White-Robed Chief

Chapter 721: War

Jeju Mansion

Suddenly came Zhou Zifeng's drink in Guogong's bedroom: "Daddy!"

"Daddy--!" Zhou Zimo's voice also sounded, revealing the sorrow.

The guards and women's relatives in the small courtyard suddenly changed their faces, knowing that the Grandpa was afraid that he was already suffocating, and the pillars of the Grandpa's government collapsed. They could not help but grow up in grief. I wonder what will happen to the Grandpa's government in the future!

Zhou Zifeng walked slowly out of the hall, his face was somber, and he glanced at everyone: "Luo Lao, arrange it. It is estimated that the younger generation will take the opportunity to make waves!"

"Yes, Grandpa, I'll send all the guards back home!"

Zhou Zifeng nodded slowly and sighed, "Dear everyone, now it is time for the government office to survive, and everyone can work together to get through this barrier!"

"Uncle, father-in-law ..." Zhou Mei asked with concern.

Zhou Zifeng sighed and shook his head.

"Gonggong's magical skills, isn't it so abandoned?" Zhou Mei busy.

Zhou Zifeng said, "Xiu Luo ’s palm is too sinister and overwhelming. He ca n’t be cured. His father has been working hard to resist, but he still could n’t resist it. Alas, now he can rest and it ’s a relief.”

"Well ..." Zhou Meiyouyoujiao sighed: "If the days are not fake, how unfair God is!"

The second lady Wanyi said, "I'll go and help the father-in-law."

Zhou Zifeng shook his head: "No need. When the third brother returns, we will send our father into the Guogong Temple."

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Wan Yi frowned. "It must have been delayed again. Five days later, the people at Daleiyin Temple haven't come yet!"

Zhou Zifeng said: "The third brother knows the importance."

Wan Yi said: "He has no experience, he is afraid that he won't do well."

"The key is on ourselves!" Zhou Zifeng said, "Don't you come out in your own house tonight, it is estimated that someone will take the opportunity to break into the government house and give them a little look!"

"Yes." The girls nodded.

"Let's go in and see the father-in-law." Zhou Mei said: "You can't even look at it for the last time."

"Well, look in." Zhou Zifeng nodded.

The two women entered the room lightly, came to the bedroom, saw Zhou Zimo crying, saw them come in, and wiped a tear.

Zhou Mei came to the bed, stroking Jiguogong's cold hand, sighed and backed away, Wan Yi only looked at it and shook her head.

They retreated lightly, leaving only three people in the house.

Ji Guogong Zhou Yutian suddenly stood up and whispered: "Zhou Mei is really martial arts!"

Chu Lijun appeared in the house.

Zhou Yutian said, "Chu Li, how well did you help?"

Chu Lidao said: "It's our people in white masks. Now there is a group outside the back door. The grandson greets him."

"Well, go." Zhou Yutian said.

Zhou Zifeng nodded and got up to leave.

Chu Lidao said: "The Grandpa is sitting in the town hall, and I will be in the city."

"Okay." Zhou Yutian nodded slowly, "There is work!"

Chu Lihuanquan flashed away.

Zhou Zimo frowned, "Daddy ..."

He was a bit worried that if the Holy Religion had been taken away, whether the government of Jeju would be seized, it would be impossible to prevent it. It was unpredictable.

"So far, you can only bet on it," Zhou Yutian hummed.

Zhou Zimo nodded helplessly.


A bright moon hangs on the horizon, and the moonlight is like water, which makes the government of Jiguo mysterious and quiet.

Twenty-two masked men in black clothes suddenly rushed out on Jishuicheng Street. The wind flew across the street like a light smoke, rushed straight into the government building, rushed in through the main entrance, and then there was a burst of whistling .

"Bang, bang, bang ..." The muffled sound was endless, and the sound of the fighting between the masters outside the sky and the sky broke the tranquility of the Jiguo government.

People in Jishui City could vaguely hear the movement of the government office, but did not dare to come out and look around.

The people in Jishui City settled down. When the grandfather returned to his house, he would make a circle in the city every day. People saw that he was at ease.

Twenty-two masked men in black rushed in and found that they had fallen into a trap. Forty-four masked men in white were waiting for themselves, two to one, most of them had the upper hand. Is a master of heaven and earth.

Six black masked men faced the siege of the two. Not only did they not lose the wind, they also prevailed. They quickly gained an overwhelming advantage. Four white masked men rushed over their companions and their opponents, and the companions stayed to cope. Opponents did not fall into the wind.

The situation quickly stalled and balance was maintained.

Ji Guogong stood on the roof, looking down at the fight below, and said in a deep voice, "Which friend is coming all the way, is my Jin Guogong a place where you can leave the wild!"

Twenty-two masked men in black saw the majestic state standing on the roof and suddenly knew they were fooled.

They must have been found inside, deliberately enticing themselves to come here, and be trapped.

They are not panic, even if one enemy is two, if they really want to withdraw, it is enough to rely on their own secret skills, just before they leave, they will get enough benefits.

The two gangs fought and stalemate. None of them fell down. Tian Wai Tian Master's toughness was amazing. Without overwhelming advantages, it was difficult to solve each other for a while.

The white-faced masked man is extremely flexible. Once he finds that his opponent is weak, he leaves one to deal with, and the remaining one to support his companion. A few strokes of effort formed the suppression and turned the number advantage into the situation advantage.

The Jigong jumped down, condensed into a punch in the air, and hit the black man who was besieged by five white masked men.

The figure in black was slender and upright. Facing the fist of Jie Guogong, he suddenly flashed and was able to avoid it. The boxer almost hit the white masked man, taking advantage of the opportunity of the white masked man to dodge the punch. He struck out a few palms instantly, like ghosts.

Suddenly, he slammed a muffled sound, and then his eyes shot red, as if they were actually stabbing at five people.

"Asura!" Ji Guogong sang and greeted him: "Leave it to me, you help others!"

"Bang, bang, bang ..." He collided with Asura for a dozen moments in fists, and they did not retreat. They hit the roof from the courtyard, and then from the roof to the courtyard. They have reached the courtyard of the side hall ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Huh, just think it's me! "Ji Guogong sneered as he punched.

A clear whistling sounded in a restaurant in Jishui City, ringing through the night sky: "No. 1!"

Five masked men in white drilled out of the restaurant not far from the state government house, such as five light smokes, rushed into the state government house in a blink of an eye, and shot at the black man who was gaining the upper hand. .

These five people martial arts far surpassed the guards of the state government. As soon as they joined in, the masked men in white immediately suppressed the men in black.

A man in black yelled, "Do it!"

A small courtyard shot two slender figures, in black clothes and black towels, and rushed to the Jiguogong study with a torch.

The clear howling sounded again: "No. 2!"

Two people in white clothes and white towels shot from the restaurant just now. They walked like a royal sky. They flew outside the study room of Jiguo. They greeted the two people in black. With a few tricks, they suppressed the two and restrained them. . (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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