White-Robed Chief

Chapter 537: cold

PS: The twenty-first alliance was born. The owner has a dream in his heart, thank you very much!

The crowd could not help but be attracted by her eyes.

A light pink Luo shirt, slender figure slim, soft features, bright eyes like tears, watery, is a gentle beauty like water.

Han Fei laughed: "Brother Chu, are you satisfied?"

Chu Li smiled and nodded: "Brother Han, please come and sit."

"Thank you, Mr. Chu." Xue Qing shouted a salute, and he came closer and sat beside him.

A faint scent of fragrance drifted into his nose, and the entire living room seemed to simmer.

She always held the pot, poured a glass of wine for Chu Li, and gave it to him with both hands.

Chu Li took it with a smile, drank it, thanked him, and turned to Fa Yuan: "Is there any connection between the Holy Religion of Guangming and the Dali court?"

The head of the French round: "It is very deep, and the disciples of the royal family often practice in the Holy Religion."

Chu Li frowned, he didn't really know this.

Fa Yuan sighed sighed: "Da Li from the royal family geniuses, this generation of Princess Moon is the sage of the Holy Ghost."

"Virgin?" Chu Li frowned.

Fa Yuandao: "Under one person and over ten thousand people, Princess Mingyue is the disciple of the founder. If nothing else, Princess Mingyue will be the next founder."

"It seems to be a very powerful person." Chu Li said, "Is this the handwriting of the princess of the moon?"

"The princess of the bright moon shines brightly, and has suppressed all the younger generations of the royal family, regardless of men and women. Not only is the martial arts qualifications outstanding, but also the wisdom is a must, and it is similar to the Lu donor of the Ren Guo Government." Road: "It's really a blessing for me to leave such a big character."

"Like Girl ..." Chu Li smiled bitterly: "It seems we are all in trouble."

"The monk's martial arts can't beat her," Fa Yuan sighed. "Chu donors must be careful."

Chu Li nodded slowly and sighed, "The Holy Religion of Light is becoming more and more crazy, can you have restraint in Daleiyin Temple?"

Fa Yuan shook his head.

Chu Lidao said: "They come here to make trouble, why can't the four denominations of our season send someone to pass?"

Fa Yuan sighed: "The Holy Religion is so powerful that sending people to the past will not help."

"Don't you just watch them sit up and deal with us?" Chu Li frowned. "Don't later, we will all become a plate of the Holy Religion, eaten, ... this time I use insight When they arrive, they are all lunatics who are not afraid of death. "

French round face reveals a condensed look.

Chu Li saw him this way, knowing that Da Lei Yin Temple also had a headache for the Holy Light, there was no good way.

"Come here, eat and eat." Han Fei laughed. "You are really bothering. This kind of thing naturally stands tall. The master of Daleiyin Temple is not Master Fayuan. You only need to manage Chu brother. The Gongfu and Wangfu are just what the Holy Light does! "

He held up the silver cup and urged to drink and eat.

Chu Li smiled bitterly: "Brother Han, you also pay attention to the Holy Religion, be careful that they penetrate."

"Isn't it right?" Han Fei laughed. "Who cares if the emperor is far away from me?"

"Leaving the river is the vein of transportation. Once there is a battle, it will become a food passage. If it is blocked, at least Chongming Road will have problems all the way." Chu Li shook his head and said, "So go back and check it."

Han Fei straightened his face: "Is this really dangerous?"

Chu Lidao said, "No exaggeration."

"Checked it last time," Han Fei nodded slowly, "I'll go back and check it again!"

The three drank and drank while talking, Brin ate a few bites and played two more songs.

The girl Yu Qing around Chu Li has been sitting quietly, not to say a word, Chu Li drinks up, she softly pours without any trace of movement.

Chu Li and Han Fei Fayuan talked and talked about some martial arts.

Fa Yuan's eloquence is very good. He usually thinks twice before speaking, and seems to have a slow response.

Speaking of martial arts allusions, he spoke very smoothly.

He came from a famous place, one level higher than Chuli and Han Fei. He knew a lot of secrets they could not reach, which made the two listen to them with great enthusiasm and excitement. They ignored the beauty around them.

Chu Li just nodded and smiled at Yu Qing girl, but did not speak.

Bi Lan sat beside Han Fei and observed carefully.

She found that Chu Li didn't like Yu Qing, and secretly sighed. Yu Qing's sister admired the director Chu very much. Today she specifically requested to come and accompany him. I did not expect that director Chu did not like her.

Yu Qing's sister is so beautiful, pure and gentle. She has a better reputation in Qingyun Tower, but she doesn't like Mr. Chu's favor. It seems that Mr. Chu's vision is different from ordinary people.

Chu Li and Han Fei drank slightly, and Fa Yuan also felt happy. When the night was dark, Fa Yuan got up and left.

Chu Li didn't say a few words to Yuqing girl from beginning to end, it was very cold

Fa Yuan left first, and the girl Xue Qing left with interest. She left. Before leaving, Yingying looked at Chu Li with a gloom.

Chu Li smiled right, unmoved.

When they left, only Chu Li and Han Fei Bilan remained in the hall, and the atmosphere became warm.

Han Fei laughed: "Brother Chu is not satisfied with this Yuqing girl?"

Chu Li shook her head and smiled, "A beautiful girl."

"Why is it so cold?" Han Fei laughed. "I know Brother Chu, you're not Lu Man!"

Chu Li said: "Forget it, stop talking about me, talk about you."

He pulled out a thin plain paper from his sleeve and flicked it, and the plain paper floated slowly to Han Fei: "This is what you want, Han brother."

"What?" Han Feixin took it.

He looked down and laughed suddenly: "Okay, I finally got this!"

Chu Li smiled: "It's almost cheeky!"

"Thank you later." Han Feimei smiled and handed Su Jian to Bilan: "Look, Madam, you will be free in the future!"

Bilan took the vegetarian note, clenched her red lips, and shed tears.

"Well, Brother Chu is here." Han Fei patted her shoulder.

Chu Li smiled: "I won't bother either, say goodbye."

Chu Li got up and hugged his fists, and walked away.


In the early morning, Ma Kun came to the small courtyard of Chuli's team, but found that the small courtyard was locked and no one was there.

He secretly scolded a few words ~ www.readwn.com ~ standing at the gate waiting.

He guessed that he would have to eat a horse, and after suffering some difficulties from Chu Li, he could only bite his teeth and wait for his success in the future.

He couldn't wait for the left, but couldn't wait for the right. No one appeared. Seeing that from morning to noon, the sun went to mid-day, and no one came.

He sneered secretly under his heart, and just made a little effort, he neglected to do so. He would never see it for a long time.

It's already noon, so I won't wait for them. Let's have dinner before we come over and wait.

Thinking of this, he turned to the ward in the house.

When he first entered the broad food court, he saw the Ning brothers, Dong Qifei and Yang Zongwen at one glance. They were sitting at a table, talking and laughing.

Ma Kun's face suddenly became gloomy. Now that they are here, they have locked the courtyard door and teased themselves! (To be continued.) Vote for the previous chapter ← Chapter list → Bookmark the next chapter

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