White-Robed Chief

Chapter 468: Housekeeper

Xiao Tieying sat down and looked down, beckoning and beckoning, Chu Li held his fist and smiled.

In the blow, the crowd followed.

Chu Li and Tian Shi were among the crowd, surrounded by dense crowds, just as they were in the waves, and they were taken forward by themselves.

Chu Li, like a fish swimming in the sea, went away suddenly, shuttled freely, and shot a person gently, then drilled out again, and shot another person.

Tian Shi saw that he patted three people's shoulders in the crowd, all of them were white and injured.

Chu Li's body is very fast, and his internal strength is deep. All three are masters who hide away, but they can't escape his eyes, they are wounded one by one, and they can no longer jump out to make a mess.

Tian Shi couldn't help but admire, really a good means!

There is no such thing as a reputation under the prestige. Chu Li has such prestige. It is really not a fluke. He has a real skill that is astounding and beyond reach. There is no way to be jealous.

Chu Li shuttled through the crowd like a fish, glancing at the big red flower sedan, shaking his head and laughing.

The eldest son will also slip his head, there is no one in the sedan chair, it is an empty sedan, the bride is afraid that he has quietly entered the house, or secretly enter the house later.

This is foolproof, and if someone is assassinated, it won't hurt the bride.

The crowd surged, Chu Li shuttled through the crowd, stopped the six masters, and guarded the welcoming team all the way into the gate of the state government. Once they entered the gate, they were isolated from danger.

He could finally take a breath and rest assured.

He had just stepped into the gate of the state government house, Lin Quan quietly came over, and whispered, "General Manager Chu, someone in the forbidden palace is here!"

Chu Li raised a brow: "A person in the forbidden palace?"

"It's the Palace Guard." Lin Quan lowered his voice. "I also brought a lot of rewards, I'm afraid it was from the emperor."

Chu Li frowned, and slowly nodded: "Okay, I'll meet you."

He was afraid that the visitor was not good, and the emperor would never welcome the marriage between the two provinces.

Lin Quandao: "The guards of the forbidden palace have already arrived outside the city, and the eldest son is entering the house. I thought, it is better not to disturb the eldest son."

Chu Lidao said: "Well, I first greeted the forbidden palace guards and looked at the situation. I really wanted to greet them formally, and then I sent someone to tell the granddaughter that it was a coincidence!"

"Yes." Lin Quan whispered and retreated quietly.

Chu Li took a few guards and performed light work along a secluded path.

The noise in the city not only disappeared, but it became more intense.

When Chu Li came outside the city gate, he saw several young men sitting in purple shirts immediately outside the city.

They were riding a total of six, and the group was surrounded by two carriages. They were looking at Chongming City and wanted to enter the city.

"You guys are forbidden palace guards?" Chu Li stepped forward, hugged his fists, and raised his voice, "In the next Chu Li, the governor of the state government."

The knight in charge is a handsome young man with an erect figure, which is a rare beautiful man.

With a sincere smile on his handsome face, he jumped out of Malay to hug his fist: "Mr. Chu, the younger is Lin Yuanshan, and by the order of the emperor, I congratulate Grandpa Xiao Xiao on his wedding!"

The other guards also jumped off the horse and returned their fists.

Chu Li smiled: "Lin Fengxun, the eldest son cannot greet him remotely, and ordered to be greeted in the next generation, but also hope that Lin Fengxun will not see strange people!"

He saw Lin Yuanshan's official position, and the forbidden palace guards also had official positions.

Lin Yuanshan is a five-grade blessing. In the forbidden palace where the rigor is stronger than the foreign dynasty, he is extremely rare at this age and has a bright future.

"Oh, what's the point!" Lin Yuanshan waved and smiled. "The eldest son just came in to meet the bride. We want the eldest son to leave the bride to greet him. That would be too boring!"

Chu Li laughed with companionship: "Lin Fengzhen came on behalf of the emperor, how can we neglect, let's advance the government, and then let the eldest son respect you a few glasses of wine again, come, please-!"

"Okay, then we're welcome." Lin Yuanshan laughed.

Everyone went into the city with Chu Li's company.

Looking at the bustling Chongming City, Lin Yuanshan laughed: "It seems that the eldest son really has a good name and is well received by the people!"

Chu Li smiled: "Everyone gathered together for a hilarious occasion, such a rare happy event. As for the grandfather, it is to paste gold on the grandfather's face."

"Hehe, President Chu is too modest. We can hear the honorable name of the eldest son in the Forbidden Palace." Lin Yuanshan shook his head and smiled.

Chu Lidao said: "The land of one house is okay. Once out of Chongming City, I do n’t know many grandsons. Just now I caught a few assassins. Many people like grandfathers and hate more. ... This is also the fate of the state government. There is no way. "

"Yes." Lin Yuanshan nodded his head busyly. "The state government's hard work and hard work."

Chu Li smiled: "Lin Fengxi can have such an idea, and I want to say thank you for the guards of the National Government House."

"Oh, the hardworking people at the Gongfu government understand it." Lin Yuanshan laughed.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed: "The hardworking people of the government government understand, but they often ignore it, and habits become natural. I feel that this is the internal affairs of the government government, and the guards of the government government should be damned."

"Well ..." Lin Yuanshan said, "Whoever is raised by my parents, how can I have such an idea!"

Chu Lidao said: "There has been a group of people in the Chaotang who are opposed to the Government House, and feel that the Government House is too big and should be cancelled."

Lin Yuanshan nodded and said, "Yes, these guys don't know the harm of the martial arts characters. They think that the state government is too powerful, but most people understand the state government and know the importance."

Chu Li sighed: "Thanks to the Emperor's clear insight into Qiuhao, he can see thousands of miles."

"That's it." Lin Yuanshan hugged his fist in the direction of the gods: "The emperor's hole is thousands of miles away, no one can be blinded!"

Chu Li knew that this Lin Yuanshan was both a gift-giver and a visitor. He had to report to the emperor the details of the journey, and naturally he could not make the emperor feel that Chongming City was like an iron barrel, and everyone was crowded.

When they came to the state government house, a group of people had already stood outside the state government house. The eldest son Xiao Tieying got Chu Li from the news just sent and took everyone to wait.

When Lin Yuanshan saw the scene, he hugged his fists and laughed, "The granddaughter, it's very kind, the younger ordered the emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Come to congratulate the granddaughter on their wedding. Read the giftlist small! "

"There is Lao Lin Feng 诏!" Xiao Tieying hugged fist.

Lin Yuanshan took out a book from his sleeve, and then began to read aloud: "Ten orbs of eight treasures ..., a pair of Yu Ruyi, ... six sets of silk quilts ..."

Everyone was stunned, and the emperor was generous, and all were treasures.

After Lin Yuanshan finished reading, he folded up his book and beckoned.

The two carriages approached slowly, a forbidden palace guard got on the car, opened four large boxes, and suddenly the pearly spirit overflowed.

Xiao Tieying smiled and held his fist. Chu Li took the carriage and then entered the government office together.

When everyone was seated, Lin Yuanshan took the main seat and Chu Li accompanied him.

Then came the lively worship of the married couple, Chu Li did not follow the fun, talking with Lin Yuanshan together. (To be continued.) Vote for the previous chapter ← Chapter list → Bookmark the next chapter

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