White-Robed Chief

Chapter 657: Heavy penalty

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He faintly felt something wrong, and there was an undercurrent lurking in it, as if someone had deliberately discredited the young master, aimed at the young master, stirred up the hostility of the disciples, and hindered the young master from taking over.

He doesn't know who it is, but after thinking about it, it can't be Duan Wuya. Duan Wuya doesn't have this thought and courage. He shouldn't be Murong Liang, so who is jìng?

Chu Dazhi snorted and stared at Li Weiran: "These guys are crazy!"

"Don't worry about yourself," Zhou Hange shook his head, "let them talk, don't mix in."

"I'm worried that the elders can't help it," Chu Dazhi hummed. "You can't give everyone a shot, even if you give it a shot, you can't change their minds!"

"Someone deliberately provoked." Zhou Hange shook his head and said, "I went back and said to my father that they would look it up carefully, get the guy out, and use the guys to engage in wind and rain, hateful!"

"Yes, come out!" Chu Dazhi hummed.

Suddenly a young disciple ran into the restaurant and yelled, "Elder Jin is back!"

The crowd suddenly looked over.

Most innate disciples enter the victory once a year and stay for a month. During this period, they were personally taught by the two elders and were grateful to the two elders. They were very dissatisfied with Chu Li's abolition of elder Hu's martial arts.

Now I heard that another elder Jin Sheng from Shengjing has arrived, and everyone is refreshed. I feel that this time I will definitely get justice for Elder Hu and punish the young master severely, so that he can no longer be so lawless.

Zhou Hange frowned, secretly troubled.

Chu Dazhi said: "Brother Zhou, let's meet the young master."

"... Um." Zhou Hange nodded.

The two went downstairs and went straight to Chu Li's small courtyard. When they were outside the courtyard, they found that Qiao San was guarding the door.

Joe San saw them and nodded.

"Does the young master know that Elder Jin has arrived?" Chu Dazhi busy.

Joe nodded three times.

"The young master isn't in a hurry to hide?" Chu Dazhi exclaimed.

Chu Li's voice came out: "What are you doing? Don't worry about it!"

Chu Dazhi said: "Young Master, this elder Jin is the first master in our case!"

"I want to meet this first master!" Chu Li Road said.

Chu Dazhi said: "Elder Jin's prestige is very high. If you defeat him, there will be no good results. Everyone will hate you less!"

Chu Li snorted softly and stopped talking.

Qiao San whispered: "You go back first, the master knows how to do it."

Zhou Hange said: "Be careful, Master Elder Jin is very powerful and overbearing."

"Um." Chu Li's voice came.

After the two left, Qiao San said: "Young master, let's listen to the master of the mountain, hide from this old guy!"

"Come in!" Chu left.

Qiao San busy pushed the door into qù.

Chu Li stood in the courtyard with a negative hand and thoughtfully: "This time I listen to you once and leave for a while!"

"Thank you, Master!" Joe San overjoyed.

Chu Li Road said: "The wife of Jin is too mad, I will come back and pack him!"

Qiao San waved his hands in a hurry: "I really want to do something with Elder Jin, that is to be against the disciples, never!"

Chu Li snorted: "They are all a bunch of waste!"

Qiao San smiled bitterly: "Young Master, this is impossible!"

Chu Li Road said: "Too lazy to talk nonsense, and then teach them xùn them, go first!"

"Young Master, just hide for a few days, Elder Jin will not stay long, and he will return to victory." Qiao San whispered: "He must not rest assured that the victory is over, for fear that the Lord will stay like Elder Hu he."

"Elder Hu can't let go." Chu left.

Qiao San said: "I can only see the owner of the mountain."

Chu Li waved his hand, and fluttered across the wall, but hòu disappeared.


There was some dimness in the hall, the sunset was shining on the windows, and the room was dim.

In addition to the seven of Zhugefeng, there is a short round-faced old man with eyes narrowed as if he can't open, but the eyes revealed by his eyes are as substantive as they are shocking.

He faced seven people by himself, overwhelming the crowd, and said coldly, "Tell me how to deal with this young master?"

"Elder Kim, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the young master." Murong Chun said: "It's really Lu Tianji's too much, and shame the younger mother's first mother in person, you can't stop changing anyone."

"It's okay to use it, but the martial arts are discarded." Jin Yan said coldly: "It's so fierce to the same door. If not heavy punishment, all disciples will follow suit, and Funiu Mountain will fall apart in front of you!"

He didn't wait for everyone to speak, Shen said, "What's more, he committed the elder's martial arts after committing the following crimes. How can you elders tolerate this? Is it possible that any disciple can do something with you, isn't it wrong?"

"But Elder Hu ..." Murong Chun said.

Jin Yong waved his hand: "For whatever reason, as a disciple of Funiu Mountain, it is a felony to dare to commit an injury to an elder! What is your doubt?"

"Elder Jin said yes, he must be heavily punished!" Zhu Gefeng nodded slowly.

The crowd looked at him anxiously.

Jin Yong said yes, but things were not that simple, involving the dispute of the next mountain lord, and they took the lead in using mean means to blame themselves.

Jin Yi said: "I said punishment, you listen."

Everyone was shocked.

Jin Mao said: "Take away his identity as the next successor of the mountain master."

The crowd was in a hurry.

Jin Yan waved and hummed, "I haven't finished!"

He was terrifying, and everyone couldn't help shutting up.

Jin Mao said: "Abandon martial arts!"

He waved again, blocking what they wanted to say, Shen said, "Expulsion from Funiu Mountain!"

"Elder Jin, the punishment is too heavy!" Murong Chun shook her head.

Jin Yan hummed: "He is so violent and is qualified to become the next mountain master? If you harm the same door, you will abandon the martial arts. If you commit the following offenses, you will be expelled from the Funiu Mountain. Is the old man favoritism? "

Murong Chun said busyly: "Elder Jin, for some reason, you can reduce punishment as appropriate."

"Regardless of the reason, the rules are the rules!" Jin Yan hummed. "Where does this happen for a reason? Where is the rule set? Can he be a master and be above the rules?"

Xia Li said: "Elder Jin, although the young master has had it, he has great gratitude to my Funiu Mountain. Such ruthless treatment is a bit chilling."

"Gong cannot be offset," Jin said, shaking his head. "I said it was him, even if I had violated the door regulations ~ www.readwn.com ~, I must also be punished according to the rules, no exception!"

The crowd was speechless.

Jin Mao said: "It's all set, Mountain Master, is there any doubt?"

"Forget the martial arts, expel Zongmen directly." Zhuge Feng said lightly.

Jin Mao said: "He has committed two felonies. How can he punish his own rules? Does the owner want to be selfish?"

Zhuge Feng said: "He saved me a duodan to save me a sin?"

"Okay, that's the case, then you will be expelled directly from the Zongmen!" Jin Yan said coldly.

Everyone sighed and remained silent.

Jin Mao said, "Come, go and bring Zhuge Tian!"

"Yes!" Two middle-aged purple men outside the hall answered in a deep voice, and flew towards Chu Li's courtyard. (To be continued.)

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