White-Robed Chief

Chapter 609: Origination

Ming De was thoughtful and did not speak.

"Master!" Fa Yuan busyly said, "What is it for?"

Fakong said: "Is it not for fear of revenge on our disciples in the temple?"

Mingde shook his head and said, "The elders have been enlightening a mastery of learning. As long as they understand this learning, they can subdue this group of Asuras and become the guardians of the temple!"

"Protecting the law?" Fakong said in surprise: "Their temperaments can be tamed?"

Asura's temper is so arrogant and hard that no one can manage it.

It ’s not that the temple has never thought about tame them and let them convert to the Dharma. Every day, the monks are teaching them the Dharma and chanting the Buddhist scriptures. they.

Mingde said: "There is a unique skill in the temple called the Three Realms, which can open up the Buddha nature of all beings, so that they can have the confidence to become Buddhas and become Buddhas."

Fa Yuan and Fa Kong shook their heads. They had never heard of this technique.

Ming De said: "The practice of this technique requires deep Buddhism and pious faith. The stronger the faith, the stronger the power. However, it is extremely difficult to practice. Several elders are enlightening. If they can fully understand and succeed in the cultivation, then It can dissolve the suffocation of Asura and make him convert to the Buddhist gate and become the guardian of the Buddhist gate. It can be described as a memorable event that will shake the Three Realms and go straight to the sky! "

"Can these three realms of faith be practiced?" Fa Yuan frowned. "If it's so easy, Ashura won't be mad."

Air Kong nodded strongly and agreed with the words of Fayuan.

"It is my thing to turn impossible into possible," Mingde said. "The elders have full confidence and will definitely succeed."

"Then let Asura kill them wantonly now?" Fa Yuan frowned. "It's too much! ... It's better to catch them first and let them fall down slowly. It's not too late to practice Chengdu."

Mingde said: "They will not be allowed to kill people. The elder Zhenjing in the temple has begun to set up the formation method on the moon's peak. As long as the formation is 10%, the moon's peak will become a jedi. Asuras will never get out of the mountain!"

"Elder Zhenjing shots!" Fa Yuan smiled.

"Unfortunately, the array is not easy to arrange." Mingde sighed. "It is still necessary to hide the Asuras, otherwise if they destroy, they will give up everything, so they would rather be slower and more secure."

"Fortunately ..." Fa Yuan nodded.

As long as the temple did not sit idly by, he calmed down and no longer felt guilty.

"Master, why are there so many Asuras on Yue Luofeng?" French round road: "The number is too amazing!"

Mingde glanced from side to side and sighed: "This is actually the industry created by the former people. The reason for this was that a batch of Asura hearts flowed out in the temple, and later they killed some of them. Now they are as powerful Asura. They were all killed and reincarnated at that time. "

"This ..." Fa Yuan frowned.

Mingde said: "The Asuras of Yueluofeng are gathered here by all five nations. According to the elder Xingjing, Yueluofeng is a holy place for cultivation of Asura, and enters the country very fast, so there are so many high-level asuras. , Ashura from the other four countries slowly came together. "

"Where do these Ashura hearts come from?" France rounded.

Ming De shook his head: "This is a secret that no one knows, and the elders are not clear. It has existed since the temple was built."

Fa Yuan slowly said: "All Ashura is gathered here. If we really want to kill ourselves, who can stop us in the season?"

"Only our Daleiyin Temple can be blocked!" Mingde slowly said: "Blessedness is already separated by one line. If the Three Realms of Letters can be repaired, these Asuras will be transformed into protection methods, then the strength of our Daleiyin Temple will increase greatly. It can also respond to the threats of the remaining four countries. "

Fa Yuan nodded slowly.

After the two men exited the hall, they left directly, and went down the mountain to the gods.

The two grey monk robes fluttered like a royal wind.

"Master, tell me about Chu Li this person." Fa Kong said in a deep voice.

"The donor Chu is an extremely clever person. He knows everything when he smells it. In a word, he knows what you are talking about. He seems to be bold but has a sense of proportion."

"I didn't expect you to admire this person so much."

"I'm not as smart as he is."

"So clever, why should we steal our fingers?"

"Brother, I can't conclude for now that he has learned to ask."

"Hey, that's true."

"Master Fayuan, your qualifications are peerless. How is he better than him?"

"He's become a master of heaven and earth in two years, I'm not as good."

"Don't be arrogant, you have deeper foundations, and you will go farther than him in the pursuit of God!"

"Yes." Fa Yuan nodded slowly.

He also believes that.

Chu Li's qualifications are peerless, but this is not the most critical. What he knows is the most important. Da Leiyin Temple's rich martial arts are by no means comparable to any martial arts. Chu Li is no smarter than most. It is the condensing of wisdom for thousands of years.

When the two arrived at An Wang Mansion, it was already the next morning.

Mr. Chu was busy coming out to meet the two, standing in front of the house and apologizing, "The two masters, unfortunately, are not here."

"Where did you go?" Fa Yuanhe asked.

"It seems to be going to Secret Mansion." President Zhu laughed. "The two masters come in for a break, or go to Secret Mansion?"

"Troublemaker Chu reported to the secret guard house."

"Yes, I'll report it immediately."

Two came to the lobby.

Director Chu ran to Miwei Mansion to find Chu Li.

After a long while, the general manager Chu came in and said helplessly: "The two masters, the general manager left Secret Guard House, I don't know where to go."

"... It's so unfortunate that we should avoid us, right?" Fakong frowned.

Fa Yuan shook his head.

President Zhu laughed: "The chief manager really didn't know that the two masters would come, otherwise they would definitely wait."

"Well, let's wait in the house, and find the yard for us."

"Yes, the two masters come with me."

President Chu took the two to a small and elegant courtyard.

The two sat for a while, and footsteps came from outside, but King An entered the courtyard with Xunning's company.

An Wang Heshi saluted and smiled, "Master Fayuan, is this ...?"

"The poor monk Fakong."

"Master Fakong, the Buddha came to the palace, it's really prosperous. The two masters are looking for the chief executive?"

"It is a pity that the Chu donor is not present." Fa Yuanhe even said.

An Wangdao: "The chief manager is very busy and rarely stays in the palace. Please forgive the two masters!"

"You don't need to be polite, we are here temporarily."

"I don't know what the two directors are looking for?" An Wang picked up a tea cup ~ www.readwn.com ~ and pretended to smile unintentionally: "Isn't it the chief manager that has provoked Daleiyin Temple again? ... If true In this way, I should take heavy responsibility for him, and Da Lei Yin Temple has the grace to rebuild the little monk. "

"Master Wang speaks heavily." Fa Yuan smiled. "The little monk would like to thank Master Wang for his profoundness and generosity."

"Where?" An Wang waved and laughed, "Isn't the chief executive in trouble?"

"In fact, it's nothing, it's about asking the heart." Fakong said: "We wanted to ask the Chu donor but we practiced the asking heart."

"Ask the heart?" Wang An surprised, "The secret transmission of Daleiyin Temple?"

"Yes," said Air France.

King An sings intently, "The chief executive will have a very powerful fingering, which will kill a lot of people based on this fingering.

"It seems to be really proficient in fingering," France said in a hollow voice. (To be continued.) Vote for the previous chapter ← Chapter list → Bookmark the next chapter

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