

"Old Zhao, don't you want to touch the bottom of the chief executive?" Sun Yide smiled oddly: "I don't want to see, under the reputation, how much skill does he need and how many secret guards do he need to pack him?"

"In case he dies, we are unlucky!" Zhao Jianghe said.

Sun Yide snorted, and his smile was even stronger: "Forgive him for not having that courage, and dare not take us!"

"... Okay, just do what you say." Zhao Jianghe waved: "But let's talk about it first, toast and don't eat, let's get punished again!"

"This is nature!" Sun Yide laughed.

Zhao Jianghe gave him a restless look.

"Two adults, my princess is invited!" Song Sansi entered the hall and said with a fist.

He looked at Sun Yide and Zhao Jianghe. For the first time, the secret guard of the forbidden palace came to the door. This was not a good thing!

"Oh, your princess finally has time to talk to us!" Sun Yide laughed.

"Two adults," Song Sansi said busyly, "the princess is not well, she is sleepy, and the two adults have come by accident. The princess is resting. I hope the two adults will not see anything strange!"

"Don't dare, how dare we blame the princess." Sun Yide waved his hands and made a flattering surprise: "The princess didn't bother us to bother, I'm already grateful and grateful!"

Looking at his exaggerated performance, Song Sansi showed a smile on his face, but secretly grieved under his heart. This apparently was a bad visitor!

The three came to Tianshuyuan.

In the Tianshu courtyard, Xiao Shi and Yang Xuxueling, Song Liuying, Xue Ningyu's second concubine and maid, Lengqiu Lengqing two daughters.

In addition, Princess Lu, Lu Yurong and Leng Ying were added, plus their maids.

There are more than a dozen people, and the courtyard is full of fragrance.

They sat and looked at the two men who came in.

When Xiao Shi attacked the white gauze, she covered the beautiful jade face, and Lu Yurong also wore white gauze to cover her face.

The two most beautiful jade faces were covered by white gauze, and the courtyard was still full of light.

Leng Qiu and Leng Qing are extremely curious. They have also heard of the Forbidden Palace Secret Guards, but have never seen them. They have no chance to meet them in the palace.

"I've seen four princesses." Sun Yide and Zhao Jianghe clenched their fists, with a generous expression, and performed a courteous manner.

Although Sun Yide and Zhao Jianghe saw that Princess Lu was there, they didn't care. If they were in King Jing's Mansion, there would be some scruples. After all, King King had the greatest hope of being on the throne, probably the future emperor.

Today at the An's palace, Princess Lu is only a guest, so long as she is not rude to them.

Moreover, she is not a queen yet, and she doesn't need to worry too much.

Xiao Shi said faintly: "What's the two of you doing here?"

Zhao Jianghe said: "I don't know where is President Chu?"

"Chu Li?" Xiao Shi said, "He went away to practice."

"Retreat?" Zhao Jianghe frowned.

He did not expect this answer.

Sun Yide laughed and laughed: "Prince Xiao, this is also a coincidence, right? As soon as we come, President Chu will go to retreat to practice?"

Xiao Shiqiu's gaze turned on his face, and said lightly: "What you mean is that he knows you are coming in advance, so he retreats in advance to practice, and avoids you, right?"

"It's such a coincidence that we really can't help thinking about it." Sun Yide said with a smile, looking at Xiao Shi's arrogantly.

Xiao Shi covered his beautiful face, and he hated the government again. Even so, he still felt that Xiao Shi's bright eyes were like a deep pond, and he wanted to inhale his mind, and he could not help but feel intoxicated.

He was vigilant, busy thinking that his brother had died unclearly.

Xiao Shiqing's jaw head: "In this way, you are not secretive of the forbidden palace guards, but was informed in advance, and then notified Chu Li, so that Chu Li can hide in advance! ... But the forbidden palace The secret guard is so powerful! "

"Princess Xiao speaks heavily!" Zhao Jianghe said in a busy voice: "Let's fulfill our orders, please ask the General Manager Chu to help you search for the rebels of the Holy Religion!"

"Let's go?" Xiao Shi glanced at him lazily: "The emperor's life?"

"This ..." Zhao Jianghe hesitated.

This is not the order of the emperor, but the order of the deputy commander.

Xiao Shi said: "If the imperial edicts come down, Chu Li will come out even if the retreat is not the imperial edicts of the emperor. Then he is in his possession, and no one can drive them. Two people, am I right?"

She cleared her eyes over the uncertain faces of the two, and said lightly, "If it's all right, please the two, I'm tired!"

Zhao Jianghe said in a deep voice: "The princess Xiao ~ www.readwn.com ~ The disciples of the Guangming Holy Religion are very bad. All the emperor sons are under their threat. The director of Chu can never see death or not?"

"Oh-?" Xiao Shi was surprised: "I really don't know that Cha Guangming's Holy Religion is his duty! ... Is he just the chief of the palace? When did he become the secret guard of the forbidden palace or the army? Someone? "

Zhao Jianghe stagnated.

Sun Yide was a little impatient.

Xiao Shi's eloquence is sharp, and the two of them are afraid to say that they can only come.

He lowered his face and said: "Prince Xiao, it is our duty to check the Guangming Holy Religion, and we have the right to mobilize our staff to assist in the search!"

"Your power is great." Xiao Shi became even lighter and lighter: "Chu Li has such a product in his body, you want to adjust it, this princess is not in good health. After entering the palace, he has not been able to see the queen in the palace. The queen queen, after two days in the palace, would like to consult with the queen queen. "

Zhao Jianghe and Sun Yide look grim. * 3 * 6 * 9 *


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