White-Robed Chief

Chapter 545: Survey

Tenjin Realm!

This is his dead point now, and one point is hit.

All his hard work and hard work are for the realm of the gods.

At this moment, when he heard that this jewel of the cloud was related to the great mystery of the realm of the gods, he suddenly felt excited and his heartbeat accelerated.

Then he shook his head again and recovered his senses.

If this is the case, the ancestor of the absolute cloud will become the master of the gods, and the master swordsman of the gods will also be the masters of the gods.

If you are a master of the gods, then there is nothing to hide, there is no need to hide and no one dares to mess with it.

Therefore, even if the mystery of the heavenly realm is really a mystery, it may not be of much use to become a **** of heaven. What you have to do is to go your own way, and you cannot distract him.

As for whether other people's plots are being manipulated by outsiders, he can't control so much. This is the emperor's mind, as long as he manages himself, he will be successful.

Thinking of this, he calmed down again and smiled. "It really looks like a good thing. Qin Lao can be tempted?"

Qin Jin waved his hands and laughed: "I have an old bone, even if it makes the secret prince, can I throw away my current mentality and practice that mentality? Isn't it to find awkward yourself?"

Chu Li smiled: "Qin Lao's words are not true."

The so-called person is older and more dissatisfied. Besides, it involves the realm of the gods. If the realm of the gods can be reached, Shou Yuan will increase greatly.

Qin Jin reluctantly said, "Yes, I can't hide the centurion ... but the old man is very satisfied. He can restore martial arts and return to Secret Mansion. This is the most thoughtful day in decades. Of course, I want to, but I know that I can do both! "

Chu Lidao said: "I guess Juyun Baobao will not be calm once he comes out. Find more people to check this. Can your original dark line still work?"

Qin Jin nodded: "Most old guys are not dead yet."

He has not killed Wu Gong, but those hidden lines were not weak in martial arts, and it is not easy to die. Except for those who died accidentally, most of them still live healthy.

"Let's get a separate net," Chu Li said.

Qin Jin slowly said: "I understand!"

If you want to make a contribution in Secret Mansion, you need to have your own separate network and news network, and then combine it with Semen Mansion ’s common information network to be ahead of others. Great work.

Chu Li is so young that he has become a centurion, of course, to maintain this momentum, otherwise it will be stepped on by later people, never reconciled, Qin Jin understands what Chu Li needs, and has secretly contacted.

Chu Lidao said: "Guo Gongfu, Jiangchuan League, merge their news together, I will introduce to you in two days."

"Yes," said Qin Jinshen.

Chu Li waved his hand: "Gather more news about Baoyun Baoyun and see if you can make a joke."

"... Yes." Qin Jin did not agree with this muddy water. The water was too deep and it was easy to damage the soldiers. However, he saw that the centurion was young and vigorous and might not be able to hear it.

He watched Qin Jin go out, and Yang Zongwen's voice came from outside: "Centurion."

"Come in." Chu Li put down the tea cup.

Yang Zongwen came in and hugged his fist: "I have investigated the Qiufengzhai case."

Chu Li raised a brow: "Isn't Zhou Lingfeng doing it?"

"It's not Zhou Lingfeng." Yang Zongwen shook his head. "It doesn't seem to be one person, it's a certain gang, maybe it's a gang's grudge."

"Destroy the entire village, some can not be justified." Chu Li shook his head and said: "Qiufengzhai is not a big village, the enemy is not so strong."

"Yes." Yang Zongwen said: "According to the records of the pestles, some of their fatal wounds were knives, some swords, and some fists. The murderers' uneven martial arts should be gangs."

Chu Li frowned, "Gang ..."

"This already involves innate masters, so it is under the jurisdiction of the State Government." Yang Zongwen said: "It is in the territory of the State Government, and we cannot intervene."

Chu Li groaned: "Jiren State Government ... it is really troublesome."

Jeguo Mansion is located on Jiren Road, adjacent to Renguo Mansion.

The relationship between the state government and the court has always been delicate. When it comes to such things, the court cannot intervene, otherwise the patriarchal system will be surrounded, the state government will abandon people, and the court will not say anything.

Yang Zongwen said: "Our people can't look over there, it's already controlled by the state government."

"Hmm ..." Chu Li said, "A thousand miles away, right?"

"Yes." Yang Zongwen nodded.

"I'll go and see for myself." Chu Li Road.

Yang Zongwen said: "The centurion is very careful, the Jeju government is heavily guarded, and people are not allowed to approach it. Moreover, the Jeju government is strong and overbearing."

"I'll be fine by myself. You continue to stare at this." Chu left.

"Yes," Yang Zongwen said.

He had great confidence in the centurion's meritorious service. If he went alone, no one could catch up with him.


A bright moon hangs high in the sky, the night is rich and deep, and everything around is quiet.

Chu Li stood in front of a desolate cottage.

However, the cottage that has just been extinguished for a few days, it feels like a centuries-old remnant, with traces of fire everywhere. After the killer extinguished the cottage, he set a fire on it.

After all, it was a mountain fire. It was impossible to burn everything clean, and the dead body was still discovered. Only then was the tragedy discovered.

How could Secret Mansion not receive such a large case.

The Secret House has two responsibilities, one is to intervene when the court is unable to solve the case and to break the case; the other is to review the performance of the court officials in this case, and the prostitutes are prostituted.

Unfortunately, once an innate master is identified, the case is immediately transferred to the state government. The court can only refer to it. Without the right to dispose, the secret government cannot intervene.

The night was full of water, and under the observation of Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi, everything was within five miles.

The cottage was empty and all the clues were taken away.

Chu Li flickered, appeared under a large stone, and found the first half of a truncated knife at the bottom of the stone.

Press it again lightly, shaking out a dagger that cuts like iron.

Later, his body flickered, one east and one west, and found a bunch of things.

These are all hidden in the soil ~ www.readwn.com ~ or trees or corners, which are easy to find and easy to ignore.

There are people around the government office guarding them, but they are not attentive. After all, such a fierce land, it is almost impossible for anyone to come over.

Chu Li took a bunch of things, appeared in a distant forest, and began to perform supernatural powers.

He picked it up and put it down again.

Trying to maintain the supernatural powers, he was relieved a little tired.

Twenty or so small pieces, only one remained in his hand, but it was the first half of the broken knife.

He thoughtfully, with a smile, but the owner of the broken knife was alive, and probably was one of the murderers!

After touching the iron-cut muddy dagger, he secretly sighed. The owner of the dagger was dead. Obviously, the magic weapon was useless. In the final analysis, martial arts is important. (To be continued.) Vote for the previous chapter ← Chapter list → Bookmark the next chapter

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