White-Robed Chief

Chapter 473: Missing

"A kind of medicine?" Xiao Shiming's eyes turned and smiled: "Linghe Peak as a medicine garden?"

Chu Lidao said: "The soil quality of Linghe Peak is better than that of spiritual soil."

The vegetation and aura of Linghe Peak are comparable to the celestial tree, and you know how powerful the soil is. The spiritual soil cultivated the day after tomorrow is far inferior.

Today, the spiritual soil they use is modeled after the soil of the 100,000 Mountains, but after all, it is mimicked the day after tomorrow. It is far worse than the original quality of the 100,000 Mountains, not to mention the growth of elixir in addition to the soil and the surrounding environment.

It's like the forest ginseng in later generations. No matter how good the soil is, there is no woodland environment, and the ginseng is not good enough.

The same is true for elixir. Many elixir only barely grow in the spiritual soil, and its efficacy is much worse when it grows. If Linghe Peak can be regarded as a medicine garden, the elixir produced is by no means an artificial spirit. Comparable pharmacy.

The elixir planted by Linghe Peak must be amazing.

Xiao Shi also understood this, staring at him with his lower jaw, and his eyes were shining brightly: "How can you come up with such an idea, your head is really smart!"

Chu Li smiled: "Now think about what to plant, get some seeds in the past."

"Can you domesticate a crane and become a mount?" Xiao Shi laughed. "With your light work, you are not afraid even if you fall in the sky."

Chu Li shook his head and said, "Linghe has a brilliant mind and is very proud. It would be nice not to treat us as a mount!"

In this world, human beings are not masters, spirit beasts are the spirit of all things, and they are masters of this world.

They look at people just like humans look at monkeys.

Xiao Shi said: "With your cunning energy, I believe it can be done."

"It's really unnecessary." Chu Li shook his head. "Although they are fast, they are not as fast as me, and they cannot leave the 100,000 Mountains."

"It feels different in heaven," Xiao Shi said.

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

Xiao Shibai glanced at him: "Try it."

"Well," Chu Li said, "but you can't be in a hurry. You need to take it slowly, step by step, and you need to cultivate your feelings slowly."

"You don't bother." Xiao Shi shook her head and smiled.

Chu Lidao said: "You can't think of them as animals. They are very smart and sensitive. If you don't change your mind, it will be difficult to get along with them."

"I know," Xiao Shiheng said. "I will treat them as big men."

Chu Li smiled: "When are you going back to the palace?"

"Let's talk later." Xiao Shi raised her eyebrows. "I don't want to go back!"

Chu Lidao said, "Yeah, don't worry."

The two were talking, Xue Ling fluttered on a small boat.

Chu Li looked at her face and knew that it was not good news.

Xue Ling arrived in a snow-white Luo shirt, a gift: "My son, young lady, there are two forbidden palace secret guards come to find my son."

Chu Li sighed, "I really can't relax, take it to the island."

"Yes." Xue Ling promised and left.

Xiao Shi said: "What's wrong with Secret House?"

"Presumably it urged me to seek out the disciples of the Light Sect." Chu Li shook his head and said, "There is nothing to shirk this time. Please look for it."

"This is a life-threatening thing." Xiao Shi frowned. "Can't drag any longer?"

"Originally, I planned to do it after the big boy's wedding." Chu Li said, "It can't be dragged anymore, otherwise the secret guard's house is in a hurry."

"Okay." Xiao Shi said: "Be careful anyway."

Chu Li nodded: "There are no bright saints in our house, but we must also be assassinated carefully. Don't go out if you can usually go out."

"Um." Xiao Shi Qing's jaw.


Chu Li flashed out and appeared on his own island.

Moments later, Xue Ling took Dong Qifei and Yang Zongwen to the lobby of the island.

"Captain!" The two fisted after entering the hall.

Chu Li pointed to the Taishi chair, Xue Ling brought three cups of tea, and drew back.

After they sat down, they took the tea cup and took a sip.

Dong Qifei couldn't wait to say: "Captain, the governor of Baiyun City is missing, and the command let us find out the reason."

"The governor is missing?" Chu Li frowned. "When did it happen?"

"Three days ago." Dong Qifei said: "We flew into the horse without any delay. The governor of Baiyun City disappeared for two days without any reason. Now the news has been suppressed by Baiyun City. Detected intelligence. "

Yang Zongwen said: "Leadership means that we can see if we can find it. If we can't find it, we will find out the reason."

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Baiyun City ..., well, I checked it in the past."

"This is a secret order." Yang Zongwen pulled out a small box from his arms and presented his hands to Chu Li.

After Chu Li took it, he opened the sealed box, which contained a zipper. The zipper was covered by Fu Mengshan's seal, as the two said.

"You're going with me?"

"of course!"

"You don't have any reason to go, I'll do it myself." Chu Li Road.

"Captain!" Dong Qifei's eyes widened dissatisfied.

Yang Zongwen didn't look at him with a hesitation.

Chu Lidao said, "It's been four days, haven't you? ... Wait for another day, it's too late, ... I'll do my best, and you can walk slowly behind."

Yang Zongwen said: "Let's run a leg and play with others."

"Have you checked the background of this governor?" Chu Li said, "how did you come from?"

Yang Zongwen said busyly: "This governor is named Hu and Hu Yingzhao. He came from a well-known family. His father was the editor of Qingguang Pavilion. He compiled the books in the internal library. It can be described as a scholarly family. The governor Hu has a very good voice, and he has a lot of offense. Colleagues. "

Dong Qifei busyly said, "Will it be caused by the city guards? ... Maybe the city guards committed malpractices for personal gains, was known by Governor Hu, killing people?"

"Willn't this expose you?" Yang Zongwen shook his head and said, "Guo Chengshou will not be so impulsive."

"That may not be so!" Dong Qifei said: "You can do everything in your anger, kill someone as soon as you are impulsive, and regret it too late. You can only cover it up as a disappearance. Why else would he suppress the news? "

"It may be someone else." Yang Zongwen said: "Furthermore, the official battle does not need such drastic means."

"What if the city defends the enemy and treason?" Dong Qi flying.

Yang Zongwen laughed: "The city is guarded, what can be rebellious? Old Dong, you can speak more reliably!"

"Anyway, I think there is something wrong with that city guard!" Dong Qifei hummed and turned to look at Chu Li: "Captain, I have checked this city guard, surnamed Guo, Guo Zaixing, is under the king's door!"

Chu Li frowned.

Dong Qifei said: "If you don't deal with the captain ~ www.readwn.com ~ it is likely to be a deliberate mess! ... I'm afraid that the governor didn't put it in the eyes of Cheng Wang at all, did you intentionally find the captain?

"Well ..." Yang Zongwen groaned. "You can't help but defend yourself, Cheng Wang's temper really does this."

Chu Li waved his hand and said, "Let me see if I know."

"Captain, what about us?" Yang Zongwen said: "The captain is in the Ming, we secretly coped in the past, if there is any problem, we can have a defense against it."

"That's it!" Dong Qifei nodded quickly.

Chu Li saw that they were so urgent, they understood that they wanted to make a contribution, and thought, "Okay, then you come here secretly."

Secret House Eyeliner is everywhere, it is more convenient to have them.

"Then go now." Chu Li Road.

"Yes!" The two answered vigorously. (To be continued.) Vote for the previous chapter ← Chapter list → Bookmark the next chapter

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