White-Robed Chief

Chapter 748: Shenwei

The middle-aged man turned around to avoid.

However, because the momentum of the forward charge was too fierce, the shape of the turn was not so flexible. He watched the sword cut across, and his neck hurt, and the scenery turned upside down, turned upside down, and eventually turned into darkness.

The first-level man of the middle-aged man rolled down to the ground, his body was still rushing forward, Chu Li was kicked and kicked, flying backwards to the rushing iron blood to help everyone.

They were startled and dodged.

There was a big drink from the crowd: "Run over and hack him!"

"Cut him!" The momentum of Iron Blood helping the crowd to speed up again immediately, rushed to Chu Li in a blink of an eye.

Chu Li laughed out loud: "Happy! Happy!"

He waved his sword sharply and met several swords.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." With a clear sound, six knives flew into the air, and one's head also flew into the air.

Chu Li's sword is like electricity. No matter the knife or the person, the sword is swiped in the past.

He stood at the door, with limited number of people rushing at the same time, with only six people side by side.

Chu Li is another Pingjiang style. The front row of people are busy and back. After seeing the sharp and arrogant style of Chu Li's sword, he dares not to make a hard connection and wants to back away from it.

But the people in the back want to rush up, the people in front want to retreat.

"Oh!" Three heads flew up.

Chu Li stepped forward and laughed, "Come, come again!"

"Go!" Someone whispered, and everyone turned and ran.

Chu Li stood at the door and laughed: "Haha, the idiots of the Iron Man Gang, look at your guts, they are smaller than mice, huh!"

Guo Shan limped over quickly, saw blood and headless corpses in one place, looked at Chu Li again, and smiled excitedly: "Okay!"

Chu Li grinned his thick lips, and hehe smiled, "I'm fine, right?"

"Good! Good!" Guo Shan patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "I didn't expect you to be so great!"

"How many times have I said that you don't believe it!" Chu Li shook his head.

"Hey ..." Several gangsters ran away, covering their mouths, afraid to look.

Although the chivalrous gang and the iron blood gang have conflicts and stab wounds, they have never seen such a terrible scene of two points of the corpse, and they cannot stand the powerful impact, and the vomiting cannot be stopped.

"Clean it up, everyone keeps vigilant, don't sleep too much!" Guo Shanyang said.

Song Fei said: "Xiang Xiang, I'm going to listen to the news."

"Go." Guo Shan laughed: "Don't get caught!"

"Xiangzhu rest assured!" Song Fei laughed.

He said he got out and disappeared into the night.

Chu Li and Guo Shan returned to the yard and sat at the stone table.

"Dahe, aren't you hurt?"

"It's okay!" Chu Li patted his chest and said proudly: "Small!"

"The previous one was an innate master!" Guo Shan said: "The internal force hurts people invisible, you have to be careful!"

"I'm very strong, and there is no problem with a little injury, just sleep!" Chu Li Road said.

The internal force just rushed into the body just now, but for his mighty body, this internal force is optional and need not be ignored.

"You killed an innate master!" Guo Shan sighed.

Some gangs were scared and vomited, while some gangs were very excited. They quickly collected the five corpses, flushed the blood, covered a pile of dry mud, and then swept the mud twice. Just about it.

But the **** smell was still strong.

Song Fei rushed back quickly, entered the courtyard, and whispered, "Xiang Xiang, the town is in chaos. The Iron Gang not only attacked us and Zhou Xiang, Lord Deng Xiang and Su Xiang were attacked. It was also fighting. "

"What happened?" Guo Shan asked quickly.

"Still alive!" Song Fei said.

"Let's go and see!" Chu Li suddenly exclaimed, "Not enough to kill!"

Guo Shan thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes, we can't just sit back and ignore and have to help them! ... first go to Su Xiang's house, help the master martial arts to stand up to the past, don't worry about us!"

In Ping'an Town, there is almost nothing that can threaten the helper. Even if the helper is iron, it may not be able to beat the helper. Even if it can be beaten, it won't be a short while.

"Go!" Chu Li busy said.

Guo Shan yelled, "Everyone is going to save Su Xiangzhu together. The Iron Gang has declared war on us, and he has taught them hard, everyone is going to save Su Xiangzhu!"

"Yes!" The crowd was high.

Although Xiang Xiang was still injured, they had Zhao Dahe, who had a few cruel and cruel swords just now, but gave them the backbone.

Although Guo Shan walked abruptly, he was striding at a very fast pace. He left the house and went straight to the west. The two miles passed in a blink of an eye, and they heard shouts and shouts from not far away.

Chu Liyuan shouted, "Idiots of the Iron Gang, Lao Tzu, Zhao Dahe, come and pack up!"

He took a big step, running away like a sprint horse.

The crowd waved their weapons to keep up, and soon fell short.

Guo Shanchong was about ten steps away from Chu before the crowd.

He has already calculated that this distance is the most suitable. He will not fight with the first wave of people, nor will he appear to be weak. The strongest wave must be attracted to Zhao Dahe.

Chu Li rushed into a house like a galloping horse.

Forty or so people are fighting together in groups, with twelve lying on the ground, mostly disciples of Chivalry.

Chu Li rushed in, slashing his sword, one by one, some split on the shoulders, some split on the neck, and some split on the chest. There was no one-in-one under his hands, and he blinked from head to tail.

Xiang Qing Su Qinghe is fighting with two middle-aged men and has been wounded and in danger.

The two middle-aged men were tall, wielding swords, and short and thin, wielding swords like poisonous snakes. Su Qinghe was unable to fight back.

Chu Li rushed forward, wielding his sword to the middle and high age.

This tall and middle-aged man looked at the six roads and heard all directions. He had seen Chu Li's aggressive momentum. He stepped back to avoid the sword. The cold of the knife's tip still passed through a foot, making him feel shocked.

Chu Li missed a mountain-breaking style, followed by another step in a Pingjiang style, and the middle-aged man retreated.

Chu Li stopped chasing and turned to another short, middle-aged man who was fighting Su Qinghe.

The short and middle-aged man focused on Su Qinghe and failed to pay attention to him, waving his sword to meet him.

"Ding ..." The long sword flew up, Chu Li wiped another sword on his head.

The short-skinned middle-aged sees the situation is not good, he is small and light, a lazy donkey rolled away from the wolf howling, his palms are still numb, and the strength from the sword body is too strong.

Chu Li was too lazy to come to him and came to Su Qinghe, holding a knife to protect him: "Su Xiangzhu, does it matter?"

Su Qinghe shook his head, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, poured a pill into his mouth, and Changshu breathed a sigh of relief: "Dahe, thanks to you!"

Chu Li held the sword in front of him, looking forward to Shenfei: "a trivial matter!"

"How did you get here?"

"The guys also came to attack Guo Xiangzhu, and I repelled them!" Chu Li hummed. "Xiao Song said that several Xiangzhu masters were attacked ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let's run over to help."

Tiexue helped everyone to retreat like a tide, and Guo Shan didn't chase after him. He rushed in to see Su Qinghe was alive, and Changshu breathed out, "Thank God!"

Su Qinghe hugged his fists, his face still pale: "Thank you, Guo Xiangzhu!"

Guo Shan waved his hand: "It's all about helping the Chinese brothers. Please help each other. Lord Guo Xiang, first heal you. Let's save Lord Deng Xiang and help the Lord."

"I'll go with everyone!"

"……it is good!"

The crowd rushed out of Su's house and headed south.

But when they rushed to Deng Xianli's house, the war had stopped and the wounded were lying on the ground.

"Where is Lord Deng Xiang?" Guo Shan rushed in and said busyly.

The disciples showed a sad and sad look: "Xiangzhu ..." (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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