White-Robed Chief

Chapter 524: Reappear

"This is rare, no wonder you have to spend your time thinking." Xiao Shi's head light, his eyes bright like water, and Zhu Tianhua was measured at the top and bottom.

I wish Tianhua motionless.

As for Chu Li's subtle plan, he couldn't help but be shocked afterwards, and it really deserved to be the great director of Chu, a well-known deity.

Step by step is in his calculations. What is more frightening is that even if he knew it was his calculations, he could only go on according to his calculations and had no choice.

He is just like a child to him.

Chu Li Road said: "Let him and Liu Xing guard the young lady together. There are really assassins coming in and they can block them."

"Okay." Xiao Shi nodded. "Just arrange it."

Chu Li turned to look at Song Liuying and Xue Ningyu: "What do the two princesses think?"

"Very good." The two women nodded.

Chu Li looked to Zhu Tianhua: "After today, you will take turns with Liu Xing and guard the princess!"

"Yes," Zhu Tianhua said in a deep voice.

Chu Lidao said: "Don't think that guarding the princess is an easy job, it is the most dangerous in the guard of the house. The princess has a special status. There are too many assassins who want to assassinate and cheer up. In case of any accident, don't live ! "

"Yes." Zhu Tianhua nodded slowly.

He was sober on the surface, excited under his heart, and such a beautiful woman, it was a beautiful thing to stay by the side, which was a wonderful job.

As for danger, it's not true, and it's not just one guard.

"Manager, someone sent an invitation outside." Director Chu's voice sounded outside.

"Come here." Chu left.

Yang Xu went out lightly, and soon came back and took an invitation to Chu Li.

Chu Li opened it and smiled.

"Which?" Xiao Shi asked.

"Brother Han Fei Han." Chu Li smiled. "He finally came to the capital of God. I have to meet and I won't come back at night."

"Come on." Xiao Shi put on a jade hand and said, "Let him live in the palace?"

"It doesn't have to be." Chu Li said: "He doesn't like to live here, he is bound."

"Then let him." Xiao Shi said, "Yes, won't you go to Qingyun Tower?"

Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Shih hummed: "Love is lustful, nothing good!"

Chu Li gave Zhu Tianhua a glance.

Zhu Tianhua's huge figure slowly withdrew from the small courtyard, and Liu Xing picked him up, leading him to a small courtyard next to him and whispering: "There are four courtyards around Tianshu Courtyard. Live here and stare at the movement over there. "

"Not directly in the princess's yard?"

"The princess doesn't like having men around her, which is annoying .... Usually it's okay. At night, you need to cheer up."

Zhu Tianhua was a little disappointed and couldn't keep looking at Xiao Shi, it was a pity.


Chu Li alone crossed a street and came to a house.

The appearance of this house looks unremarkable. It is the most common house in the city of Shendu, where people of medium family live.

There were two red lanterns hanging in front of the courtyard. At this moment, the twilight was approaching and the red lanterns were already on.

The two young guards stood at the gate, hung their swords around their waists, and were so imposing that they knew they were masters.

They stared at Chu Li.

Chu Liqing head lightly, knocked on the door.

A gray-haired old man opened the side door: "What's the matter?"

Chu Li passed the invitation.

The old man read the post and said respectfully: "Please come in."

He opened the courtyard door and asked Chu Li to go in: "Please come with the little old man, Branyuan is in the east."

Chu Li nodded.

Who would have thought that the first green building of Shendu was not a towering tall building, but such an ordinary courtyard?

Entering the courtyard door is a living room, bypassing the living room, it is a heavy courtyard.

Each of them is a separate courtyard. Standing outside can't see the inside of the courtyard. The doors of the courtyard are closed, and only the sound of silk bamboo from the inside can be heard.

As Chu Li came outside a small courtyard, the old man knocked on the courtyard door.

A good-looking maid opened the gate and asked Chu to go in.

"Do you want to change clothes first?" Qingxiu asked the maid.

Chu Li shook his head: "No need, my friend is here?"

"Yes, Han Gongzi has been waiting for a long time." Qingxiu answered.

Chu Li said, "Go in."

The maid of Qingxiu took him inside, went through the outer courtyard, through the moon gate, and finally came to the inner courtyard.

Han Fei came out of the house, still handsome and aggressive, his spirits fluttered: "Haha, Brother Chu, you are late."

Chu Li looked up at the sky; "It's not too late."

"Come, let's go in and talk." He laughed.

Standing next to him was a delicate woman, delicate and pitiful.

She greeted with a smile: "Bilan has met with President Chu."

Chu Li waved his hand: "It doesn't have to be this way, just go in and sit."

The four entered the living room. Several dishes had been set on the Eight Immortals table, and the silver cup had been set up next to the jasper jug.

"I'm waiting for you." Han Fei laughed.

He sat down with Chu Li separately.

Chu Li said: "Brother Han came here so late, ten days slow."

"Where can you go all the way through mountains and rivers?" Han Fei shook her head and smiled: "They like landscapes, and I can only help them."

Chu Li laughed: "What happened to Miss Jiang?"

When Han Fei heard what he said, he suddenly stared: "You are so determined to make me happy!"

Chu Li smiled and drank a cup of atonement.

"I asked you to come today, but there is a major event." Han Fei laughed.

Chu Li listened respectfully.

Han Feidao: "Do you know the destruction of Manyunzhai?"

Chu Li nodded: "I've sent someone to check. It's tough and overbearing. It's hard to say!"

Bilan stretched out her tenderness and gently poured wine for the two of them.

She has been sitting beside Han Fei, without saying a word, gentle as water.

Han Feidao: "I know some news."

Chu Li hesitated, and lowered the silver cup and laughed, "Manyunzhai is full of doors, you know the news?"

"Yes." Han Fei laughed. "Do you want to listen?"

"Don't sell off, hurry." Chu leaned forward.

Han Fei took the silver cup and drank it, and laughed, "How is this Brin girl?"

"A good girl." Chu Li answered without hesitation.

Han Fei said: "Then help her redeem her."

Chu Li shivered and looked at Bilan.

Bi Lan bowed her head down, her face flushed, and her neck was red.

"What to see." Han Fei laughed. "Could you do it, Brother Chu?"

Chu Li smiled bitterly: "This is Prince Bao's property."

"Your Chu president is full of gods and superb powers. Can't you do this?" Han Fei laughed.

Chu Li sighed: "Don't say it earlier ~ www.readwn.com ~ I just redeemed a girl, Prince Bao has repaid my favor, ... well, I think about the idea!"

"Okay, happy!" Han Fei laughed. "Then I will tell you a big news."

Chu leaned forward.

Han Feidao: "It is the disciples of Daleiyin Temple who destroyed Manzhai."

Chu Li frowned and groaned.

Han Feidao: "Don't believe it?"

Chu Li shook his head: "The martial arts of Da Lei Yin Temple is powerful, but it is easy to go wrong, and it is not surprising that this kind of thing happened."

"I also know that this guy is practicing Asura's magic." Han Feidao.

Chu Li's face changed slightly.

Han Fei laughed at seeing his face change. (To be continued.) Vote for the previous chapter ← Chapter list → Bookmark the next chapter

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